
Children w/ Food Allergies: Support

I was told that not all ambulances carry epipens so make sure you know what your jurisdiction's protocols are. I know someone in my local area (dc area) had to call 911 for her kid and on the way out, grabbed their spare pen. As it turned out, the ambulance didn't carry one so it was fortunate she had her own. I'm in a local online allergy support group where this story was related and it freaked me out.
VRBeauty|1375379883|3494660 said:
Peanut allergies made the news here in Sacramento this week, tragically, following the death of a young teen at a local camp. I thought I'd post links to the Sacramento Bee articles here in case any of you might find them useful.

Years of caution about peanut allergy fails to save teen who died at Camp Sacramento:

Elk Grove school district to ban peanut products from elementary schools

VR, thanks for posting sharing this, I actually forwarded this to my husband and am going to put in a call to our Allergist to see if we should just do benadryl and EPI together? or if this is just a freak thing. :(( ;(

SQ, thanks for starting this thread so we have a place to share concerns and thoughts.
Logan Sapphire|1375386670|3494743 said:
I was told that not all ambulances carry epipens so make sure you know what your jurisdiction's protocols are. I know someone in my local area (dc area) had to call 911 for her kid and on the way out, grabbed their spare pen. As it turned out, the ambulance didn't carry one so it was fortunate she had her own. I'm in a local online allergy support group where this story was related and it freaked me out.
good idea on confirming. oh that is horrible. :errrr: I actually talked to 2 of our ambulance techs locally and they confirmed to me they have medicine on board here.
It's here and it's very cool!

And, a comparison shot.

Logan Sapphire|1375396501|3494842 said:
And, a comparison shot.

Logan, wow, what a big difference; do they give you 2 like they do for the EPI pen? How much is it? do they have a practice one you can play with? thanks for posting that! I am on a fb peanut support group where they talked about this but I never seen a comparison pic.
Skippy|1375400481|3494895 said:
Logan Sapphire|1375396501|3494842 said:
And, a comparison shot.

Logan, wow, what a big difference; do they give you 2 like they do for the EPI pen? How much is it? do they have a practice one you can play with? thanks for posting that! I am on a fb peanut support group where they talked about this but I never seen a comparison pic.

Yes, it's a twin pack. Ours say for 33 to 60 something pounds, and they do come with a trainer like the epi pen. The trainer talks, just like the real deal. My kids stole them and ran off pretending they were cell phones.

Our dr did write 3 twin packs per refill so I got 3 packs for $31. I guess my insurance didn't allow me to get them all for free like I did with the epipens, but $31 is not bad, especially since they filled it first without the coupon and it was over $300!!!
thanks Logan, wow, what a savings; I think we will ask for that since I need to refill one prescription.

Okay so I know Rosebloom and myself was wondering the increase in food allergies. I happened to run across this video on GMO modified foods and the increase in allergies in animals in a study. I am not saying, here is the answer but i found it interesting. Also in that same webpage Dr. Greene talks about food allergies in a 1 year old vs a 4 year old.
We registered our Epipen and got the carrying case in the mail today. Thank you Skippy!

Tomorrow is our appointment with the nutritionist. I will let everyone know how it goes.
sphenequeen|1375917591|3498576 said:
We registered our Epipen and got the carrying case in the mail today. Thank you Skippy!

Tomorrow is our appointment with the nutritionist. I will let everyone know how it goes.

best wishes tomorrow! please keep us posted!
Hi All,

So we had the date wrong. The appointment is 8/22. I will post after that appointment. I hope everyone and their beloved children are well! Chat soon.
B just had his allergy testing. I was curious has to how they would do it since he is so young, but they did it on his back just like the adults. He had 20 pricks in all, 10 food and 10 environmental. He only had one environmental reaction, to cats. We have cats and I was expecting this. He also had reactions to milk, eggs, soy, and peanut. The peanut is really odd to me since he's never had anything with peanut in it. The doctor wants us to wait until he's 2.5 to introduce them and do it at the office. He thinks there's a good chance he won't have a reaction. As far as the other foods, he thinks the cats are responsible for B's symptoms. We have to do nasonex for two weeks and see if that clears him up. Once he's clear he wants us to do a 1 week elimination/reintroduction for each. He said if any of those are causing issues we'd notice a change right away (since he'd already be clear from the nasonex). Now I'm torn as to what to do with the cats. The measures he wants us to take to keep B free from dander are daunting and I almost would prefer finding a new home for my fur babies.
amc, what was the reason that B had allergy testing? Did he have a reaction to a food or was it due to his sinus infections?
jfo|1377091934|3507190 said:
amc, what was the reason that B had allergy testing? Did he have a reaction to a food or was it due to his sinus infections?

He's pretty much been congested since he was born. His pediatrician insisted it was just daycare colds reoccurring, but there was never a break- it's been constant. He's been treated for three sinus infections as a result. Finally when B turned 1 his pedi recommended allergy testing (duh).
amc80|1377099445|3507282 said:
jfo|1377091934|3507190 said:
amc, what was the reason that B had allergy testing? Did he have a reaction to a food or was it due to his sinus infections?

He's pretty much been congested since he was born. His pediatrician insisted it was just daycare colds reoccurring, but there was never a break- it's been constant. He's been treated for three sinus infections as a result. Finally when B turned 1 his pedi recommended allergy testing (duh).

poor guy! I am allergic to both cats and dogs; I hope your lo gets relief soon! I hope he isn't allergic to peanuts; it sounds like if he isn't you got the false positives they talk about, fingers crossed! Eggs for us might be a false positive since Miles came back allergic.
Skippy|1377127163|3507605 said:
amc80|1377099445|3507282 said:
jfo|1377091934|3507190 said:
amc, what was the reason that B had allergy testing? Did he have a reaction to a food or was it due to his sinus infections?

