
cutting losses?

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Date: 8/3/2007 1:09:52 PM
Author: TravelingGal
I digested some more posts this morning and the new day diminished some of yesterday's frustration with your situation.

Cehra, obviously not all PS members are alike. I find myself nodding while reading posts like Deco's and Mara's because I think more like they do. But that doesn't mean we're 'right', nor does it invalidate how you feel. I know you're taking a bit of a beating here and I want to mention again that I DO think you are a sweet and caring person. But sweet and caring people can sometimes get run over. A lot.

If all this 'journey' was working out for you, I wouldn't say a thing. Some people want BAM BAM BAM and others want to take it slow and really figure out the process. But it is not working for you, no matter how much you want it to. As Mara said, if you REALLY want a ring, you have to step it up. If not, I do agree that you should put the diamond in a safe deposit box and step away for a long while.
Yes, she is. I wasn't going to post anymore, but there's something I think needs to be pointed out.

Many have asked why this is happening again. Actually, it's not. The first lady had a wax done, but then became too ill to proceed. This situation now is NOT the same. It's worse, as there is NO excuse (well there is, but forget that for now) for how long this has gone on.

As I have said before, if it wasn't for bad luck, I would have almost none where jewelry is concerned. It's uncanny the things that have happened to me. But I can assure you, there is no subsconcious/hidden/underlying reason that makes me seek out jewelry disasters. lol It is bad luck, plain and simple.

And I think personally, there's a bit of that here, with some contributions from Sara thrown in.

Just my .02.
Date: 8/3/2007 1:25:56 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Yes, I''m confused now. But I confuse easily sometimes.

The ring can be ready in TEN DAYS. Not a month or two - a week and a half. What''s the problem? Is the problem that you now don''t want to go forward with this design anymore??? Cuz you''re on the home stretch here, and I''m really not getting this ''back to the drawing board'' talk.
Ditto again. Wink just wrote that Ocean is back and they are ready to start making the ring. What is the holdup?

1. Why is the design being changed again? Who''s idea was it?
2. Why are you getting quotes for platinum when you''ve been harping on how much you love yellow gold?

Date: 8/3/2007 1:25:56 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Yes, I''m confused now. But I confuse easily sometimes.

The ring can be ready in TEN DAYS. Not a month or two - a week and a half. What''s the problem? Is the problem that you now don''t want to go forward with this design anymore??? Cuz you''re on the home stretch here, and I''m really not getting this ''back to the drawing board'' talk.
The problem is, as I read it, that although Ocean says 10 days to finish, she is still trying to implement design changes Sara doesn''t want. And Sara feels (rightly or wrongly so), that they won''t be ironed out in a timely fashion, as based on the history of the last 6 months......

But I could be wrong.
Date: 8/3/2007 1:30:05 PM
Author: Ellen
As I have said before, if it wasn''t for bad luck, I would have almost none where jewelry is concerned. It''s uncanny the things that have happened to me. But I can assure you, there is no subsconcious/hidden/underlying reason that makes me seek out jewelry disasters. lol It is bad luck, plain and simple.

And I think personally, there''s a bit of that here, with some contributions from Sara and Ocean thrown in.

Just my .02.
Sorry, Ellen, I don''t believe you.

I think you go out of your way to find Darth the Diamond Destroyer to mangle your ring. You crave dings and dents in your milligrain the way Brittany craves bad boy losers and icky paparazzi coochie shots.

Get some help please.

Date: 8/3/2007 1:42:15 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Sorry, Ellen, I don''t believe you.

I think you go out of your way to find Darth the Diamond Destroyer to mangle your ring. You crave dings and dents in your milligrain the way Brittany craves bad boy losers and icky paparazzi coochie shots.

Get some help please.

Cehra- I''m sorry if you feel ganged up on. I don''t think that was anyone''s intention but this thread did turn into somewhat of .... an intervention?

I hope when you finally get your lovely ring, that you give us 15 pages of photos!

