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I agree that Mario was awesome, even though I don''t like him as a person. I liked Joey and Willa the best. I have to say that Jerry Springer did move me to tears. I couldn''t help myself!!!!!!!
I''m shocked!!!!!
Goodbye Vivica!! YAY yay!!

I still can''t believe Sara is still in the running...

I didn''t know that Jerry''s daughter was legally blind and deaf in one ear? I saw that on Access Hollywood tonight...
Rosebud! A lot of the PS''ers are on the west coast and don''t know the results yet (they''re 3 hours behind us). I always have to try to contain myself and not spoil it by telling them who was kicked off before they can actually see it. Spoiler alert!!!
whoops! I just couldn''t contain myself... sorry y''all!! hopefully they didn''t view it yet?
UGH!!! I am not SAD to see 'I'm in character' Vivica go but I am irked to see Jerry and Sara still in there when Vivica has way more talent going on than they do! Sara is just like a robot and Jerry is just MEH!! But of course they both have tons of fans. Next week I am DEFINITELY going to vote as much as possible for my faves so that hopefully one of those two will go. They just cannot reach the level of where the other dancers are right now IMO. And I was sad to see Monique in the bottom two...she's definitely got some talent. It's scary because what if Jerry keeps moving on?? Or Sara? And really great dancers end up being sacrificed? Eeeee. Vote!!

Oh and re: the West Coast thing, I just don't read this thread until after I watch the show on Wed nights!
I must say I''m am shocked again this week. Not so much that Jerry stayed, I think he''s got a ton of fans and the vote for the worst type vote getter but Sara???? not even in the bottom two? those county fans must really be voting like crazy b/c I really don''t like her at all. When it came down to V and Monique I was hoping Monique would stay and glad she did but I agree V has a lot more talent than both Jerry and Sara.
I tried to vote online, but it wasn''t taking my username and password for some reason. Maybe so many people were trying to vote at the same time that it just wouldn''t work. So I didn''t get to vote this week.
Can''t BELIEVE Vivica got the boot. She wasn''t my fave, but Jerry and Sara needed to go WAY before her. This is ridiculous. I Tivo the show, so voting by phone is closed by the time I finish watching. I will have to vote online next week.
well I must say that I really enjoyed all the performances last night. Sara did alright although I still think she's robotic and not fluid. I actually thought Jerry's performance was very entertaining. Joey and Mario did their thing but I'm so over both of them. I really love Willa's performance and the improvement she's made is really great. I thought Monique did a great job too and I loved Emmitt last night. I really have no idea who will go. Either Jerry or Sara should be next but with their huge fan bases I don't know that they will. I'm kinda thinking it may be monique since she was in the bottom 2 last week and I'm not sure she has the fan base to keep going, but I hope it's Jerry or sara.

Also, did anyone notice Monique's dark nail polish when she was rehearsing? I totally thought of the nail polish thread
OMG Mrs Salvo me too!!! i was like hey that looks like a purply black color, fall nails! hahaha. too funny.

everyone last nite did really well ! even robot sara...but i still don't like her. she just is not up to par. and jerry, it soooo irritates me when the judges go all soft and easy on him with his lack of technique. how is it fair that joey gets dinged for not being technical enough even though he is an awesome dancer, and jerry just gets 'i was laughing so hard, great job!'. are they grading on a totally different scale??? this is not Hee Haw...this is Dancing with the Stars people. and then they gave Jerry all 8's? and Sara all 8's? to me at least Sara was better. and then a 4 way tie for first? that's just silly.

i voted last nite via email. one of my pet peeves is that they close the phones so quickly. the show aired here from 8-9:30 so i figured we had til 10:30 to call..NOPE. i called at 10:20 and the phone lines were closed! so what they left them open for 30 minutes? how lame is that.

who i hope goes tonite is sara or jerry, most likely jerry. however, who do i think will go?? probably poor monique or something. did you hear the audience chanting jerry last nite? that is why he is stuck in there. it sooooo peeves me.

