I was about four when I had mine done. It was done with a needle (no antiseptic, no ice, no nothing!). Hey, that''s the way traditional asian families did it back then (32 years ago). I know it hurt like hell - but I can''t remember the pain at all. And a gun will hurt much much less than a needle. My sister (aged 7) had hers done first and I had no idea what was going on. I didn''t even know that I was getting my ears pierced and didn''t understand why I was going through this pain - no one tole me what was happening. Probably a good thing because if I knew, probably would have run away from home!!
A lot of people might think 4 is a young age - but most asian girls (especially from my era) had them done young.
As for diamond for your daughter, how about a compromise and getting czs? My FI bought his daughter some ruby studs for her birthday (her birthstone) when she was about 9 - she lost them. I more of a traditionalist and believe that young children should not be given such excess so young. Personally, I would wait for a significant birthday (perhaps 16). I was brought up that whay and that''s just my opinion.
A lot of people might think 4 is a young age - but most asian girls (especially from my era) had them done young.
As for diamond for your daughter, how about a compromise and getting czs? My FI bought his daughter some ruby studs for her birthday (her birthstone) when she was about 9 - she lost them. I more of a traditionalist and believe that young children should not be given such excess so young. Personally, I would wait for a significant birthday (perhaps 16). I was brought up that whay and that''s just my opinion.