Big hugs to you! I hope this gets straightened out soon!
Date: 8/3/2007 1:48:25 PM
Author: february2003bride
Cehra- I''m sorry if you feel ganged up on. I don''t think that was anyone''s intention but this thread did turn into somewhat of .... an intervention?

I hope when you finally get your lovely ring, that you give us 15 pages of photos!

Big hugs to you! I hope this gets straightened out soon!

ITA. I hope you aren''t responding right now because you''re busy doing something else and not because we''re ganging up on you -- I would truly hate that.
Date: 8/3/2007 1:33:50 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 8/3/2007 1:25:56 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Yes, I'm confused now. But I confuse easily sometimes.

The ring can be ready in TEN DAYS. Not a month or two - a week and a half. What's the problem? Is the problem that you now don't want to go forward with this design anymore??? Cuz you're on the home stretch here, and I'm really not getting this 'back to the drawing board' talk.
The problem is, as I read it, that although Ocean says 10 days to finish, she is still trying to implement design changes Sara doesn't want. And Sara feels (rightly or wrongly so), that they won't be ironed out in a timely fashion, as based on the history of the last 6 months......

But I could be wrong.
Eeeeeeek. Okay, I'm going to assume this is the case. If not, then ignore me.

If true, I'd probably just tell Ocean that you've grown weary of the process and just want the ring done, however you do not want the design changes she's suggested. If they can't be rectified in a timely manner, then perhaps it's time to walk away from the whole project for awhile and put that gorgeous stone in a solitaire for now.

I would like to reiterate that there are 2 sides to every story though, and we are only partially hearing Cehra's. I was frankly shocked to find out that people are emailing Wink to tell him he's acting inappropriately, because that is NOT our judgment to make, having only heard from one side. I mean, what the heck do any of us know about this? NOTHING other than how long it's taken, and we don't really know completely why. And it's not really our business either.

I am quite sensitive to projects taking an inordinate amount of time, having been through it myself. However, I have been quite observant that this interaction has been very different than mine...mine mostly involved calling to say 'where was the wax you promised 2 weeks ago' and 'i was supposed to get an update 5 days ago and now no one is returning my calls' and 'if you're not going to be honest with me than i just want to come over there now and get my stone back.' Nothing about souls and visions and stuff. So y'know, I can't really relate. I just hope that everyone can walk away happy...and soon.
And I want to see some bling, damnit!!!

btw lumpkin, i just love your avatar...i wanna come over and have a drink with you, girl!!
"I would like to reiterate that there are 2 sides to every story though, and we are only partially hearing Cehra's. I was frankly shocked to find out that people are emailing Wink to tell him he's acting inappropriately, because that is NOT our judgment to make, having only heard from one side. I mean, what the heck do any of us know about this? NOTHING other than how long it's taken, and we don't really know completely why. And it's not really our business either.

I am quite sensitive to projects taking an inordinate amount of time, having been through it myself. However, I have been quite observant that this interaction has been very different than mine...mine mostly involved calling to say 'where was the wax you promised 2 weeks ago' and 'i was supposed to get an update 5 days ago and now no one is returning my calls' and 'if you're not going to be honest with me than i just want to come over there now and get my stone back.' Nothing about souls and visions and stuff. So y'know, I can't really relate. I just hope that everyone can walk away happy...and soon. And I want to see some bling, damnit!!! "


LOL FG I like how you think...I am a stalker as well when I have a project going on. I don't like to be patient for anything (hence why deliverables and deadlines and sticking to them work really well for my mental state) that is going to bring me massive amounts of pleasure (whether it be a yummy meal or a pretty ring hehee)

And yes I totally agree re: the top part about Wink. I was really surprised to see that he was getting pinged and that he felt like he had to respond defensively. Sometimes the forum doesn't work the way it really should.

i don''t usually come to this forum but did today and found some pretty good lunctime reading!

have to say i''m totally perplexed by this whole topic..aren''t there more important things in life than pages and pages of dramatic venting about customizing the perfect ring that the "artist feels"? man, maybe it''s just me, but i don''t get it and it sounds like something bigger is going on here with the original poster than just a OCD! so happy i just let my bf choose my ring and setting b/c i love it because it''s beautiful AND because he chose it for me. so thankfully i can conserve my stress for other things!

