ksinger|1293809209|2810916 said:Pulling the stamens out of the honeysuckle flowers and sucking out the nectar.
My mom worked at a bank, and they did these punched cards (for what I don't know) but it resulted in buckets of these tiny multi-colored punches. TINY. Mom would bring home bags of the stuff, give me and my friends a bowl and measuring cups and let us go to town playing with the colorful confetti. OUTSIDE.
Walking to the nearby convenience store (more a country store really) - it had a ricketly wooden screen door, and wood floors. We'd take our quarter (singular) and get all sorts of stuff. Giant Pixie Stix. Mmm! And those horrible wax bottles filled with "embalming fluid"! Great stuff!
Walking to a nearby church with a covered portico and drive (small actually, but it seemed HUGE to us), and strapping on our metal rollerskates and being oh so graceful, we thought.
Learning how to bake and make lacey fried white cornbread from a neighbor from Georgia.
Hitting up my friend for Borden Fudgesicles. Her dad was a refrigeration repairman who worked for Borden, and they gave damaged stuff to their employees (he even took us there to see the freezers once), so they always had a deepfreeze FULL of frozen milk, icecream and Fudgesicles. Endless supply. All summer.
Climbing the mimosa trees. Taking the mimosa flowers and stringing them with needle and thread into fluffy leis.
I still do that!