on a random note, my last us weekly had an article on how eva longoria cheated on tony parker with mario lopez. that they have been friends for a long time and convenient sex buddies in the past kinda thing. well i guess she had a fling with mario (and the article was heavily towards 'eva is not known for her faithfulness' kinda thing) and tony found out. anyone notice how she was in the audience last week wearing a vote for mario shirt? and acting like a NUT during the sidebars when they showed her screaming and jumping up and down? well that us weekly made WAY more sense of it all when it arrived on friday! anyway we noticed last nite that she was not in the audience and i wonder if she will be there tonite. karina and mario made it pretty darn clear they are doing a little somethin-somethin on the side, so is he sleeping with BOTH women or what?!?!?

and can i just say that i want edyta's body? those smoking hot legs?!?!?!? in my dreams!! that girl is just ripped but still feminine...did anyone else see when joey fell between her legs in practice? every time they show joey's wife in the sidebar she looks only slightly happy for him...i bet she just LOVES watching him dance with hot leg warmer girl. greg is always commenting on that. hee hee.
heck, i'd take edyta's body, mario's partners body or Willa's body for that matter. all of those women look incredible, along the same lines as those dallas cowgirls

ok, I didn't know Joey was married!! who's he married too? I totally noticed the fall too mara. I think edyta's engaged to some other dancer/former partner or something.

oh and how about Mario's friends pool? My 4 year daughter thought it was a resort pool at Disneyworld. definitely something going on with mario and the gal...very interesting about Eva too....
i don''t remember who he is married to but she is no one famous i don''t think. they showed her last week in the practice because edtya and joey went to lunch with his family. he has kids too (or a kid?) ... anyway greg was like wonder what his wife thinks of his hot dance partner! and esp since joey is super touchy with his hands and stuff and he always holds E''s waist after they dance and are waiting for the judges etc. unlike robot sara and tony who don''t touch at all and they always seem so awkward during practices. anyway it just seems like every time they show J''s wife she looks kind of like stiff pleased...definitely not the kind of lisa rinna jazzed and rooting on her hubby kinda thing. it must be tough to see your man out there fondling some hot young thing! hehee. i don''t know if i COULD do it. i guess emmett''s wife just looks at her enormous rock during the routine! hehe.
I always felt bad for Drew''s wife last year b/c there is was dancing all sexy with cute cheryl and she''s all big and prego.
Mara, I was thinking the same thing about Edyta. Look at that body!!!! Holy cow. She looks amazing. I voted for Willa, Emmitt, Joey, and Monique (threw one online vote in there for her). She is really good, but I don''t know if she''ll last.
I saw last night''s show as well. I try to watch it each week. Cheryl is always amazing and so wonderful to watch. Edyta and Joey are doing great. I think Emmit is really improving. Willa and Maksim are hot and are very obviously having a great time outside of dancing. She is improving overall I feel. I was glad to see Vivaca go. Too much of drama...

Mario is crap---obviously---as a person, but he is something else on the dance floor. He is super easy on the eyes, too. Just knowing what scum he is makes it easier with regard to him for me to look at his dancing only. Of course, he and Karina are doing some other kind of dance off camera! You do NOT have that kind of chemistry without a little something going on! Yuck!

Jerry is having fun but if he gets voted off, he has learned the waltz and is ready now. When I learned that his daughter was born without nasal passages, legally blind and partially deaf, I was touched. He has a real soft spot for her, like any other dad and now he knows the waltz for her wedding. I do have to say, that I am curious to see her fiance and see who this amazing guy is. To take on a spouse with such deficits calls for someone very soulful, tender and a real catch. She''s a blessed woman!

Monique and Sara. Sara seems still quite reserved to me. She came out of her shell a little more during the dance with her boots on, but not much to me. Monique is very good and learns quick. She will go far, that is for sure.

