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On 2/15/2003 9:47:35 AM aljdewey wrote:
My advice to you, Jax is this: Just pick one. It won't matter what you pick because you'll never be completely happy with it. I don't mean disrespect, but I honestly don't believe you can have a "better experience" don't know what you want, you fixate on things that are non-issues, and you never seem to be satisfied. It's like you have to find *something* to agonize over.
The diamond in question rates an 0.8!!!!! on the HCA. It is positively gorgeous, and you're worried because it gets 2 V/highs and 1 high? Then you're worried that it won't be as nice as the stone you have. If you like the stone you have, then why are you looking for something else.
With regard to your above statement to Jonathan: This is a PERFECT example of what I'm talking about. Jonathan said in his post: "Warning though. If Jax posts the link she still had dibs on it till she gives me the word." And your inpretation of that is to feel pressured. HOW? He just said he won't give anyone else option on it until you determine if you want it or not. You might as well scrap this diamond anyway, because now that you feel "pressured", I'm sure the "experience" on this one will now be sullied beyond repair as well.
Jonathan, you're a saint. If I were in your shoes, I'd have dropped this hot potato a long time ago. Way, WAY too high maintenance.
On 2/15/2003 6:476 PM La Femme wrote:![]()
I completely agree with everything you said, aljdewey. Jonathan, you really /are/ a saint! She gave you a perfect opportunity to drop her, but you've said that you won't. You're a better person than I.
Jax, you have to understand that from an outsider's POV, it looks like you are a spoiled and demanding princess-type who has a doormat of a fiance. Joe showers you in all sorts of jewelry (most recently the Valentines ring you posted about), and you've upgraded your ring 5 or 6 times now. What do you expect people to think when you keep asking for advice on your next purchase?
Your alluding to problems you've had with GOG on DT (and here) gets old. Just say what he did that made your experience so horrible. Don't think so highly of yourself to imagine that he'd lose a lot of business from a negative testimonial. He's had not-so-great ones before, and his business appears to be doing fine. But when you go on DT and say that you've had a bad experience with him, only to not say what he did, it makes people think the situation is probably worse than it actually was. So he didn't get back to you promptly at every turn? So your ring arrived one day later than planned? So he's had a hard time finding your perfect stone for the past month? You make it sound like he's done /much/ worse than that.
I'm also a firm believer in spending money on what makes you happy - if you have the money. If jewelry is your thing and Joe honestly wants to give it to you, great. But it does make one wonder to see a young couple in their early 20s spending all sorts of money on various pieces of jewelry, and even moreso if the girl in question will soon have a 1.2-1.3 carat rock. Isn't there anything higher on your list of priorities?
On 2/15/2003 9:31:38 PM liz wrote:
Agreed. Jaxie, whether you see yourself this way or not, this is the image your behavior is projecting. Grow up and learn that the world cannot always conform to your exact specifications within your exact time frame.----------------
On 2/15/2003 6:476 PM La Femme wrote:![]()
Jax, you have to understand that from an outsider's POV, it looks like you are a spoiled and demanding princess-type who has a doormat of a fiance. Joe showers you in all sorts of jewelry (most recently the Valentines ring you posted about), and you've upgraded your ring 5 or 6 times now. What do you expect people to think when you keep asking for advice on your next purchase?
On 2/17/2003 105:16 AM aljdewey wrote:![]()
You still don't seem to get it. The purpose of my comments were not to defend GOG.....because I personally don't think it matters who you deal with. I think you'll find something to be unhappy about even if you try to work with the Pope to find you a diamond.
I'll say it again in case you just missed it.....I'm not defending GOG. I don't know him at all. I'm saying that you are never happy with anything.
This isn't a personal attack on you, as you think it is. It is an observation based on YOUR comments about the various diamonds you've had to date.
You don't know what you want, you find fault with every stone for the smallest of reasons, and nothing is ever done fast enough for you. Those are my observations based ON YOUR WORDS.
You asked for advice and opinions....and I gave you mine. I'll repeat it, because you apparently missed it: Pick any diamond, because it won't matter what you pick. You won't be happy with it anyway, and if perchance you can't find fault with the stone, you'll most certainly find a way to find fault with "the experience". It is impossible to make you happy in my opinion.
Again, no disrespect meant....just an honest telling of advice and opinions, as YOU asked.
On 2/17/2003 1:13:20 PM canadianice wrote:
Complaining about "the experience" was, apparently, Princess Jax's initial complaint...
Anybody else have dirty laundry to air publicly?
