Sometimes the strongest loves are the ones that take awhile to grow, I hope this is the case for you because both the ring and the stones are absolutely stunning!
The perspective shot of this ring on your hand is amazing. It’s got some serious presence. I notice the shape of the stones the most and how it fills out the whole band, which I love. I have to hand it to Caysie. That four prong setting couldn’t complement and enhance the stones more. Please let us know how you feel after a while. The ring itself is stunning. Hope you enjoy it more over time.
@Matthews1127 - here’s the shot you asked for with my engagement ring. Please excuse my poor camera skills! I wouldn’t wear them together as I prefer my engagement ring with either a plain metal band or a much thinner pave-type eternity band, but it’s interesting to see the different characters together.
Interestingly, if you zoom in slightly, the stone just to the right of the centre one is showing more of the character I thought I’d see based on macros. The centre stone is showing more like what I see at real life size, where the facets under the table are very busy and almost broken-up somehow. Maybe it’s an element of pure bad luck to some degree - if there’s differences between the stones, it may just be that the one that’s least pleasing straight on to my eyes happens to be dead centre in the ring and so is the one facing me full-on?
I also just realised from the pic that I haven’t cleaned my engagement ring after having lotion on yesterday - oops!
Stop it! You are not helping my 'Want NOWWWW' tendencies that cannot be serviced by my meagre income... LOLLissyflo, i found your post very interesting. I had a similar experience with my “asscher” from Yoram. In photos it looks very sculptural, but in person it is extremely “active” with scintillation like a round brilliant more than broad flashes. I said in a post after I got it - it is not just another pretty face ...Yoram’s cutting has a unique flavor. Those are gorgeous stones!!!
SorryStop it! You are not helping my 'Want NOWWWW' tendencies that cannot be serviced by my meagre income... LOL![]()
I really like this look. I agree with @foxinsox I think it’s because the outline of the Peruzzi cuts echo the shape of your asscher but the faceting is different so it makes both rings visually interesting. In a picture which is static, it looks fabulous. I can understand why in real life you may want a “calmer” band. It’s like why I wouldn’t wear my MRB five stone with my OEC but to the outside observer it looks amazing. That band is growing on me by the second. I wish I could see it IRL.@Matthews1127 - here’s the shot you asked for with my engagement ring. Please excuse my poor camera skills! I wouldn’t wear them together as I prefer my engagement ring with either a plain metal band or a much thinner pave-type eternity band, but it’s interesting to see the different characters together.
Interestingly, if you zoom in slightly, the stone just to the right of the centre one is showing more of the character I thought I’d see based on macros. The centre stone is showing more like what I see at real life size, where the facets under the table are very busy and almost broken-up somehow. Maybe it’s an element of pure bad luck to some degree - if there’s differences between the stones, it may just be that the one that’s least pleasing straight on to my eyes happens to be dead centre in the ring and so is the one facing me full-on?
I also just realised from the pic that I haven’t cleaned my engagement ring after having lotion on yesterday - oops!
Lissyflo, i found your post very interesting. I had a similar experience with my “asscher” from Yoram. In photos it looks very sculptural with crisp facets, but in person it is extremely “active” with scintillation like a round brilliant more than broad flashes, which overides being able to see the facets. I said in a post after I got it - it is not just another pretty face and is very talkative...Yoram’s cutting has a unique flavor. Those are gorgeous stones!!!
I actually really love how they look together and I usually don’t like big diamond bands next to engagement rings cos they usually detract from it. But this works.. and would look gorgeous with a thin plain band between them in the same metal or a different colour. It’s a gorgeous band and I hope it’s a slow burn for you
I really like this look. I agree with @foxinsox I think it’s because the outline of the Peruzzi cuts echo the shape of your asscher but the faceting is different so it makes both rings visually interesting. In a picture which is static, it looks fabulous. I can understand why in real life you may want a “calmer” band. It’s like why I wouldn’t wear my MRB five stone with my OEC but to the outside observer it looks amazing. That band is growing on me by the second. I wish I could see it IRL.
That is a gorgeous ring! Caysie did a stunning job on the claws.
I love your logic about the peruzzis as a way to have a cut that compliments your Asscher without being as lively as a MRB. My hunch is that as soon as you get used to the reality of the stones vs what you had envisioned, they will be absolutely perfect.
Congrats on a beautiful piece!
It's a beautiful ring and I hope it grows on you.
Great video by DbL of a Yoram Asscher!
@lissyflo that shade video is to die for! It's beautiful. Have you tried it next to a big fat ashoka from boodles, just for fun? The cut reminds me of their scissor cuts. And if time doesn't make you fall in love, there are a lot of EU based Psers who I'm sure would love to buy it, wink wink.