interesting reading though..
In regards to emailing Wink...I can''t picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:21:12 PM
Author: luckystar112
In regards to emailing Wink...I can''t picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
I agree Lucky...I really can''t imagine a "regular" emailing him to chastise him...especially one who knows the history of this project.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:22:39 PM
Author: TravelingGal

Date: 8/3/2007 2:21:12 PM
Author: luckystar112
In regards to emailing Wink...I can''t picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
I agree Lucky...I really can''t imagine a ''regular'' emailing him to chastise him...especially one who knows the history of this project.
Yup, that had me scratching my head as well.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:21:12 PM
Author: luckystar112
In regards to emailing Wink...I can''t picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
Exactly. On the other hand, perhaps, that person wants to give Wink a chance to speak out to defend himself? Or to hear his side of the story? Who knows?
Date: 8/3/2007 2:18:11 PM
Author: janinegirly
i don''t usually come to this forum but did today and found some pretty good lunctime reading!

have to say i''m totally perplexed by this whole topic..aren''t there more important things in life than pages and pages of dramatic venting about customizing the perfect ring that the ''artist feels''? man, maybe it''s just me, but i don''t get it and it sounds like something bigger is going on here with the original poster than just a OCD! so happy i just let my bf choose my ring and setting b/c i love it because it''s beautiful AND because he chose it for me. so thankfully i can conserve my stress for other things!

interesting reading though..
Have you seen Cehra''s stone? It is a 2ct+ cushion with chunky facets all over the place. It''s gorgeous. The stone itself is a work of art. I get that she is putting so much work into the design because she wants something that suits her style as well as compliments every angle...every facet...and every flash of fire that the stone brings to life.
Also, she''s been married 15 years, and (I think) that this is her first diamond ring. So, I dunno if "OCD" is the best way to describe her. More like picky, and with every right to be.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:24:40 PM
Author: Chrono

Date: 8/3/2007 2:21:12 PM
Author: luckystar112
In regards to emailing Wink...I can''t picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
Exactly. On the other hand, perhaps, that person wants to give Wink a chance to speak out to defend himself? Or to hear his side of the story? Who knows?
Yes, if a vendor was getting flamed in a thread it would probably be nice to give that person a ''heads up'' so that they could at least be present if they wish, to give their side of the story or to clarify something. But if someone was telling him he was acting inappropriately, then
Okay people, look below, look below, you are getting very sleepy, sleeeeeeepy, yes sleeeeeeeeeepy. Stare into my stone......

Girl, I''d put this thing on a piece of rusted iron at this point to wear it. LOOKEE LOOKEE LOOK. Remember?!?!!?

Sara.....after reading all of this thread, here''s what I have to contribute:

1) I think you want "THE PROCESS" to be this hugely romantic, connection-of-the-souls, created-by-like-minds-in-the-cosmos type of experience, and I think that''s expecting too much. When things like that DO happen, it''s more that they happen spontaneously, but it''s not something that you can ''make'' happen.

Every gal wants to be swept off her feet by a romance-novel, sensitive, passionate, intuitive, knows-what-she-wants-before-she-wants-it guy, too.....but that''s not real life. Same with this process.

2) You aren''t unsure about what you know precisely what you want. You just need to have enough confidence in yourself to have surety that YES, this IS what I want.

3) That said, as pandora mentioned, you don''t need a ''designer''. You need a contract benchperson who has no interest in ''creating'' a vision; his only interest is in executing YOUR vision.

4) I disagree with any suggestion that you should have kept this off the forum. You aren''t slandering and you aren''t criticizing. You''re asking for outside perspective about whether you should move on given your feelings right now.

5) I agree with others that it''s not merely another 10 days to wait. It''s a mere 10 days only if you agree to approve the project exactly as it stands today, which includes elements that you clearly don''t want.