My eyes are doing the Krispy Kreme (or Tim Hortons in Canada) on this thread... completely glazing over.
Public petulance isn't pretty.
On 2/17/2003 37:30 PM ccuheartnurse wrote:![]()
LOL the way, too many Tim Hortons around. haha Then again, at 1am, they wont let you down.
I have been shaking my head since the beginning of your saga stories Jax. The one that you lost me on was the one at Christmas. I really thought you were way off base wailing like a child cause you couldnt get your 1ct that you wanted ASAP. I thought, how childish, doesnt she know its the busiest time of the year? And, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt it your fiance who mailed your original ring in late & thats why you got your new one late??
Fast forward just a couple of mths. You say you've been patient for 4 wks now. It took me 7 mths to make up my mind in regards to *my* perfect stone. Of all the vendors that I communcicated with, not many could find what I wanted. I just needed to sit on my hands & wait it out. The stones can only come out of GIA/AGS labs fast enough. And god knows, none of us would buy a stone without either one of those certs to back it up.
I dont care what your financial situation is or how old you are. If you want a bigger stone, then get one, if you want a new car, then get one, if you want a pedicure, get one, I dont care. Your life does nothing for mine. I just find it frustrating that you take your dilemas so public. Take them private then you will not get the opinions you dont want to get.
On 2/17/2003 5:15:57 PM Googleman wrote:
It seems to me that you are suffering from am impatient young person in love syndrome/want to get married ASAP. You want the ring and you want to be engaged and you don't want to wait (to save up enough money to buy the ring you want in the first place). You are not satisfied with a "small diamond" but your "I want everything NOW" attitude forces you to buy the smaller rock and upgrade everytime you get a couple bucks in the bank instead of just saving to buy the larger ring in the first place. Somehow, I don't believe this is how Jonathan envisioned his upgrade policy working and this isn't how most people behave. (They exercise a little restraint and save up the money to buy the size and quality ring they really want, even if that means it won't happen tomorrow.) You are the epitome of the microwave generation!!!
The attitude you, YOURSELF, have shown on these forums only portrays YOU as immature and impatient. You embarrased yourself by posting on a forum how "Jonathan hadn't responded to your request for an upgrade" only for everyone to find out you had contacted him only TWO days prior!!! You wrote about how Jonathan forgot to call when your ring was going to be a day later than expected. I do respect the fact that you are expecting an expensive diamond, however, did it ever occur to you that NO ONE IS PERFECT and may have forgotten and that you could place a phone call to him!!!! In my opinion, Jonathan has come off very well throughout all this and the only one who ends up looking like a fool is you. I have no interest in Jonathan's business, I just call 'em as I see 'em.
Clearly, when it comes to deciding to get married, age cannot be the sole deciding factor. It's about maturity. And that is one area where you are lacking.
On 2/17/2003 7:403 PM mattinSD wrote:![]()
From GOG site:
"...if the market does not have what you are looking for at the time... do one of two things. Either wait till your stone comes along or better yet just go into that next magic number. For example if you want a diamond that weighs in the 1.40's because you want to save the money you'd be spending on the 1½, go to the 1½ and drop down a color or a clarity. Be flexible to an extent. Or if your jeweler can't find you a stone in the 1.40's but finds you an absolute beauty in the 1.30's BUY IT!!! You'll be anal enough with all the information you are going to want from the jeweler (especially after reading this site), so be willing to be flexible a bit and don't give your jeweler such tightly rigid standards. Don't get me wrong, you want to be picky to an extent. You do want to draw the line somewhere in your clarity, color, cut and weight, but be flexible and have fun!!!"
Unfortunately, you guys ain't having no fun!!! And your not following your vendor's advice...
But the real backlash is a result of airing your dirty laundry in public - I've only starting reading DT and pricescope for a couple weeks, and I know that:
1) you originally bought a engagement ring at Zales (I would assume sometime in the spring of 2002)
2) re-proposed last June with a superbcert (approx 3/4 ct.)
3) upgraded to over a carat since then between June and fall of 2002
4) Been trying to upgrade again for a couple of months since then
Surely you can see how people might get the impression that you guys are impossible to please, overly picky, and immature - Sheesh, I'd be worried that my fiance would be looking to upgrade me!! (I am honestly joking, please don't take that personally...)
I hope things end up working out for you, but I'll leave you with a saying my father used to tell me (slightly editted for language):
"If you crap the bed, don't hang the dirty sheets in the front yard unless you want the nieghbors knowing!"