
Crushed Ice Cushions...BAD???


Jan 7, 2009
Kenny, thank you for sharing your expertise.
Based on this discussion I think the Canon EOS Rebel T1i Digital SLR Camera may be a good choice- is that model compatible with the Lbox Garry?


Sep 24, 2009
kenny said:
Research Canon VS. Nikon very carefully.
Once you start buying lots of gear switching brands will be out of the question, financially.

There are many passionate experts who swear by each brand.
Both are superb.

When it was time to buy a digital SLR body I didn't even look at Canon since I had a large collection of razor-sharp 30-year old Nikon (Nikkor) lenses which I use to this day.

If I was starting from scratch I'd have no brand bias.
You should definitely research both.... and I am going to plug for Canon over Nikon for the processor. Lenses I would buy Nikon, but the body would be Canon for me (and has been).

Funny how it is that way. You can use a lot of Nikon on Canons at least we have and a few other brands as well. Just check before you buy for compatibility.


Aug 4, 2008
Rockdiamond said:
Kenny, thank you for sharing your expertise.
Based on this discussion I think the Canon EOS Rebel T1i Digital SLR Camera may be a good choice- is that model compatible with the Lbox Garry?
The Canon EOS Rebel t2i is better if your doing video with it.
It is the newer version and the large difference is in the video mode.
sigma 150 macro is what I would recommend for a lens because of the long working distance.


Oct 22, 2008
Canon EOS D5 Mark II...! with L lenz (red band on the barrel) is my next purchase!


Jan 7, 2009
Is this what will be called "bad" crushed ice?

I would hesitate to do so- but I would say it's not near the consistency, in terms of even, consistent sparkle of the radiant example I used. There are splotches of what may be termed leakage. Dark zones.
In examining the modifications to the brilliant facet pattern on the pavilion, it looks like it was done haphazardly.
The large facets directly below the girdle are not symmetrical- none of the sides matches or mirrors the corresponding facet pattern the the other side. I believe it's the size and placement of a few of these "skirt" facets that gives us the dark zones.
Not all four corners on top have matching facet patterns as well.
At the very bottom, the four mains and surrounding facets are fairly symmetrical.

Funny thing is- the stone is not all that bad looking. It has some sparkle, as well as some relatively large areas of contrast- dark zones, as it were.
The cutter's main selling point was that it's really cheap.
I am not buying it.
But if someone loved the stone, they would not be wrong- and it's visual attributes are such that some will surely find it attractive.

Thanks Karl, clgwli and of course Kenny for all the amazing photo advice.
B&H here I come.


Sep 24, 2009
Doc_1 said:
Canon EOS D5 Mark II...! with L lenz (red band on the barrel) is my next purchase!
I've read about that camera. It sounds so sweet. I'm still on my really old 10D from ages ago. Does the job but definitely no where near what is out now.

I know totally off topic, but I think once my son is older I'll be getting back into photography more again so I like to read up on what's been changed since I bought my last DSLR.

Karl, that does look like a nice lens too. I was in a quick rush and forgot to mention Sigma as well. Just don't cheap out on lenses. My husband got 2 free lenses with his film Canon Rebel he bought ages ago as part of a clearance sale. IIRC they are a name like Promaster or something. They suck.

I know I bailed on this thread for a while and came in quickly again. I admit I go frustrated and every time I started to post I realized my frustrations were getting the better of me. So instead of losing my temper as I often do too quickly, I just kept quiet and just read for a while.

I have appreciated all this thread has brought up.

As for that last stone you posted David, I obviously am not one who buys on ASETs because for the fancy cuts I seem to get more from my eyes via pics and movies. I know many don't like it here, but it is what *I* like doing. So I am not near as good at judging on ASET as others (really plan on buying to play with though since I am not in the market to be buying anytime soon) That stone might not be my thing (besides that it is a cushion shape that I am sometimes not into much) but is it a mix of crushed ice and some broad flashes? I don't like mixing too much like that. Just kind of weird to me. Kind of why I don't always appreciate some marquise, pears and ovals. I feel the center (or bottom in pears) are a little too close to what a RB looks like yet the ends are crushed. I prefer not to have that kind of a look. What would bother me the most are the areas right on the edge at the top along the sides that look to be just leakage. I like seeing the outline of a stone. And if that is doing what I've seen in some stones, I wouldn't like how the sparkle doesn't go from edge to edge.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Rockdiamond said:
Kenny, thank you for sharing your expertise.
Based on this discussion I think the Canon EOS Rebel T1i Digital SLR Camera may be a good choice- is that model compatible with the Lbox Garry?
David I emailed you the link with the correct camera and lens.
I can not check because the site is down currently.
If you wish to consider LBox then do not consider any other option for camera or lens (no matter how good the advice) since the camera is driven in still mode by the LBox software entirely. Video mode is not used at all.
Also the R&D that has gone into this selection is not to be sniffed at.
In the future there will also be 3D options, which now that 3D TV is a reality, will be very useful for a lot of people. and let me tell you, comparing 2D and 3D video images taken in LBox is like a total blow ayaw - you can reach into the stone and pluck out the inclusions, very easily identify where the dust is on the skin vs inclusions just under etc. John Pollard has seen it too, and can atest to the other-world-liness of it.