If I had to guess, I''d say Jerry or Sara going home tonight...
I think they are keeping Jerry on due to curiousity - I mean, he literally made a joke about how all his fans are locked away in prison ( eek???) and that they each should be allowed 1 phone call to each vote for him. I think he is comfortable now, yet still does it for the joke factor.

I hope Sara goes - yes she did better than last weeks "to the guillotine" number, but the lime green 80''s costume was icky to me, and she just does not put her heart and soul into ANY performance - IMO. She looks like she is floating on a cloud, with her airy - light arms, and to me - that dance required some kick - just didnt feel it.

I hope Monique stays - I enjoyed her performance too. Willa is still my top!
Sara needs to go. I couldn''t believe they gave her 8s. I didn''t think her dance merited those scores at all. Very boring...dull movements. No pep in her number.

I loved Joey, loved Emmitt, thought they were great. Mario was okay but looked too ''pasa doble'' in his movements for a samba or whatever he was doing. A little too bullfighter-ish. Still good though.

I actually thought Jerry did a good job this week. I think Sara deserves the boot before he does.
Date: 10/11/2006 3:18:29 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Sara needs to go. I couldn''t believe they gave her 8s. I didn''t think her dance merited those scores at all. Very boring...dull movements. No pep in her number.

I loved Joey, loved Emmitt, thought they were great. Mario was okay but looked too ''pasa doble'' in his movements for a samba or whatever he was doing. A little too bullfighter-ish. Still good though.

I actually thought Jerry did a good job this week. I think Sara deserves the boot before he does.
Me too! All of it! Sara hasn''t impressed me once, but I thought it''s just because I''m a dancer. I''m glad to know I''m not the only one who thinks she should have gone home a long time ago. My 85 yr old grandma gets ticked watching the show because the results aren''t based on the dancing all that much.

Mario bugged me too...too authoritarian for a sexy rumba where the woman is in control. =)

Emmitt...rock on dude!
I''m REALLY starting to dislike the show. Last I wasn''t called Popularity Contest with the was called Dancing with the Stars. The fact that Sara Evans and Jerry Springer are still there and Willa Ford got sent home is strictly due to viewer calls...and that really irritates me. A lot. It''d be a better show if there were no viewer votes.
I think Mario is cute and a great dancer, though he likes to do his own thing. His partner is a bit sleazy and it really does seem they are a couple in one form or another. He cheated on Ali and blatantly so, maybe even on their honeymoon? I remember being disgusted by him for it.

I LOVE Willa and Max. I also think they have something going and she is improving all the time. Sara has talent as a singer but clearly dancing is tougher...some people have inate abilities and others work hard but it does not flow well.

If Willa is gone I will be sad...Jerry did get my emotions where his daughter is concerned, but I don''t love him overall, but it beats his sleazy show image for sure!

Even JERRY said 'that's not right' when the results were announced tonite and he looked shocked (I don't want to give it away in case others havent seen it)...Jerry knows he should be gone by now and that good people are getting sent home instead and that is what is also so screwed up. MEH.

TOTALLY over it. In fact if it keeps going like this, I will be so bummed.
Date: 10/12/2006 12:59:53 AM
Author: Mara

Even JERRY said 'that's not right' when the results were announced tonite and he looked shocked (I don't want to give it away in case others havent seen it)...Jerry knows he should be gone by now and that good people are getting sent home instead and that is what is also so screwed up. MEH.

TOTALLY over it. In fact if it keeps going like this, I will be so bummed.

It didn't air tonight in Ontario, wth? Who got booted? Pul-ease tell me?

ETA: Nevermind. I found it. Bleh.
It should have been "I've never gotten such harsh criticism in my life" Princess Sarah.
So Willa got the boot? After the judges praised her to the sky? Hmmm. I don''t think much of her dancing to be honest, and I thought the judges overrated her and I didn''t understand why. Now she is gone. I dunno - I wasn''t wild about the vibe with her and Max - sort of sleazy thing to it.

