
Daniel M - tsavorite and spessartite pear bypass ring


Sep 20, 2008
I normally am not a tsavorite fan, and I adore emeralds as my favorite green stone, but I saw this one on Tan's site, around 2.5 carats, that was the exact match almost in size, dimensions and cut, to my pear spessartite that I already own from him. LOGR wants a fortune these days for any custom work, so I tried Daniel M. I'm very happy with the outcome, and the price was very reasonable. It's in 14K gold. No diamonds, which is a change for me, but who needs them. The stones are large, and I'm just thrilled at how unique it is.

Oh, wow, I love that, TL! The color on the stones is amazing, and the style of the ring shows them off perfectly. I'm guessing you'll be using Daniel M again for setting?
Thanks Aofie,
That's what Caren said about the color of the stones too, "amazing color." Yes, I think I'll be using them again. ;))

I've been dying for a pear bypass for eons, since I love pear shaped gems, and so this is a dream of mine come to fruition.
Wonderful "pearing" of those two stones. The saturation matches so well and the simple design is elegant and sets the stones to great advantage. I love it!
TL, it is gorgeous!!!! What a great compliment of stones. I'm glad it turned out to your expectation.
side view


I really like this ring, the color combo and the design is really to my liking. If you have the time, could you take a whole hand shot. I like how the stones are center stage in the ring, and there is something about that interplay of color that is so inspiring to me. So nice!
Thanks Largosmom and Uppy!!

mariedtiger|1289147346|2757512 said:

I really like this ring, the color combo and the design is really to my liking. If you have the time, could you take a whole hand shot. I like how the stones are center stage in the ring, and there is something about that interplay of color that is so inspiring to me. So nice!

Those are the vendor shots, and they just finished it today. When I get it, I'll add more of my own shots to the mix. Here's my handshot of the stones unset. Thanks!

Ok, I understand. Sorry for being impatient, of course you'll take pictures, I should have known :bigsmile:
I really really adore this.
What a great ring! I love the style and those stones go together beautifully - congratulations!
Those stones are stunning colors. That is not a combination that I would've thought to put together, but it is beautiful. I think you did the right thing with no diamonds. I love it - great job :appl:
tourmaline_lover|1289146457|2757502 said:
I love pear shaped gems, and so this is a dream of mine come to fruition.

Good one, TL
I love it! And I'm so proud of you for getting away from the diamonds! Those babies didn't need a diamond halo! Well, really, two diamond halos....
minousbijoux|1289151644|2757571 said:
Those stones are stunning colors. That is not a combination that I would've thought to put together, but it is beautiful. I think you did the right thing with no diamonds. I love it - great job :appl:

Thanks minousbijoux!

There actually might be room for one round diamond between the pears. I own a greenish yellow diamond that would look stunning in between the pears, but I didn't send it to Daniel M because I hate sending such valuable gems through the mail. My jeweler might be able to set it in there. I think it would make for a nice accent to the ring, it's 4mm in size and has hearts and arrows.
Thanks Freke,
I still love diamonds, but yes, I think the stones hold up well on their own.
Wow awesome ring! I really like the pear shaped stones and particularly the tsavorite. Enjoy wearing it!
This was the 4mm diamond I was thinking of putting between the pears, on the bridge of the bypass, and it looks like there would be enough room. It is greenish yellow with green fluor, so that's why I didn't send it to Daniel M, but my original design included the diamond. I just hate sending diamonds through the mail, scary. :errrr:

Too much????

Thanks Cind11!
I love the design and the colors. :love: I might have to add a bypass ring to my wish list.

I have become a pear lover myself and you have put together a unique ring that I love. I love Tsavorite and the spess is so nice.
Wear it in good health.

I just love that ring. The colors compliment each other. It will be perfect for fall and winter. (Who knows, maybe perfect for summer, too!!!) I hope you get a lot of joy from looking at it on these short dreary days ahead. You will be carrying your own portable SUNshine.
I think the colors work beautifully together, but the diamond would have been too much. Good choice to keep it simple.
Very pretty.
I agree, the diamond isn't necessary at all. The pears play off each other so well on their own; they don't need a third wheel.
Oh how cool! I love the colors together..makes me want a bypass ring too! Reminds me of leaves changing colors in the fall.
Oh TL, love your bypass ring! The colors of your stones are just gorgeous! Can't to see it on your hand!
Is it yellow gold TL? The first piccie looks white but the side view looks yellow?

Gotta be honest and say I don't like mixed coloured stone rings as a rule OR bypass rings - so this one I should hate but strangely I don't! I like the fluidity of the ring and the dimensions and shapes of the pears. Being a pear freak, this really appeals to me.

I'm glad to hear you're happy with Daniel M as I contacted him a few weeks ago but shied away because it would mean sending my stones to the US to get a great result. :((

Wear it in very good health!
Wonderful bypass. I kinda like the diamond idea, one diamond for each stone to share.
I think I'd like to do a heart bypass ring.
That is one of their prettiest pieces yet, I think ~ WOW !!!
Lovely Ring, love your Tsavorite and Spess together :love: :love: :love:

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