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You might try thinking a little harder.Date: 1/6/2006 8:32:02 PM
Author: colormyworld
I can think of only 2 reasons to support the death penalty.
Date: 1/7/2006 1:11:46 AM
Author: DeannaBana
Doesn't it say in the Bible something about 'an eye for and eye'? Just wondering...
There was a 24 hour Twilight Zone marathon on New Years Eve/Day...I think it''s a yearly tradition on some tv channel. Anyway, one of the episodes involved exiling a convicted murderer to another planet by himself. While that''s farfetched, it''s an interesting thought. Exile to....somewhere remote. Is it even possible?Date: 1/6/2006 8:50:33 PM
Author: colormyworld
I agree socitey should be proctected from these monsters, but if we support killing them as a society we are just as guilty as they are.
And LOL....that's funny.Date: 1/6/2006 8:41:27 PM
Author: Rank Amateur
You might try thinking a little harder.Date: 1/6/2006 8:32:02 PM
Author: colormyworld
I can think of only 2 reasons to support the death penalty.
Well, the DNA collected matched only 2% of the population - that would be 2% of the population that was in the house. Also, at the time of his execution Wilder let him have a polygraph - in which to decide to stop the execution. He failed MISERABLY. The results conclusive.Date: 1/6/2006 2:29:51 PM
Author: Demelza
Date: 1/6/2006 10:02:24 AM
Author: fire&ice
Maybe he is indeed guilty.
But maybe he's not. Finding someone guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is not necessarily the same as having indisputable evidence that this man/woman actually committed the crime. Conversely, OJ isn't actually innocent because 12 jurors said he was. To me, this is one of the many reasons the death penalty is unethical and ineffective. You can let someone out of jail after serving a sentence for a crime he/she didn't commit (in itself, a horrific tragedy), but you can't bring someone back from the dead after exculpatory evidence is found. I shudder to think how many times this may have happened or will happen if the death penalty remains legal.
Yep, don''t think much thought went into only two reasons. Prisions ARE NOT safe. They do not guarantee that these *killlers* will not kill again.Date: 1/7/2006 2:12:35 AM
Author: FireGoddess
And LOL....that''s funny.Date: 1/6/2006 8:41:27 PM
Author: Rank Amateur
You might try thinking a little harder.Date: 1/6/2006 8:32:02 PM
Author: colormyworld
I can think of only 2 reasons to support the death penalty.
This used to be part of my rather tepid argument in favor of the death penalty when I was in favor of it...(no more)...Author: FireGoddess
....... protecting us from these ''monsters'' by putting them somewhere with a roof over their heads and 3 meals a day on our ridiculous. I''d rather my money go to schools or the poor or SOMEONE more deserving,
I''m not sure about the math you referred to...I haven''t heard the reference. Maybe someone else here has? But it''s not the only reason for me. I have a hard time with suffering of any kind....until I encounter someone who not only has no regard for the suffering of others, but needlessly causes it and delights in it. I remember riding my bike when I was younger and encountered a squirrel who had been run over by a car but was NOT dead. I was so upset...I thought - should I try to put it out of its misery? I couldn''t do it. I cried the whole way home. When my parents came out to see the squirrel, it had died. But I was so traumatized - and that was just a squirrel.Date: 1/7/2006 10:07:37 AM
Author: widget
This used to be part of my rather tepid argument in favor of the death penalty when I was in favor of it...(no more)...Author: FireGoddess
....... protecting us from these ''monsters'' by putting them somewhere with a roof over their heads and 3 meals a day on our ridiculous. I''d rather my money go to schools or the poor or SOMEONE more deserving,
Perry,Date: 1/7/2006 12:22:57 PM
Author: perry
A couple of points:
(personal view): The death penalty as implemented in the USA is generally a horendous process; and rarely I belive fair. I would in fact support a death penalty in certain very restritive cases. There was a previous thread that discussed this issue several:
Let''s talk Tookie (first page)
The key is really very good proof; which the USA system currently generally does not have (and only a few percent of the current people on death row would probably be elegible for the death penalty under my scenerio).
Concerning the bible and religious beliefs:
The new testament is built upon and an extension of the old testament. It does not ''replace'' the old testament; and I do not belive that you can understand even half of what the new testament says until you understand the old testament.
Churches by and large are more about power and politics than about religous belief. Only the parts of the bible that are convienient are presented and used. Deliberate misinterpretations, or ommisions, or even outright claims that things no longer apply are common.
