Oh, and I’m sure there are some people on PS who had to pay for ALL of their college tuition because they didn’t even HAVE a father, even a poor one.
Sorry about your brother. That stinks.
PS is a mix of people from a mix of backgrounds, yes some PSers have enough money to have expensive jewellery - this is after all a jewellery and gemstone forum.... I like looking at all jewellery and gemstones people have irrespective of how much they cost.
My poor white working class father came to this country with nothing, worked hard and paid for some (I paid for the rest) of my University education, my husband (also from a working class family) and I worked bloody hard for years for everything we own. So When other PSers and anyone else including vendors start throwing a public pity party that I or anyone else here am now middle class or that one person has more money and a better education than they do, I have little to no tolerance for that.
If people were born with money, I say good for them, if you live your life jealous of others wealth and personal circumstances then that says far more about you than it does about them. If you come to a jewellery and gemstone forum and have to compare yourself or feel resentment, they you should leave the forum...
We are on a forum that gives opinions about gemstones and diamonds, and jewellery, if some vendors do not like the opinions given here about their items then they need to grow a tougher skin. As I've said a number of times my sister in law and in laws own two different shops and work in the trade and they put up with, as far as I can see, far nastier stuff on a day to day basis from non PSers than many online vendors have to, including the ones that are doing the most complaining. So again, I have little to no sympathy for their unacceptable, unprofessional online meltdowns.
We all have personal stuff we have to deal with, we all have bad days, it doesn't excuse what equates to unprofessional, rude, jealous, classist, misogynistic rants online.