
Color Grade of your Engagement Ring

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Sep 7, 2003
Color Grade of your E Ring.........
With "K and above" I really meant and "K and below" as in L, M, N, O, P etc...
I traded up my 1.51 F VVS2 for a 2.03 G VS1, and I have never noticed any difference between the two colors.
I did take it to a few jewelry stores to get a second opinion and everyone believed it was an F or E colored stone.
Before this, I would never have given G a second thought, I really wanted to stay in the colorless range, but now I wouldn't hesitate to get a G or H.
My vote said as an F,

In the "one thing you would change about your engagement ring", I said lesser quality clarity & color resulting in a bigger stone.

My 20 year anniv. stone - an I/SI w/ Med/Strong blue fluor.
I voted "J".
My NEXT diamond ( in a long long time ) will be a K or even lower in an antique setting. LOVE yellower stones... YUM.
Cool poll, Derek...good to see what is out there. I'm a G and its WHITE....and I would not hesitate to go H or even possibly well-cut I to get more size and a 'superideal' cut when I can wheedle an upgrade from my sweetie.
I find the bellshape curve interesting. G color seems to be the "sweet spot" in the curve.
Best bang for buck to me after much reading and comparison on pricescope was:


Apparently I was not the only one in class at P-scope
...Which leads to an interesting question. Should the quality of an engagement ring be better than an anniversary ring or upgrade? That is, if one chooses to do so.

Should the e-ring be subject to a higher standard? Not necessarily visually - but on paper?
Not at all--as long as you both are educated on what that means. I am SOOO not a fan of money wastage on what is 'perceived' good quality. It would have really upset me if my fiance had gotten me some diamond chip that was E VVS or similar, just because it was 'top of the line'. At the time we really loved the G VS because of it being more middle of the line and us being able to get a larger size stone because of it. But now I am we should have gone I SI and I could have had something like a 1.65c for the same price. DAMN! You can bet in the future we are not going to want to drop a massive amount of money on an upgrade that is E VVS but rather an upgrade that will be H/I SI or VS or similar. Why spend $35k on what you can get from a same *visual perspective* for $25k? Haaa
I did a lot of research on diamonds but in the end bought a vintage ring for it's total look and the good price. Frankly, I haven't personally seen enough high quality diamonds to know the difference, even though I've read about them and so I was willing to sacrifice quality for size and style. (Chances were, I wouldn't be comparing my ring side by side with anyone elses.) The setting is 1930's and the diamond is modern brilliant. I bought the ring only knowing the color, clarity and approx. carat wt. The seller said it was a J color and so did my local jeweler (the diamond was in the setting). Well, it came back from Dave Atlas' lab as an M! I love the ring and for the most part it faces up well, and the price was fair even for the M colored stone. But just goes to show, you really can't grade a diamond in the setting. But it also shows that you may be able to get a lower colored stone and in the right setting, it can look really nice and save some money!
I don't have an engagement ring (just a wedding band), but I do have two heirloom diamond rings, one from each of my grandmothers. I voted with the one I wear most often, a K/L old European cut; the other is an F transitional cut.

Both are eye clean in their settings (the K/L is an SI2, but its flaw is hidden under a prong; the F/G is a VS1). I wear the K/L more often partly because it fits better--the F fits my middle finger--and because I like the cut better: much more fire. (Yes, I could resize the bigger ring, but I also like having something appropriate for middle fingers or really bloated days in August.)

In many kinds of light the K/L's yellow hardly shows, particularly incandescent lamplight and other artificial lighting. But sometimes I can definitely see a tint of yellow in it, especially when I compare it to my F/G.

