
Cat Allergies (not you, the cat) :-)

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Thanks for checking in you guys! I hope that this shot does the trick. I was looking at some pics I took of her in November and she was fine, no eye discharge or anything, so I''m really hoping this is seasonal and the shot will help.

Date: 3/5/2007 3:32:50 PM
Author: diamondfan
Firegoddess, does allergy typically affect one eye only? I ask because Maya (dog) had that issue and the eye specialist said allergies would affect both eyes...also, have you tried pill pockets for cats? you smush it all around the pill and it really disguises things. Maya got to the point where she would not eat her food even after I stopped putting meds in it, and she is an EATER so it was worrisome to me. Petco usually has them...I would rather get a benadryl in her at home than have to go to the vet or do shots myself...the pill pockets are worth trying!
Diamondfan, I don''t think it typically only affects one eye. She does get a little discharge from the other eye but it''s a very small amount and not constant like the eye that is bothering her. I did try the pill pockets on Saturday but Chloe wants nothing to do with them. She won''t even eat them when they''re empty now, because she still thinks I''m trying to give her a pill inside. Stubborn cat.
Date: 3/5/2007 2:52:42 PM
Author: Finding_Neverland
Our baby, the Tom Cat, has been sick this weekend. He''s nearly 21 so whenever he gets ill it''s a concern. This cat hates to be covered up, but Friday evening, all he wanted was to sit in Momma''s lap with his blankie over him. He''s doing better now so we think, hope, it was just a stomach bug.
I forgot to mention FN, I hope Tom Cat is feeling his normal self now....head bonks his way.
Glad to hear it! I was laughing when you said how he was "yelling" at you and how guilty you felt LOL...I need sedation when we go to the vet...It''s worse for us I think! :) Especially when Vinny pooped and hurled all over himself on the way there today..and they made ME clean it LOL....definitely worse for us :)

Again, so happy he''s going well!

Ah, sorry it was a tough trip to the vet. Hope the shot does the trick!
Well, I wanted to report that WOW - that shot is AWESOME.

She got it on Monday and by Wednesday, her eye wasn''t running anymore. Hasn''t run since, and the goo has all dried up so she doesn''t have eye boogies anymore either. She hasn''t sneezed while I''ve been around, though I don''t really know how much she sneezes till the weekend when I''m not at work during the day. All in all, she looks really good and healthy, like she did in November before all of this started. Two thumbs up!

I hope the symptoms don''t come back after the shot wears off in another week. Otherwise she''ll have to get another one.
That''s great news FG! I hope that this really does work well for her and that it doesn''t do anything wonky to her blood count.

BTW.... Thank you for the water additive info.
Thanks Gypsy. Hopefully her blood count will be okay. Her allergies are definitely clearing up.

I hope you like the Petkin. I got it at PetClub, and saw some at PetSmart too, so you likely don''t need to order it online.
Hooray for Chloe!!!
Here''s hoping she stays allergy-free for a while!
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