
Cat rescuers - advice please

Two weeks in and the boys are part of the household and teaching the in-laws’ dogs their place :lol-2: my FIL was home alone this weekend and spent it with two cats draped over him or near him all weekend. They’re sleeping in the bedroom with the dogs and it’s all going very very well!
Two weeks in and the boys are part of the household and teaching the in-laws’ dogs their place :lol-2: my FIL was home alone this weekend and spent it with two cats draped over him or near him all weekend. They’re sleeping in the bedroom with the dogs and it’s all going very very well!

I should update on the journey of these guys.
The lovely chocolate George didn’t make it past a year after being rescued. He developed mouth cancer. My in-laws started chemo with him but his kidneys failed. He died loved and looked after though, not outside and neglected.
The seal-point Siamese boy, Teddy, is still going strong, still adored and now has a cinnamon-point companion who is our Orientals’ brother. They bonded very quickly and it’s been wonderful for the old man. It’s especially sweet as he and his brother are why we fell in love with Siamese/Orientals so they are why we have our beloved Min and Otto now.
Rest in peace, George - glad his last days were comfortable and Teddy and your kitties are doing well. <3
Bless all of you for saving these cats and giving them their best lives, no matter how long or short their times on earth. All of our four current pets ( 3 cats and one dog) were rescued by us after being discarded by other humans, as have most of our other pets over the years.
I choose to believe that there is a special place in Hell for those human animals who harm, neglect or simply just throw away the non human animals!