If I were buying a diamond, I would probably go for an I1 F-H with lots of fluourescence. I like the look of a nice, white stone, and I wouldn't mind a visible flaw or two, as long as it didn't affect the sparkle. I wouldn't particularly care whether anyone thought it was real or expensive--nobody's likely to mistake me for a millionaire anyway (nor would I want them to).
On 10/21/2003 11:18:10 AM pelepup wrote:

I did a lot of research on diamonds but in the end bought a vintage ring for it's total look and the good price. Frankly, I haven't personally seen enough high quality diamonds to know the difference, even though I've read about them and so I was willing to sacrifice quality for size and style. (Chances were, I wouldn't be comparing my ring side by side with anyone elses.) The setting is 1930's and the diamond is modern brilliant. I bought the ring only knowing the color, clarity and approx. carat wt. The seller said it was a J color and so did my local jeweler (the diamond was in the setting). Well, it came back from Dave Atlas' lab as an M! I love the ring and for the most part it faces up well, and the price was fair even for the M colored stone. But just goes to show, you really can't grade a diamond in the setting. But it also shows that you may be able to get a lower colored stone and in the right setting, it can look really nice and save some money! ----------------


Please post a photo of the ring. It sounds lovely and very interesting.

I didn't want to spend much on an e-ring (neither did my fiance), so I went with one 0.37/SI2/G-H stone and two 0.20/VS1/H stones. Total cost with the white gold band was $1500CDN (~$1150US).
I hope the picture posts ok. This is the picture that was on the auction by Lippincott. I haven't been able to take good pictures of my ring yet.

*Bump* so others can vote!
My ring is a G and I LOVE it. It's nice and white and cut beautifully. I'm hoping to upgrade sometime in the future and would be willing to go as low as an I or as high as a D, depending upon how much money my husband and I have at the time

I think I already voted awhile ago - but mine is an "H" color!!
i voted j, am getting a regent with strong blue and cos there isint much to choose from. rhino said that it faces up really white but he hasnt told me what 'color' he thinks it faces up. would have wanted a g or h if i had the choice tho
I have a G. When we were upgrading, we originally wanted an F, but after several months of waiting and none available in our size/cut requirements we went for the G VVS2. Never regretted it. I have never seen a hint of color in it. For my engagement ring I wanted a "white" diamond and that is what I got. I don't think I will ever crave a D-E-F stone again. To me, a G is "white" enough and saves a bit of money.

But, I believe diamonds are beautiful in all colors. I have an M Radiant, and will soon be getting (TUESDAY!) an I colored Asscher. The M is so pretty. A very pale yellow color that looks fabulous with the rhodolite garnet sidestones. And I am sure the I asscher will be gorgeous as well.
For my non-engagement stones, I enjoy collecting all the pretty colors diamonds come in.
Well ,my center stone is .38 d vs2

Regina's center is 1.177 d-si-1

D is a personal thing...

On 10/22/2003 7:58:16 PM pelepup wrote:

I hope the picture posts ok. This is the picture that was on the auction by Lippincott. I haven't been able to take good pictures of my ring yet.
I like the ring Pelepup....
Mine's a H......and I'm sooooo glad I went H. My H faces up WHITE, and going H allowed me to get much more size for the dollar. I couldn't be much so that, given a chance to upgrade to an equal size/clarity F/G stone, I'd decline....there's no reason to. This one is beautiful.
Both of my wedding diamonds have been J color. In this most recent one, I can definitely see a lot of yellow through the side, especially on a cloudy day in the car. I don't see it through the top even though it's not a great cut. So, my thing is...even if a stone "faces up" white, I don't like seeing yellow through the side. I'm curious to see how my new G stone looks once it's mounted and I can look at it in lots of different lights. Then I'll know more about whether or not I'd be willing to go with an H or I color stone or if I prefer a whiter color.
I miss Heyjud's poetry...

Mine is a G
It's as white as can be!

Well, I tried.
Maybe when you can see yellow from the side it would help to use a basket setting? Wouldn't that cover up more of the sides? Just an idea....
bump ... !!
I accidently voted "G"
but its really an "H". OOPS!
Will be getting a D VS1 .50 princess. AGS2

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