
Dates missing from posts?

This has been going on for a little bit longer than is comfortable so I’ve been thinking of another partial workaround.

Ok yeah this isn't going to work, I can't manage to explain it in a way that's easy enough and won't confuse everyone.

In short, for the more tech savvy (and those feeling adventurous), the information on post date and time is still there, even if visually hidden, and can be viewed by inspecting the html code of the page through your web browser. Once you're in the inspect menu, you can search the html code by username for ease and see the date and time of the post.

Short of that, the only thing we can do is start signing each post with today's date...

<edit 2> Apparently, when you edit a post some time after first publishing, a time stamp of the edit can be found in the lower right corner. So that's something, I guess.
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This has been going on for a little bit longer than is comfortable so I’ve been thinking of another partial workaround.

Post editing in progress
Posted 10/31/23 by me

I've decided to add my own dates to my least for now.
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Another workaround: you can search on a poster (search button top right). This shows the poster's recent posts, with dates attached.

But really, this needs to be fixed. Otherwise, it's just too easy to add to a necrobump.
I learned a new word today: necrobump. It's much cuter than dead thread. Thanks @Starstruck8.
I have to wonder what the objective was in replacing the date/time stamp :think:. Now there is just redundancy with the post number being in both upper corners.

I’m also curious why @Ella hasn't mentioned anything about this change, by either coming on this thread or creating a new one. It seems worth noting.
I had no idea how much I liked or used the date and time stamp until it was gone.

Me too. It helped me remember important events, find threads, understand patterns, avoid responding to people who will never see my responses. Why why WHY the change? It's all so much worse now.
I don't understand what point there could be in removing the date. Do you think it could be an attempt to revive old threads as no one would notice that they were old? But I thought old threads were eventually closed if there hadn't been any newer comments. Am I mis-remembering that?
@Ella has been informed, so I'd let it go.
I must admit to feeling better about this not being an isolated-to-me issue.

But yeah, it's caused hesitation on my part with responding to threads.

Thanks for the tip about finding the dates @Avondale , bit of a pain, but inspecting the html code did the trick!

Posted by me, Oct 31, 2023.
This has been going on for a little bit longer than is comfortable so I’ve been thinking of another partial workaround.

Ok yeah this isn't going to work, I can't manage to explain it in a way that's easy enough and won't confuse everyone.

In short, for the more tech savvy (and those feeling adventurous), the information on post date and time is still there, even if visually hidden, and can be viewed by inspecting the html code of the page through your web browser. Once you're in the inspect menu, you can search the html code by username for ease and see the date and time of the post.

Short of that, the only thing we can do is start signing each post with today's date...

<edit 2> Apparently, when you edit a post some time after first publishing, a time stamp of the edit can be found in the lower right corner. So that's something, I guess.

Good workaround about everyone posting the date on every post.
I doubt many would go through the trouble.
I doubt I will.

But, you wrote:
Apparently, when you edit a post some time after first publishing, a time stamp of the edit can be found in the lower right corner.

We can only edit for 45 minutes after our initial post.
After the edit-window ends doesn't that time stamp disappear?
ETA: One minute after this initial post I clicked the Edit button.
I see no time stamp I the lower right corner, as the screen capture below of the entire lower-right corner of my monitor demonstrates.

I think it's to promote engagement in the absence of new content since n00bs, in particular, can not tell how old a thread is. I find it is having the exact opposite effect on me. Who wants to compose a complex answer to a long-ago-solved question? "I have a great suggestion for the ring you finished two years ago!"

I infer that if it were unintentional, there would be service updates like there are on other forums. Maybe there were and I missed them. But the ongoing and general bafflement suggests that's not the case.
.......Short of that, the only thing we can do is start signing each post with today's date...

<edit 2> Apparently, when you edit a post some time after first publishing, a time stamp of the edit can be found in the lower right corner. So that's something, I guess.

im happy to do that, but here at the end of the world i do live in the future
If removing the dates is intentional, I just wish we'd be told that so we could move on. I find I keep looking for them, hoping they will reappear. If it's a glitch that is being worked on, it would be nice to know that too.

11-1-23 10:49 a.m.

I just edited this post and I don't see any time stamp either.
I’m assuming the date problem isn’t a simple or easy fix. This site has to be time consuming to manage. @Ella, Please know I’m just glad this site is available. Thank you for keeping the site running.
After the edit-window ends doesn't that time stamp disappear?

It doesn't, it stays. It's the next day now and the time stamps are still there.

ETA: One minute after this initial post I clicked the Edit button.
I see no time stamp I the lower right corner, as the screen capture below of the entire lower-right corner of my monitor demonstrates.

I just edited this post and I don't see any time stamp either.

I believe if the edit is done within a short amount of time after posting, the system doesn't add a time stamp.

@stracci2000's post, as well as mine, both have time stamps, but her edit was done 13 minutes after posting initially and my final edit was 18 minutes after posting. I'm not sure what the cut off point is - maybe 10 minutes, or 5? We'll have to experiment in order to see.

I think it's to promote engagement in the absence of new content since n00bs, in particular, can not tell how old a thread is.

If a thread has been inactive for more than 60 days, the text field where you can type out your reply has a bright yellow message warning that the last post is old.

I'm willing to believe this change wasn't intentional. Such websites get updated regularly behind the scenes without the users being notified, and it's possible a recent update broke things a little.

im happy to do that, but here at the end of the world i do live in the future

I say go for it and confuse the hell out of future generations of forum users. PS will be the place where users bend time to their whims and live in the future! :D

<Nov 1 2023>

<5 minute edit test>
Yep, it's the 5-minute mark.
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I miss the date too, and shall start adding the date in my posts from now on.

DK :) 01-Nov-2023
i like how you wrote the month
no confussion with countries who write the month first
its your tomorrow already here

It used to be DD-MM-YY or YYYY until one of my clients with global presence specifies DD-MMM-YY or YYYY as their corporate date format in quality documents.

DK :)) 01-Nov-2023
Late to the party, but having the same gripes! I want to know if I'm replying to current or old info. Now it just shows when the thread was started. Ugh
Nov 5, 2023
Mods please change it! I didn't realize how much I relied on the date and time stamp!
It’s driving me crazy not having the dates! I also can’t seem to remember to add the dates to my posts. Ugh!
For those who reported this, did anyone hear back from admin?
Posting dates can also be a bit confusing If you are on the other side of the world and a day ahead! :lol:

7 November 2023