Sarah is pretty boring, and Jerry is just in way over his head so truthfully, as dancing goes, they should be off sooner. But Max and Willa had that whole half naked beach thing and I found it sort of trashy. Can live w/o them.

The dancer who disappointed me the most was Mario - he did a dreadful rumba. Karina did all the work and he sort of stood there. I was surprised cause he can do much more.

Joey is a great dancer and the judges don''t seem to compliment him much.

Emmitt was the surprise star - he is so musical and rythmic - great performer, he was the most enjoyable performance for me.
I was so sad and bummed that Willa got kicked off!
Jerry really should have been the one to go. He was entertaining and all but where's the technique? It's a dancing competition and it's a shame Jerry is still on because he has a huge fan base.

If Sara and Jerry aren't the next two to go, I'm going to be very disappointed!
I was so mad that I was yelling and throwing things at the TV. I can''t believe she got booted!?!?!?!?!? So unfair - this is so not a dancing competition anymore, and that is trully sad. It makes me not even want to watch it any longer - Sara or Jerry needed to go - if it ends up being Mario, Joey and Jerry - what a joke!!

I agree, don''t let the viewers vote - unlike, American Idol - the judges obviously have no sway in the audience decision on who they are voting for. Boo...
I feel like this is Jerry''s way of softening his image a bit. I think he is going to use this show as a launching pad to run in politics again. He held office in the past and tried to run a few years ago, but his show made him look terrible to people so he bowed out. Now that he has this "new and fresh" image, he may try it again. I think he is a lot more manipulative than the "gosh, gee darn" persona he is trying to BS people with. I think if he was really bothered by all of the votes going the way they have he would step out of the competition due to his knees, or health or whatever. I am starting to get annoyed by this show and the way it is going this year. Last year was awesome, this year it is just strange. You have people involved with each other, Cheryl being a witness to the whole Paris and Shanna debacle. I mean come on. This is getting a little sopa opera-ish. What happened to the actual dancing being what the show is about? I love to watch the people that actually give a damn and are trying, not these people who have a fan base (Sara, Jerry) and are using and abusing it. I used to love to watch this show with my daughter and we really enjoyed it, my sone even watched it with us sometimes. This year they want to watch something else because of the way it is going. OK, off the soap box. I''ll watch next week, but hopefully things can come back to the dancing and not the crap! Mokey
Date: 10/12/2006 12:20:59 AM
Author: FireGoddess
I''m REALLY starting to dislike the show. Last I wasn''t called Popularity Contest with the was called Dancing with the Stars. The fact that Sara Evans and Jerry Springer are still there and Willa Ford got sent home is strictly due to viewer calls...and that really irritates me. A lot. It''d be a better show if there were no viewer votes.

I agree FG. I was so bummed that Willa got kicked off. I was looking forward to seeing her dance some more. i really *don''t* want to see Jerry or Sara dance again
Jerry was/is entertaining but it still is a dancing contest and he or sara should have gone for sure. I''m glad Monique stayed and may start voting for her here on out since I just don''t like Mario and don''t really want Joey to win. oh and I may still vote for Emmitt as long as he does well.
I agree - the show is going downhill.

I think it is not good how the dancers/stars are reputedly having relationships with each other. Sleaze. If they were going to have one couple w/ the "relationship" to feature, they would have to pick Mario and Carina so maybe that is why Willa/Max got bounced.

I don''t understand many of the judges reactions - they seem pre-ordained.

Edyta is married to Alex Mazo, her real life competitive partner, and he is extra gorgeous, so Joey''s wife is probably safe!

Agree w/ everyone - I don''t need to see Jerry dance again - enuf already!
I just read onf Perezhilton that Sarah quit for "personal reasons" and is now filing for divorce!!

this is starting to sound just like Skating with the Stars --- pretty soon we will be hearing that Sarah is preggers with her dancing partners baby and she can hang out with Kritsy Swanson and her reality tv love baby!!!
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