
Diamond experts: help me choose! (HCA scores 0.5, 0.7, 1.2)

Let the spread and the $'s decide - they are equivalent
@DejaWiz Thanks for the tip about slow-mo! Definitely helps.

@diamondseeker2006 Exactly why I'm struggling! But at the end of the day what I see matters most, so I agree in this video the 3.34 looks better. However, I do think it has a better angle since it's on the knuckle, so I asked them for another video with the 3.37 on the knuckle to give it one last chance :lol-2:

@Garry H (Cut Nut) Price and spread are right about the same too which make this that much harder!

I'll post the new video tomorrow in case anyone is still interested :mrgreen2: Thank you all!!
Okay, after watching all these videos several times with the rings in various positions, my conclusion is that the 3.34 has slightly better fire, brilliance, scintillation, and contrast, and more of my preferred arrow shape (a bit chunkier!). I also find the gray circle in the middle of the diamond larger and more distracting in the 3.37 (is this called the cutlet? table reflection?). I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts! All the videos in various lightings are below, but if you don't want to watch them all I think the side-by-side one (video 4) is the most useful in seeing all the things I mentioned, on an even playing field.

3.34 on top, 3.37 on bottom:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

3.34 on right, 3.37 on left:
Video 4

3.34 on bottom, 3.37 on top:
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7
Video 8
They are both gorgeous! But I do agree with what you said about the 3.34 having nicer arrows and more fire than the other one.

Can’t wait to see which you choose and the final setting it will be gorgeous!
After seeing them in their differing orientations/positions and watching at full speed and one-quarter speed, I'm now leaning towards the 3.37 having the edge.
Not as bright of flashes of fire, but it seems to have more scintillating fire, especially from the lower pavilion facets.

Again, just what I'm seeing, but these are my eyes, no one else's.
Just showed the videos to my wife to get another opinion (and she's a oooh shiny lover)...without telling her any details about either, she consistently chose the 3.37...again, her eyes and what she's attuned to picking up on based on subjective preference.

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