My dear, I''ve done custom. Several times. I was pretty clear on what I wanted to see. (And yes, you too have been exceeding clear on what you want to see, too.) Brian''s role (at WF) in handling my project was to say yes or no to whether or not my wants would work structurally. If no, then his role was to propose alternatives and my role was to either pick one of the alternatives or to decide that I didn''t agree with him and find someone else. His other role was to suggest possibilities to me for design elements, and my role was to incorporate them or dismiss them. NO SKIN off him either way. MORE THAN ANYTHING, his job was to create the ring I envisioned without creating a product he felt would be substandard structurally.

This should be the goal. As of this point, I think you should go to Pete. You''ve told him what you want, he''s said that he can give it to you, and there is NO misunderstanding or conflict. I don''t know how it''s possible to have a better outcome than that.
Just out of curiosity...if anyone knows....why on EARTH do they have to keep her stone throughout this whole process? I know they have to check dimensions and facet angles and whatnot, but I don''t quite understand why they can''t just stick it in some wax and make a mold out if it, then give her her stone back! I mean, is that impossible? Then the artist can take her darn time and Cehra can either put it in a temp setting for now, or keep it somewhere safe where she can look at it whenever she wants.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:42:33 PM
Author: luckystar112
Just out of curiosity...if anyone knows....why on EARTH do they have to keep her stone throughout this whole process? I know they have to check dimensions and facet angles and whatnot, but I don''t quite understand why they can''t just stick it in some wax and make a mold out if it, then give her her stone back! I mean, is that impossible? Then the artist can take her darn time and Cehra can either put it in a temp setting for now, or keep it somewhere safe where she can look at it whenever she wants.
I don''t know, but when I had a custom setting made the jeweler kept my stone the whole time too. In a safe. And I had a receipt for it in case anything happened or they got robbed. And I had them show me the girdle inscription afterwards too. But I missed that stone something fierce!
On all my projects (be it a custom job or off the shelf setting), the jeweller kept my stone in his/her safe until the job was completed and the ring returned to me.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:48:44 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 8/3/2007 2:42:33 PM
Author: luckystar112
Just out of curiosity...if anyone knows....why on EARTH do they have to keep her stone throughout this whole process? I know they have to check dimensions and facet angles and whatnot, but I don''t quite understand why they can''t just stick it in some wax and make a mold out if it, then give her her stone back! I mean, is that impossible? Then the artist can take her darn time and Cehra can either put it in a temp setting for now, or keep it somewhere safe where she can look at it whenever she wants.
I don''t know, but when I had a custom setting made the jeweler kept my stone the whole time too. In a safe. And I had a receipt for it in case anything happened or they got robbed. And I had them show me the girdle inscription afterwards too. But I missed that stone something fierce!
+1 when I worked with Quest on my solitare.
Date: 8/2/2007 6:15:13 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 8/2/2007 6:11:33 PM
Author: mrssalvo
well, i know there is always 2 sides to every story but that said, the amount of time you''ve waited for your setting is just not acceptable. if the designer/vendor felt you were being unreasonable in your requests, they should have fired you and sent back the stone and your $ and ended the project themselves. I''ve heard of popular designers doing that to folks here. To draw it out seems just plain unfair to me.

i''d ask for a refund, pull the plug and go with quest, but that''s very impatient (once I know what I want) me
Ocean WANTS to do this... in fact disappointing her is one of the major concerns I have. I haven''t been unreasonable in my requests, I''ve been very patient. She adds a lot of flourish and then I request for everything to be more plain LOL
Hi Cehra, you have a beautiful gorgeous stone that deserves to be worn on your finger, not sitting in a bench somewhere waiting to be set. I cannot stand having any of my precious rocks out of sight for so long, I start wondering about their safety.

I would not worry about you disappointing Ocean or Wink. YOU are the customer and SHE is the service provider and there is no other relationship besides a business arrangement here. SHE should be the one that should be concerned with disappointing you.

