
Congratulations To Dreamer_D!

Congrats Dreamer! So excited for you!!!
Congratulations!! This is so exciting and well deserved for you :appl: :appl:
Many congrats to Dreamer on 10k :appl: :appl: :appl:
Yay DD! tons of hugs. You earned this!
Wow, I go away for a few days and all sorts of schenanigans ensue 8)

Thanks again to everyone for the congrats, it means a lot to me.

As to what I will do with the gift... as of this moment I literally have no idea! I am fairly certain I want to reset my diamond, but I also think about an etoile style ring for more "casual" wear, and all sorts of other options. Though I do love the three-stone look, my present solitaire is my only option for a honkin' solitaire -- won't be another diamond this size in my future! So part of my wants to leave it be.

Any suggestions?
well if you aren't sure that you want the three-stone and you are sure you want the etoile style...then that would be nice :) but I thought you were fairly decided on the three-stone? Either way I am not much help but I can't wait to see what you get! Like so many of us PSers I have enjoyed following your bling journey (although I was only here for the most recent developments)
Yay! Super congrats to you DD!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I love when you provide comments to my posts, and I'm sure everyone else here appreciates your opinions too. As for what your next project will be, I can't wait to see what you come up with!
slg47|1289842449|2766735 said:
well if you aren't sure that you want the three-stone and you are sure you want the etoile style...then that would be nice :) but I thought you were fairly decided on the three-stone? Either way I am not much help but I can't wait to see what you get! Like so many of us PSers I have enjoyed following your bling journey (although I was only here for the most recent developments)

As usual for me, the problem is that when it comes time to pull the trigger I get second (and third and fourth) thoughts. I think I will post a thread about it to see what people think.
Congratulations, Dreamer! Your posts are always so thoughtfully-written and helpful. You are such an asset to this community--here's to many more interesting and insightful posts.
Congrats Dreamer! I know I'm a little late, but I forget to check out the stickies :wacko:

I can't wait to see what you get!
Congrats, you deserve this.
"Officially" adding my congratulations to this thread! And also thanks, for all your knowledge, input, ideas, and support contributed on PS. You deserve it, and I am so excited to hear what you choose!
Congratulations Dreamer, its so nice to see this happen, and many thanks to PS for coming up with the idea of recognizing the awesome contribution Dreamer makes. This is why I love PS, where else?

I cannot wait to see what you do with that gift- I'm sure its going to be incredible!
How awesome, congratulations!
Oh Dreamer, that's great! I can't wait to see what you finally decide on! And, of course, I'm looking forward to your next ten thousand!
Congratulations Dreamer!!!!
congratulations dreamer! you deserve it! have fun shopping!
Congrats Dreamer! Thanks for all that you contribute to PS! :appl:
Well deserved...congratulations DD!!!

Thanks again everyone! Your congrats and kind words are really gratifying to me.
I am afraid I might have missed this and would rather post twice than not at all, soooo......

Congratulations, Dreamer!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
A very hearty congrats to you, Dreamer!!! :appl: