
Daylight Savings Time Change

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te:[/b] 2/2/2007 2:37:20 PM
Author: sumbride
Hmmm... I wonder if it has to do with your position within the time zone as well as the latitude. No idea...


it does somehow. I live almost directly south of cincinnati, where I grew up and they are on EST. I'm on central and I don't like that either
Date: 2/2/2007 1:57:12 PM
Author: sumbride

Date: 2/2/2007 3:10:49 AM
Author: Cehrabehra
I HATE daylight savings time. I would much rather have it light in the morning.... it is so hard to get kids to go to bed when it is light until close to 10pm!!!!!
Where do you live that this is a problem? I know it''s common in Europe, but sunset is around 8 pm in my neck of the woods.... all depends on Latitude I suppose. Just be glad you don''t live in Alaska.

And it may be tough to get the kids to bed, but think of all the extra time you could be outside drinking margaritas! That''s what I love most about summertime and DST! Being OUTSIDE! During the winter I don''t even get to see my backyard in the daylight.
I''m in portland oregon and it doesn''t seem that north, but it''s further north than montreal! When we lived up near seattle it started geting light at 4am and didn''t get dark enough to watch the drive in moves until after 10. I think the sun set at 9:30 there.... I''ll look it up for her. But because the sun sets at such a long angle here "dusk" lasts twice as long as it did in california.

It also makes a difference whether you''re on the western or eastern side of a time zone - by an hour! LOL

portland oregon for june 21 is:
Sunrise: 5:21am
Sunset: 9:02pm

for los angeles is:
Sunrise: 5:41am
Sunset: 8:07pm

for portland on dec 21 is:
Sunrise: 7:47am
Sunset: 4:29pm

for LA:
Sunrise: 6:53am
Sunset: 4:47pm
Date: 2/2/2007 2:05:35 PM
Author: colorkitty
I love winter. Changing the clocks is just wonky. It''s not going to be sunny when you come home from work every day of the year, and I think we should go with the natural order of it all.
you know CK that''s another part of it for me - being natural about life and just accepting the cycles.
Date: 2/2/2007 2:18:26 PM
Author: Mara
lol sumbride i totally agree re: being outside drinking, we have a ton of bbq''s and attend a ton during the summer months and there is nothing like chilling out on your patio drinking sangria or a margarita and chowing on a burger at like 8pm with the sun just going down, haha! i wish it could be like that all the time. i am definitely happier when it''s bright/light out.
oh yeah after school is out its fine LOL apparently we get a full more hour before the sun sets here than you guys do.... and during the winter an hour less - but in the morning LOL its wonky for sure, we get almost 1.5 more hours of sun in the summer and less in the winter. winters here suck but if I could have a summer vacation house anywhere it''d be in vancouver canada.
Date: 2/2/2007 10:00:10 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/2/2007 9:41:48 AM
Author: sumbride
Congress changed it as part of an energy bill two years ago. They had to wait until 2007 for it to kick in, presumably because calendars for 2006 were already printed when they passed it in 2005. It starts earlier and ends later from now on, or until they change it again. They can move it because they put it in place in the first place!
energy bill - that is just SO stupid!!!! Okay first of all people are no longer bound to farm times needing the kids around after school to work... and if they are - then adjust your LIFE to the CLOCK!!! People work all hours of the day - at work at 4am, 6am, 8am, 10am.... coming home all hours as well. That ONE hour isn''t going to make any difference. If you want the kids out earlier, start them at 7am. This artificial moving of the clock just bugs me to no end and the justifications of it are all ridiculous.
Actually their inclusion of the daylight savings time issue was, in fact, quite germane. It is and has always been a matter of energy conservation.
I wish they would just do it all year and stop messing around with the clocks. I didn''t really care until I had kids but moving around bedtimes is hard. My baby gets up at the same time every day so when me move the clocks back an hour and I have to be up at some ungodly hour, I hate it.
You finally adjust to it and then, wham, you have to do it the other direction again.
Gosh, I am sooooooo READY for spring and warm weather. Yeah to Dalight Savings Time!
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