BTW there are not many virtual facets on that cushion and they are not evenly distributed - so I doubt from the ASET that it would qualify as crushed ice?


Jan 7, 2009
Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
BTW there are not many virtual facets on that cushion and they are not evenly distributed - so I doubt from the ASET that it would qualify as crushed ice?

Garry- in person the stone is absolutely a "crushed ice" look- maybe it's closer to what has been termed a "slushy ice" look- due to the larger dark zones.
I've been compiling some aset/photos on stones I personally feel are "lesser" crushed ice. That Cushion Modified stone is one.
I'll try to get a close up of the pavilion so you can see what I was talking about.

Somehow your email did not get to me Garry.......In any event, I'll wait till the Lbox is ready, and deal with the camera suggestions.

Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
Rockdiamond said:
Garry H (Cut Nut) said:
BTW there are not many virtual facets on that cushion and they are not evenly distributed - so I doubt from the ASET that it would qualify as crushed ice?

Garry- in person the stone is absolutely a "crushed ice" look- maybe it's closer to what has been termed a "slushy ice" look- due to the larger dark zones.
I've been compiling some aset/photos on stones I personally feel are "lesser" crushed ice. That Cushion Modified stone is one.
I'll try to get a close up of the pavilion so you can see what I was talking about.

Somehow your email did not get to me Garry.......In any event, I'll wait till the Lbox is ready, and deal with the camera suggestions. I just resent it RD

Clearly parts of that diamond would appear as crushed ice to most observers. But maybe only about half the stone?

It seems apparent that there is no clear understanding or definition of what "crushed ice" is or means.
Here is an initial attempt at a definition - it is "off the cuff" as an example to get the ball rolling:

I would think to qualify as crushed ice there should be no obvious chunky facets and at least 2/3rds of the stone to have very small gliding virtual facets (so that they switch on and off with near by facets (this is an example where leakyness can be a positive).
For a stone to qualify as a fine or luxury level crushed ice I would want say less than 10%, or even less, of the stone to show dark zones that are easily apparent to the naked eye (actually EYES, not monoscopic) for a small range of motion say 5 degrees rocking from side to side (E-W with the long axis aligned N-S if the stone is off square).
Dark zones would be even harder to define, and could come from obstruction or leakage, so there needs to be further definitions of obstruction type.

Any contributions welcome :appl:


Jan 7, 2009
I think you put it in words well Garry.
There are many times I look at stones cut differently than colorless.
Stones that might not be considered well cut if they were colorless can be desirable in fancy colors.

The "bad" stone I used for this example was not prized anywhere near better cut, more desirable stones of the same size
The stone who's aset photo I posted is shown below.
I tried not using bright lights.
I'm sure we can all agree that close up photography requires a lot of light.
Also it's in a tray.
Bad is it is I can see the dark zones in this photo. I didn't think it was an ugly diamond. But it was clearly not a "crushed ice" stone throughout.


Mar 11, 2021
I can't speak for others but I remember when I first started looking for cushions .. I knew nothing. During my first cushion diamond shopping trip, I was shown a series of relatively well cut cushion modified brilliants and 4 main cushion brilliants. I remember asking why certain diamonds were so ugly and they turned out to be the cushion modified brilliants - this was before I knew anything at all (no offense to anyone but this was my honest reaction at that time). After this visit, I turned to PS to do more research - I went back to the vendor and asked to compare the 4 main cushion we had on hold with a 8 main modern cushion. I was completely blown away at how much nicer the 8 main cushion was to me. Not surprisingly, we left the 4 main cushion behind and purchased the 8 main.

Fast forward several years, I now have an even more discernable eye. I probably won't even give the diamonds I oooh ahhhed over before a second look. Once you see beautiful stones, it's hard to go back to loving the "so so" stones. But if you haven't seen anything better .. you don't really know anything better.

Do you still love your 8 main cushion
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