He's pretty much been congested since he was born. His pediatrician insisted it was just daycare colds reoccurring, but there was never a break- it's been constant. He's been treated for three sinus infections as a result. Finally when B turned 1 his pedi recommended allergy testing (duh).

poor guy! I am allergic to both cats and dogs; I hope your lo gets relief soon! I hope he isn't allergic to peanuts; it sounds like if he isn't you got the false positives they talk about, fingers crossed! Eggs for us might be a false positive since Miles came back allergic.

Thank you! I really don't see how it couldn't be a false positive. I mean can kids be allergic to something they've never had? I suppose he could have gotten some sort of contamination somewhere, somehow, but I know he's never ingested peanuts or anything with peanuts. REALLY hoping it's a false positive. I'm also wondering if the cat allergy is causing some of those other ones to be positive. I know when you are having allergic reactions to one thing it can increase your sensitivity to other things, so I'm hoping once we take care of the cats those other food things won't be an issue. Probably just being overly optimistic....
Hi All,

Checking in with an update regarding the nutritionist. Basically, it was a waste of our time... The nutritionist gave us pamphlets that could have been mailed/emailed to us and was not able to answer some of our basic questions. Apparently there is a nutritionist on staff that specializes in food allergies in children, but we did not see her. If anyone gets a referral to a nutritionist for their child, I would recommend making sure that the nutritionist is versed in food allergies.
sphenequeen|1377302498|3508902 said:
Hi All,

Checking in with an update regarding the nutritionist. Basically, it was a waste of our time... The nutritionist gave us pamphlets that could have been mailed/emailed to us and was not able to answer some of our basic questions. Apparently there is a nutritionist on staff that specializes in food allergies in children, but we did not see her. If anyone gets a referral to a nutritionist for their child, I would recommend making sure that the nutritionist is versed in food allergies.

ugh, how frustrating; I would of been upset too! :angryfire: This mom has a nice blog on food allergy friendly meals.
Skippy, you're an angel. :saint:
I just watched this documentary on the epidemic of food allergies by the Discovery channel last night. It will be showing on the website for a while longer so I thought I would share the link in case anyone else wanted to watch it. It's pretty well done I think.
Okay ladies, I need your help. Our allergist wants us to give B a dairy free diet (just the obvious dairy stuff, we don't need to read labels or anything). I'm trying to decide on a milk replacement. He can't have almond milk at daycare, and he showed a sensitivity to soy (plus I don't really like the idea of him having soy, anyway). The allergist said rice is okay but not great nutritionally. What other options should I explore? Oat milk? Coconut milk? Am I missing anything?

ETA- Any recommendations for protein? He refuses most meat (he will eat lunch meat on occasion). He was sensitive to eggs so those are out. Milk was probably his primary source of protein.
marym, that is a great link; I watched it too! I think the first story was super scary but I remind myself that it is the exception. I did find it interesting that one mom said she tried hard not to project her anxiety because kids pick up on that and can become anxious themselves.

amc80|1380048058|3526440 said:
Okay ladies, I need your help. Our allergist wants us to give B a dairy free diet (just the obvious dairy stuff, we don't need to read labels or anything). I'm trying to decide on a milk replacement. He can't have almond milk at daycare, and he showed a sensitivity to soy (plus I don't really like the idea of him having soy, anyway). The allergist said rice is okay but not great nutritionally. What other options should I explore? Oat milk? Coconut milk? Am I missing anything?

ETA- Any recommendations for protein? He refuses most meat (he will eat lunch meat on occasion). He was sensitive to eggs so those are out. Milk was probably his primary source of protein.

what is your little one allergic to? just dairy? I don't know about the milk question but I was thinking up alternatives for protein. Hemp Milk? Could he eat nuts? lentils, or beans?
Skippy|1380064268|3526642 said:
what is your little one allergic to? just dairy? I don't know about the milk question but I was thinking up alternatives for protein. Hemp Milk? Could he eat nuts? lentils, or beans?

Allergic to dairy and sensitivity to eggs, soy, and peanuts. So no nuts (plus he's only 13 months and I think nuts are 2 years +?). Lentils and beans could work if I could make them in such a way that he'd try them. That's part of the problem, he refuses to even try certain foods, like chicken. Grr.
amc80|1380064709|3526652 said:
Skippy|1380064268|3526642 said:
what is your little one allergic to? just dairy? I don't know about the milk question but I was thinking up alternatives for protein. Hemp Milk? Could he eat nuts? lentils, or beans?

Allergic to dairy and sensitivity to eggs, soy, and peanuts. So no nuts (plus he's only 13 months and I think nuts are 2 years +?). Lentils and beans could work if I could make them in such a way that he'd try them. That's part of the problem, he refuses to even try certain foods, like chicken. Grr.

I would just give him a multi vitamin with iron and just let him eat what he can. toddlers are so tough to get them to eat, and so picky. sorry, I am no help.
The pediatric dietician that works with our ped GI recommends hemp milk as the nondairy option for little ones. She says it has the best fat and protein profile. But she also said that we should read the labels because some coconut and almond milks are now adding extra protein so basically anything with extra protein is the way to go. Does your son like smoothies? If so there are some hemp protein powders that I've used that are ok tasting (especially if you add a banana) and lots of protein.
Also, our ped GI really stressed for us going 100% dairy free. That may be because my son has a full on dairy/soy allergy. But she said even trace amounts could irritate his stomach and cause a host of issues (primarily relating to inflammation and absorbing nutrients). I'm sure your doctor is on top of this but I just wanted to share since I had a different experience.