It is well known that the 10 commandments (or 11 depending on translation) does not have a statement in it that ''thou shall not kill'' what it has is ''Thou shall not murder'' with ''murder'' understood to be preplanned killing for your personal revenge or gain (i.e. modern day 1st degree murder). Virtually all biblical schollars agree with on that. Killing in self defense, in a just war, in defense of the community, and as punishment for certain crimes is OK. Killing by accident is acknowledeged with a penalty to be paid.
So why do we not see ''10 Commandment'' posters saying ''Thou shall not commit 1st degree murder'' Only because it would totaly destroy a political argument that many churches wish to make. To them - the truth does not matter and a deliberate mistatement is all important.
I could go on with several other key examples.
The bigest thing I think anyone could do would be to really study the bible - from front to back - along with the history and issues involved with interpretation and why the current ''books'' are in the current bible. For example: in the US the ''King James'' bible is the most common bible - or bibles structured to match it. Yet, unless you have a copy from the 1600''s you are not reading a faithfull copy of the 1611 bible. Later the church of england decided to remove a number of ''books'' from it. You are reading the ''shortened'' version of the original King James bible. Many other bibles in the ''west'' since then have copied the format - and left those books out - because they did not want to challange the status quo and have the established churches denounce their ''new'' translation.
There are also 2 main philisophical approaches to presenting the bible and bible dictionaries. Trust me - meanings change between these two philosophies. Which one are you used to? Which one is more correct?
As far as the cost of the current death penalty system in the US: Very expensive - and there is credance to support the argument that it would just be cheaper to lock some of them up for life. However, that is just because of how poorly the US handles the situation. It would not have to be that way. Of course, the whole US ''criminal punishment system'' is also out of whack. Why is it that most people come out of prisons as worse people for society than when they went in. Is it working - or is it making things worse?
Date: 1/7/2006 11:43:16 AM
Author: fire&ice
Then why were we taught writings from the OT as well as the NT?
Date: 1/7/2006 2:11:55 AM
Author: FireGoddess
Date: 1/6/2006 8:50:33 PM
Author: colormyworld
I agree socitey should be proctected from these monsters, but if we support killing them as a society we are just as guilty as they are.
My point is, protecting us from these ''monsters'' by putting them somewhere with a roof over their heads and 3 meals a day on our ridiculous. I''d rather my money go to schools or the poor or SOMEONE more deserving, cuz the guilty people on death row certainly don''t deserve it. If you have no regard for human life...why should I have any regard for yours? Love the sinner, hate the sin? When the sinner and the sin become so intertwined and mangled together that there is no hope for extrication....well then, I think the penalty is justified.
Isn't that how Australia came to be? It was a remote country, maybe there were some native folk (I dont remember my history too well) but isnt that where england sent all it's supposed criminals way back in the day???Date: 1/7/2006 2:11:55 AM
Author: FireGoddess
There was a 24 hour Twilight Zone marathon on New Years Eve/Day...I think it's a yearly tradition on some tv channel. Anyway, one of the episodes involved exiling a convicted murderer to another planet by himself. While that's farfetched, it's an interesting thought. Exile to....somewhere remote. Is it even possible?Date: 1/6/2006 8:50:33 PM
Author: colormyworld
I agree socitey should be proctected from these monsters, but if we support killing them as a society we are just as guilty as they are.
Oh dear God. This happened in my town - in the neighborhood where I once lived. This is not some privledged neighborhood. It''s a city neighborhood with regular hard working folk w/ much diversity. The shop the women owned was a delight. Everyone who knew the family loved them. They radiated warmth.Date: 1/9/2006 10:38:12 PM
Author: mrssalvo
Date: 1/7/2006 2:11:55 AM
Author: FireGoddess
Date: 1/6/2006 8:50:33 PM
Author: colormyworld
I agree socitey should be proctected from these monsters, but if we support killing them as a society we are just as guilty as they are.
My point is, protecting us from these ''monsters'' by putting them somewhere with a roof over their heads and 3 meals a day on our ridiculous. I''d rather my money go to schools or the poor or SOMEONE more deserving, cuz the guilty people on death row certainly don''t deserve it. If you have no regard for human life...why should I have any regard for yours? Love the sinner, hate the sin? When the sinner and the sin become so intertwined and mangled together that there is no hope for extrication....well then, I think the penalty is justified.
I was just watching the news where 2 men were arrested after killing 7 people. One guy apparently killed his wife 5 days after being released from a 10 year prison term in november. New year''s day they randomly entered a house killing all 4 family members 2 which were children ages 9 and 4 by slitting their throats. A women that in someway with them was murdered my them recently along with her parents. Life in prison would be too kind a punishment for me. here''s the link to the story. I agree with you Firegoddess..