Also, a ring is a ring is a ring. Personally, I place more importance on the rock than the ring - setting the stone is a task to get over and done with, not a creative journey, sorry dear. The ring is to enhance the look of the stone, it is just a setting for the diamond to shine. I believe to a designer, coming up with a design and getting it set is work and you don''t have to feel the rock to design a setting. Honestly, I believe to her your beautiful stone is just another cushion cut diamond, no difference from any other cushion cut diamond. The only thing that she can feel is that you can wait while other projects take a priority. Other than that, I can''t see her feeling anything else if she can''t seem to understand that you prefer something simple not elaborate.

Please give deadlines and if you don''t get a wax on time, take your refund and go elsewhere.
-Thread hijack-

Alj- Did you get a spacer ring for your set? I thought I read somewhere that you had gotten a 1mm/2mm (?) ring to keep your prongs from getting eaten? I have a platinum princess channel wedding ring with my 18K whitegold three stone, and it looks a little bit like the prongs are getting knicked on that side where the two meet. I either need to have my three stone reset in platinum (*groan*) or get a spacer. Or not wear my bling band anymore with my 3 stone.

So I was wondering how the spacer worked out!
Date: 8/3/2007 2:24:40 PM
Author: Chrono

Date: 8/3/2007 2:21:12 PM
Author: luckystar112
In regards to emailing Wink...I can't picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
Exactly. On the other hand, perhaps, that person wants to give Wink a chance to speak out.
being one of the ones that emailed him there was 4 reasons:
1: heads up
2: say get this fixed asap, taking charge and ending it if need be. Its beyond being insane at this point and needs to end before it ends up hurting people worse than it already has.
3: I consider both Wink and cehra to be friends and when friends have problems, well its natural to give em a kick in the pants once in the while.
4: Wink and Cehra both have a strong I wanna be friends gene and whats needed right now is simple cold hard business.
Its not working cut loses and get on with life.

As far as blame goes there is plenty to go around too all parties but getting out of this mess and getting Cehra the ring she wants and loves is more important.
Date: 8/3/2007 3:01:28 PM
Author: simplysplendid

Date: 8/2/2007 6:15:13 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 8/2/2007 6:11:33 PM
Author: mrssalvo
well, i know there is always 2 sides to every story but that said, the amount of time you've waited for your setting is just not acceptable. if the designer/vendor felt you were being unreasonable in your requests, they should have fired you and sent back the stone and your $ and ended the project themselves. I've heard of popular designers doing that to folks here. To draw it out seems just plain unfair to me.

i'd ask for a refund, pull the plug and go with quest, but that's very impatient (once I know what I want) me
Ocean WANTS to do this... in fact disappointing her is one of the major concerns I have. I haven't been unreasonable in my requests, I've been very patient. She adds a lot of flourish and then I request for everything to be more plain LOL
Hi Cehra, you have a beautiful gorgeous stone that deserves to be worn on your finger, not sitting in a bench somewhere waiting to be set. I cannot stand having any of my precious rocks out of sight for so long, I start wondering about their safety.

I would not worry about you disappointing Ocean or Wink. YOU are the customer and SHE is the service provider and there is no other relationship besides a business arrangement here. SHE should be the one that should be concerned with disappointing you.

Also, a ring is a ring is a ring. Personally, I place more importance on the rock than the ring - setting the stone is a task to get over and done with, not a creative journey, sorry dear. The ring is to enhance the look of the stone, it is just a setting for the diamond to shine. I believe to a designer, coming up with a design and getting it set is work and you don't have to feel the rock to design a setting. Honestly, I believe to her your beautiful stone is just another cushion cut diamond, no difference from any other cushion cut diamond. The only thing that she can feel is that you can wait while other projects take a priority. Other than that, I can't see her feeling anything else if she can't seem to understand that you prefer something simple not elaborate.

Please give deadlines and if you don't get a wax on time, take your refund and go elsewhere.

Maybe you have been too friendly in what is supposed to be a business transaction. I know its nice to get along with someone - and its great when you do. It becomes a problem when it gets too personal though. We start to worry about asking too much or offending the other party.

What is needed here is for you to take a step back - re-evaluate and then make a decision about where to go next. I feel that the joy has completely been taken out of this process for you - and thats very sad.

