
Darn arachnophobia!

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I try to leave our spiders alone within reason, because they eat all the other bugs that would otherwise torment us (mosquiters, etc). Our 2 resident geckos also get the VIP treatment, since they eat the roaches like mad. I haven''t hardly SEEN a roach, which is remarkable in Morocco.
Here is w2b''s favorite spider...
Dont scroll down if ya dont like spiders!

ughhhh.. I swore i wasnt going to continue reading this.. but some crazy fascinatiion set in.. and well here I am..

My dad is in Iraq, and tells me stories about these "camel spiders" Well, I have never looked them up, and this thread kinda peaked my interest!! O*M*G*....
So.. for anyone looking for a SHOCk this am.. google camel spiders...

Apparently a lot of stories about them are urban myths (the can run up to 30mph.. the scream... they jump HIGH, and they attach to camels bellies.. hence the name).. but they exist.. and they are BIG.. ughhh.. I''m sufficiently creeped out now!!!

last year we had an issue with portia bringing in a few fleas from the community park we ended up spraying dichatomaceous earth all over the house along the walls and stuff...well it will kill any type of creepy crawly, including spiders. so basically we didn''t see a bug for about 4 months in the house. we don''t see that many anyway as we are new construction in a tri level townhouse, whereas it seems like a lot of times older places have way more spiders or similar, more crevices and cracks to hide in maybe or underneath or something. anyway greg has killed 3-4 spiders in the last month and i am thinking maybe we should respray the DE or something, because i really liked having the home be bug free for a few months in a non-toxic manner! spiders hang out in my garden and as long as they stay there, we get along!! oh and i HATE the web spinning thing where you walk into it, out here they don''t spin elaborate webs, just strings, but even walking into those freaks me out into a frenzy for a few minutes just making sure there''s nothing attached to the web. YAK!
I know this sounds weird, but I''ve kind of gotten used to the little guy now. Granted, I won''t get closer than 10 ft away from him.

But what I noticed is that from far away he looks like a little "hello kitty" head just floating in the air! lol.

OKay camel spiders were something I could have happily in ignorance of. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Not spiders though... or scorpions in truth they are something in between. Have no venom... but they bite, and well... lets NEVER speak of that again.
Oh Gypsy... how you make me laugh.. I only posted that after I looked them up.. and hoped someone would actually google it like I did... and be miserable like me after seeing it.. (I''m sooo sorry for setting that up.. but I so couldnt be alone in the ick factor!!!)

Misery loves company...still creeped out.. blech...
I knew that''s what your doing... but well, I''m bored. It''s warm and sunny out. One of the executives has made an unreasonable demand which would occupy all our time for the next couple of weeks (ALL OUR TIME. No lunch, no breaks... 12 hour days) and everyone is in a panic. And I''m just waiting for someone to tell me what exactly it is that I need to do, since from what I can tell... I''ve already done my part (I had a feeling this was coming, I just did my portion just in case... and it''s done). I''m assuming I will have to help SOMEONE do theirs since everyone else is acting like they had no clue this was coming.
Date: 6/12/2007 3:57:56 PM
Author: luckystar112
I know this sounds weird, but I''ve kind of gotten used to the little guy now. Granted, I won''t get closer than 10 ft away from him.

But what I noticed is that from far away he looks like a little ''hello kitty'' head just floating in the air! lol.
Ok, so he''s not big?
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