
Connoisseur Sale

Thecat, that pearl is really lovely and has a lot of presence. 12mm in that color will be beautiful!
I think you should go with the setting you posted then. It's really pretty!
thecat|1411650245|3756781 said:
Fly Girl, thanks for your response. :))

I got a 9.8mm drop with a very small tip. I assume it's more than 9.8mm height wise. Due to the pointy tip, John recommended the Desire pendant, though I will be getting the non diamond version. I kept pointing him back to the rope pendant but he said it wasn't suitable as that cap is 3mm, larger than my pearl tip. John was really patient with me, measuring my pearls and recommending settings. Initially I wasn't sure why I was totally taken with the non diamond Desire pendant. Then I realised it was because I found that the setting to be nearly half of height of my pearl. Now I finally understand why you ladies kept saying under 10mm is small and to send it for a look. However, it's not cost effective for me to send them for a look as I'm not in US. The pearl should be more than 9.8mm height wise. Does this setting look proportional to the pearl? I only want a solitaire pearl at this point but I'm already suffering from pearl shrinkage before I even get the pendant. From the photo, it seems that the pearl has been drilled which means I can't return. What would you ladies suggest I do for a setting if I can't return the pearl so that it looks more proportional?
Some of my favorite pendants are 10 mm and with the drop shape the pearl will give the apperance of being bigger. The luster and color of the pearl will make it pop. So don't worry to much about the size because I bet it will be really lovely and you will enjoy wearing it.
4RG, thanks for the reassurance. :))
I recently purchased two loose Tahitian pearls in the sale, and they are here so I can decide on the setting. There is nothing like seeing them in person. :))

First up is the 8.9mm Tahitian round. I was thinking from the vendor picture that it might be olive green. It turns out to be a perfect color match to the pistachio in my multicolor Tahitian bracelet. Trust me, ignore the shadows, that pearl is a perfect little pistachio green.

(And, how do you like my new pearl holder? :naughty: ) :bigsmile:



Soooooo nice Fly Girl! It's fantastic! (Love the bracelet too!)
The second pearl is an 9.9mm drop Tahitian, also cherry-picked by Jeremy from the batch of 5,600 "Loot2" pearls. I have no idea what I'm going to do with this pearl, but the color and luster is stunning. So pretty. You can see the swirls of green and cherry, and the luster holds its own against my bracelet. :sun: To be fair, I have been wearing the bracelet all day on an 80 degree day. So, it will be getting a cleaning tonight. :))



Oooooh. I love the swirly multicolour overtones of the baroque Pearl. Hard to know which one to love more!

Can't wait to see what you do with them!
a) I ADORE your new "pearl holder"!!! Very clever and what a beautiful picture the bracelet, clasp and loose pearls make!

b) Those swirls of color on the second loose pearl are insane and intense! WOW!

Looking forward to seeing what happens next...
Fly Girl, your bracelet and loose pearls have amazing colors!
Fly Girl, your loose pearls are incredible! Have you considered using both together in a fabulous ring, as they look so fantastic with your bracelet? Just a thought ... :)
Fly Girl, your new pistachio will make a gorgeous ring! :love: It looks even prettier than in the PP glamour shot. I love your pearl holder -- great picture of the pistachio with your bracelet. The swirls of color in your drop pearl are amazing. I look forward to seeing what you do with it.
Fly girl....that pistachio pearl is amazing, and what a great match to your bracelet. So pretty, and that bracelet is amazing. I would love to see more pictures of your other loose pearl.
Fly girl, LOVE that pistachio pearl!
After seeing your other pearl projects, I have no doubt these ones will turn out well too.
Fly Girl - I love your new additions - outstanding pearls!
Hi everyone! So about a two weeks ago I managed to get a pearl from the ongoing sale. It was to be set with the simple eye pin in yg. This was my first purchase from pp, and I was really looking forward to it, as It was to be a gift for my mom. Unfortunately, my package seems to have been lost in the mail.
Pearl Paradise has been amazing with their prompt replies to my emails. They have done their best, as have I, to locate the package. About a week ago I received a call from Chennai advising me to wait a bit longer until this past weekend, to see if it turns up. If not, then we would go ahead with me choosing the same sized (9.5mm) pearl from a selection. So the package still hasn't showed up, and we are going ahead with a new pearl. Now this is where you all come in. Please help me choose a pearl from the selection. If none of these seem appealing, I will ask Erin for another batch to choose from.