If you and Ocean are as good friends as you say - she will still be your friend if you pull out.
Date: 8/3/2007 2:41:58 PM
Author: aljdewey
Sara.....after reading all of this thread, here''s what I have to contribute:

4) I disagree with any suggestion that you should have kept this off the forum. You aren''t slandering and you aren''t criticizing. You''re asking for outside perspective about whether you should move on given your feelings right now.

Just to clarify since Cehra''s either not around or not playing just now, I think Ocean asked Cehra to keep the specifics of the ring off of the forum. I took this to mean the design aspects. I can see why a designer wouldn''t want a client going to a third party and saying "my designer did this, but I think it should look like this...". At the time there were a lot of people contributing to the design a few pieces and Irina was still with us making photoshop wonders. I think that Ocean wanted the design itself to only come from herself and Cehra, and to not have Cehra comming in with images/ideas from the boards. I understand that preference and respect it. What artist wants to be evaluated/undermined by literally hundreds of opinionated strangers?

All that having been said, I have to agree that Cehra, you have enough of an idea of what you want that you really need more of an artisan than an artist. If I''m wrong and Ocean has contributed significantly to your design, then I vote for FINALIZING the design and letting her make it and put her name on it. If it''s basically still the idea you walked in with, then perhaps moving over to Quest would be appropriate. I hope you can wade through this thread and come to a conclusion that satisfies you.

And produces a pretty ring. Cuz we all wanna see. Maybe this has all been delayed to torture the rest of us?

Good luck Cehra! Make it a happy experience for yourself!
so cehra,

any new thoughts or feeling today? You know, I understand being more sentimental and emotional about your e-ring. My situation is a completely different can of worms but I do understand there are just plain life issues that can get in the way of getting a project complete. anyway, I hope you are feeling better and can be at peace with whatever you decide. I do think sometimes gals like us who are more sentimental and emotional in nature can just become to nitpicky that nothing seems right and we end up ringless for huge amounts of time. please come back and give us an update!!

p.s mara and the rest of you that I''ve drivin nutso, i promise to have a ring to show in the very near future
Date: 8/3/2007 3:19:15 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 8/3/2007 2:24:40 PM
Author: Chrono

Date: 8/3/2007 2:21:12 PM
Author: luckystar112
In regards to emailing Wink...I can''t picture any of us girls doing that.....seriously WHO WOULD DO THAT?!?!?!?
We all seem pretty level-headed. It had to be a lurker or someone who was considering getting their ring done...or someone close to him who thought that this thread might end up casting him in a negative light.
Exactly. On the other hand, perhaps, that person wants to give Wink a chance to speak out.
being one of the ones that emailed him there was 4 reasons:
1: heads up
2: say get this fixed asap, taking charge and ending it if need be. Its beyond being insane at this point and needs to end before it ends up hurting people worse than it already has.
3: I consider both Wink and cehra to be friends and when friends have problems, well its natural to give em a kick in the pants once in the while.
4: Wink and Cehra both have a strong I wanna be friends gene and whats needed right now is simple cold hard business.
Its not working cut loses and get on with life.

As far as blame goes there is plenty to go around too all parties but getting out of this mess and getting Cehra the ring she wants and loves is more important.

Date: 8/3/2007 4:21:52 PM
Author: mercoledi

Date: 8/3/2007 2:41:58 PM
Author: aljdewey
Sara.....after reading all of this thread, here''s what I have to contribute:

4) I disagree with any suggestion that you should have kept this off the forum. You aren''t slandering and you aren''t criticizing. You''re asking for outside perspective about whether you should move on given your feelings right now.

Just to clarify since Cehra''s either not around or not playing just now, I think Ocean asked Cehra to keep the specifics of the ring off of the forum. I took this to mean the design aspects.
Merco, I''m sure it''s true that Ocean asked to keep design specifics off forum, but that''s not what I was referring to.

I was referring specifically to the post which implied a wish that Ceha hadn''t begun this thread, publicly expressing her conflicted feelings and her disappointment.
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