
#TBT Color-change sapphire engagement ring

So so pretty! Congratulations!
I love the stone.
What a beauty, hope you are wearing it in good health! :)
Very pretty. Congratulations. How fun to have a color change sapphire. :appl:
I know I have already posted in this thread but I keep coming back to see pics. Your ring is my most favourite ring ever! :appl:
Thanks so much! :) I really love wearing it, it's so comfortable and pretty. Though I am starting to wonder if I should have gone with a sturdier setting like a bezel since I realize now that I am a real klutz.. keep banging the ring against my desk, walls, doors, etc..... getting a little paranoid that I will chip the stone. :knockout: I really love the setting though, and it's my ering !! so it's a little agonizing to think about resetting it so soon (and the wedding's not til March!).. haha.. oh first world problems I guess :cheeky:
Don't reset it! It will be fine, sapphires are a durable stone. I would talk to Sally about any concerns you may have. She really reassured me with a ruby lotus I have from her which has the same hardness (both corundum) Desks, walls and doors aren't bad for a sapphire unless it is a brick wall. I would not touch that ring, it is so lovely!
Gorgeous! It looks perfect just as is. :)
Beautiful ring - great work by Sally. :love: I wouldn't worry about knocking it about too much - give yourself time to get used to wearing a ring constantly, you'll naturally start to protect it. Soon you'll feel naked without it! :lol: My only concern is it does look quite loose - I lost my original ruby ering due to it being slightly loose, cold day & too much hand cream - fatal combination ;( and it was devastating. So perhaps a slightly tighter wedding band to hold it in place?
That is one of the most beautiful rings I've ever seen - the color of the stone is just gorgeous!!!
It looks so delicate!
So glad this came up for TBT! So very apt, as I am about to get the final layouts for MY e-ring with Sally! Looks like this was indeed "the start of an expensive habit.":lol: :lol: :lol: But your collection that has grown since is just wonderful! Such a beautiful, intentional, juicy collection of rich gems and gold. I have been again and again coming to your pieces for inspiration!

... and it seems that I too have fallen headfirst into the world of pretty sparklies... haha

Congrats on the ring that started it all, and thank you!
@elliefire99 thanks for the kind comment. It has been a slippery slope indeed :lol:
I hope you enjoy the process of creating your ring with Sally, and hope you will share photos of the finished ring. Congratulations on your engagement! :appl: