
Designing my 20th Anniversary Ring

Yay! When do you expect to receive it?! Mine was overnight but what is the timeline for international? I’m so excited for you. It’s really so perfect!!
This case of blue boards is killin' me! C'mon, show us your ___! :lol:
Yay! When do you expect to receive it?! Mine was overnight but what is the timeline for international? I’m so excited for you. It’s really so perfect!!

It is being sent overnight! BUT it all depends on customs clearance. Fingers crossed for a smooth process.
Just to add, @Dreamer_D , that you have inspired me. Now my head is now spinning on a ring setting for my 5 baby K Quadexes - and I'm in still the midst of that pendant with Caysie!

It'll be a while, but your project has convinced me that yes, I actually DO need a 5 stone ring!

I’d like to know more about these quads diamonds you have! And yes, you do need a five stone. I have wanted one for at least 15 years so hopefully you get yours sooner :lol-2:
Customs clearance delay as usual :roll2: Spent like 2 hours this morning sorting it all out.

FedEx requires you to sign a power of attorney to handle the customs clearance. Then they needed clarification of the contents and I had to send them receipts and talk on the phone with the broker. So annoying! Pretty sure UPS and the USPS just process things and don't give it this level of scrutiny. I've never had delays when things were shipped with either of those companies. And you pay extra for overnight service and then its not even overnight! Because I won't get it today! I will be lucky to get it tomorrow.

Anyway, I will feel better once its cleared. The good news is I'm not being charged duty and I'm not going to have to pay taxes on the diamonds again, just taxes on the setting... which FINE, I guess o_O.

Customs is always the most stressful part of the process of shipping. I was planning to go down to the US to pick it up but this time of year there is only a ferry once a day and so I couldn't make the trip. Note to self: Buy jewelry in the summer :lol-2:
My second whinge of the day - the Canadian dollar is only 0.69USD right now. The lowest its been in decades! Sooooo painful to add like 44% to the price for anything I buy in the US. I'm gonna need to wear the heck out of this ring to get that cost per wear in line!
My second whinge of the day - the Canadian dollar is only 0.69USD right now. The lowest its been in decades! Sooooo painful to add like 44% to the price for anything I buy in the US. I'm gonna need to wear the heck out of this ring to get that cost per wear in line!

Gosh that's how I feel with every single purchase. The AUD is about 0.63USD. it was as low as 0.61 lately. But I'm so thankful that it's still cheaper to buy from the US (lol my local jeweller gave me a quote of 5k AUD to make a 9ct bangle and 10k for 14ct so we're probably going to go back to DK). Anyway I can't wait to see you wear this beautiful ring!
Gosh that's how I feel with every single purchase. The AUD is about 0.63USD. it was as low as 0.61 lately. But I'm so thankful that it's still cheaper to buy from the US (lol my local jeweller gave me a quote of 5k AUD to make a 9ct bangle and 10k for 14ct so we're probably going to go back to DK). Anyway I can't wait to see you wear this beautiful ring!

Yes you feel the pain! And it is still a better price for the quality, especially. Inflation pulls our dollar down but also affects the cost of buying locally. Bah!
So exciting!!!’ Hopefully you will have her on your finger tomorrow!

…. So your saying if there’s something in Canada I’ve been drooling over and I’m in the us… I should buy it? :lol:
Yes! Buy Canadian and automatically get 30% off lol

Still in customs. I don’t know if they clear things overnight. But if it doesn’t clear by like 7am I won’t be getting to tomorrow either I think. Then it’s the weekend :cry2:
I had to come into the office all day for meetings but my mom is at home waiting to sign for it lol
YESSSSS!!!!! Almost home!!!

I’ll be stalking your page!! :love:
SMTB thread is here!

What an amazing journey! It turned out absolutely perfect, like they're all long-lost soul mates.

I don't want to derail the SMTB thread so I'm asking here... would you by any chance be willing to share the names of your scrap/pawn e-bay sellers? I have a specific flower cluster project in mind, and I think I would start with an existing smaller full cluster, then try to source another couple size-matches stones to make a larger outside halo to accommodate a larger center stone. Not in the near future, but it seems like the hunt could take a while. :P2
What an amazing journey! It turned out absolutely perfect, like they're all long-lost soul mates.

I don't want to derail the SMTB thread so I'm asking here... would you by any chance be willing to share the names of your scrap/pawn e-bay sellers? I have a specific flower cluster project in mind, and I think I would start with an existing smaller full cluster, then try to source another couple size-matches stones to make a larger outside halo to accommodate a larger center stone. Not in the near future, but it seems like the hunt could take a while. :P2

Recycled Gems sells lots of smaller OECs all with GIA reports. I’ve bought three diamonds from them, very easy.

Wilshire Coin has some old cuts but not many. I bought one from them

Starlight diamonds. They don’t label their stones so you have to hunt for the old cuts. I bet if you messaged them they could point them out. IGI lab reports so unreliable, but accurate videos.