Here is the original pearl I had chosen:

pencilcase -- sorry to hear about your missing pearl.

a) I believe it will show up sooner or later. This happens to one of us occasionally and I've never heard of a total loss. I've heard of a 3 month wait (that would be me) but packages always seem to show up.

b) None of the pearls are a replica of the missing pearl. This is a very personal choice. Do any of them seem like a good replacement to you? I personally like the very bottom right pearl -- but that's neither here nor there. YOU have to be happy!
All of the choices are lovely. My favorite is the bottom left and the next one I like is the bottom right.
pencilcase - I really hope your package shows up! If not the bottom right is closest I think to the original but it really needs to speak to you! Was it the shape or the color that initially made you buy it?
pencilcase - I love the two pinker ones in the center row. The one on the center right with the yummy green stripe would be my choice.
Thank you all for your input! I decided to show my mom the choices this time around, and the lower right pearl was her pick as well.
I chose the original pearl because of the shape, not too many bands, and visually "easy." I can see now that mom doesn't mind the banding associated with baroque pearls. Ive asked to be shown some more dropped shaped pearls, and if nothing catches her eyes, then she would go with the lower right pearl.
Keep us posted and smart of you to get your Mom involved!
How nice that your missing pearl has turned into a chance for a customized gift just for your mom :) Please keep us up to date on what she chooses ... we'd love to see the finished project!
How nice that your missing pearl has turned into a chance for a customized gift just for your mom :) Please keep us up to date on what she chooses ... we'd love to see the finished project!
Well, apologies for the double post ... no idea how I managed that ???
bsomlo- definitely! I'm looking forward to it.

CRDKeshi- Yes, - like Ma Ingall's would say, "no loss without some gain" In this case im not only getting another beautiful pearl, but amazing customer service from Pearl Paradise.

I received another batch of pearls this afternoon, at my request of more "drop" shaped and less "banding." These pearls were all beautiful as well, and mom picked out one. I will hold off posting it until it gets here. Erin said it would be shipped out in a day or two, so if I'm lucky I may receive it by Saturday(I'm in New York), and if not, then early next week. I'm so excited for mom to receive it, as she has always loved pearls. It was to be her present this year for Eid, which we are celebrating this coming Saturday.

On another note, today is the last day of the sale! I saw some new souffle and baroque earrings have been added.
pencilcase|1412024635|3758794 said:
Hi everyone! So about a two weeks ago I managed to get a pearl from the ongoing sale. It was to be set with the simple eye pin in yg. This was my first purchase from pp, and I was really looking forward to it, as It was to be a gift for my mom. Unfortunately, my package seems to have been lost in the mail.
Pearl Paradise has been amazing with their prompt replies to my emails. They have done their best, as have I, to locate the package. About a week ago I received a call from Chennai advising me to wait a bit longer until this past weekend, to see if it turns up. If not, then we would go ahead with me choosing the same sized (9.5mm) pearl from a selection. So the package still hasn't showed up, and we are going ahead with a new pearl. Now this is where you all come in. Please help me choose a pearl from the selection. If none of these seem appealing, I will ask Erin for another batch to choose from.

Here is the original pearl I had chosen:

Hi pencilcase,

Thought I would share my experience since it may help answer yours. I received a delivery from Pearl Paradise today with an invoice for partial postage due. I don't know how all postal carriers handle situations of insufficient postage. On the couple of occasions this has happened to me, my regular carrier still leaves the item with a card requesting I pay the postage due, which I then in turn pay her the next day. Maybe this is what happened with your package.
Hi Krissy-

Thank you for sharing your experience. I have never had something like that happen, so I am still unsure.
I don't know how pp ships their items, since it's my first purchase, but i'm assuming the package can't be all that big since its a pearl pedant(with a very minimalistic setting - so heavy metal findings are excluded).

I initially contacted pp because my tracking number wasn't showing any updates, except for the shipment date. From this, pp checked in the situation, we found that the package could not be located, so we gave it some time. I called usps last week and the rep said she put out a notice to my local post office. She said to expect a call either yesterday or today for an update. I ended up calling today and the rep said there was an investigation on the package, and of course, my post office is on the lookout. She also said to give it time, maybe check back Friday. At this point, i'm accepting of the fact that the package may never reach me, and i'm very impressed and thankful to pp for allowing me to pick another pearl. If I somehow end up getting my original package in weeks, or even months, then i will happily accept it and definitely contact pp to pay(since the peal I just chose is a replacement, it would be wrong to somehow end up with 2 pearls for the price of one).
Anyone grab the pistachio strand? Or the two tone embrace ring with the Tahitian? I'm tempted by the graduated 22 inch Akoya strand, but it's unclear what size they are.

Anyone know what next month's sale is?!?
Last night of the September sale, I (finally, sigh ...) snagged 2 Carved Tahitian pearls, confirmed by PP :) I have in mind an enhancer for one, and a multiple pearl pendant on a longer chain for the other, but will think it over.