Congrats Didiamond on your beautiful sparklies! Wear them in good health!
Regarding the men and jewelry issue, all I can tell you guys is persistence paid off for me. My husband was one of "those" that thought (and still does) diamonds are a waste of money.
For our 15th ann. I asked for an ering upgrade. Instead I got a Saleen Mustang.
My DH thought nothing of dropping thousands on a vehicle but a diamond??? No Way! We have 5 vehicles not counting my sons'' truck. (Guess you can tell where HE likes the disposable income to go!) After he bought the latest vehicle I finally said, "Enough! I want a larger diamond." So for our 20th (last year) I finally got it. I had to pick it out, have it set and purchase it myself, but who cares?? I finally got the diamond I''ve always wanted.
Finally, he''s realized that jewelry (specifically diamonds) are what I like regardless of his opinion of them. I, in turn, accept his obsession with vehicles. We have always been careful with our money, (have college funds for our kids, retirement funds set aside,etc.)so we take turns splurging on our separate obsessions. (I think he owes me a few, however.
) Isn''t that what it''s all about? Sharing and accepting one another obsessions and all? Sometimes they come around with a little hard work and perseverance.

Regarding the men and jewelry issue, all I can tell you guys is persistence paid off for me. My husband was one of "those" that thought (and still does) diamonds are a waste of money.

Finally, he''s realized that jewelry (specifically diamonds) are what I like regardless of his opinion of them. I, in turn, accept his obsession with vehicles. We have always been careful with our money, (have college funds for our kids, retirement funds set aside,etc.)so we take turns splurging on our separate obsessions. (I think he owes me a few, however.