
Ditched the dress...and bought a corset!!


Oct 25, 2009
So, I posted the dress I had bought at ROTB a couple of months ago. We are having a masquerade ball wedding on Halloween, and I found a pretty great dress for very, very cheap. I bought it, because it was a one day sale and I knew I could never beat that price.

But then I found myself trying so hard to "make the dress work" aka. make the dress *not* white. I was trying to add color accessory after color accessory and make them all match, because in my heart I knew I wanted nothing to do with a white dress. I knew that when I went to ROTB too, but there is a lot of pressure since it's sort of a do or die situation.

There were several mitigating factors in my decision to ditch my dress. Namely that I was going to have to spend about $100 to have it cleaned (it got stepped on at ROTB) and then potentially another $100+ to have it altered and bustled. I decided that money could be spent towards a custom made corset that I have always wanted, and that isn't white.

I finally received it in the mail and I LOVE it!! This was absolutely the right decision and I am so thrilled. FH is pumped too because he loves curvy women in corsets...and boy, does it make me curvy! I am currently working on an 1890's silhouette skirt with a lace overlay inset train with my mother. Please ignore the safety pins in the straps of the corset, I had put it on to alter how the straps lie on me so they won't fall down. My wedding is becoming very DIY, which I guess makes sense since I am a crafty person with a serious lack of funds :wink2:

OK, ok, on to the pics!

(Please ignore my stupid faces, I feel dumb not smiling for pics. I also just took a piece of the fabric we bought to make the skirt and wrapped it around my hips for a little more of the visual.)



Very cool for a masquerade/Halloween wedding!

My god, girl, how can you breathe in that thing? :eek:
You look GORGEOUS!!! I love it! I can't wait to see how it all comes together on your wedding day!!!
Thanks Tuckins and HouseCat!

I'm really amazed at how easy it is to breathe and move in it! And just for fun I checked how tight I could lace it and still breathe, apparently my waist can be freakishly reduced and it's still comfortable! I'm just not going for the "circus freak" look on my wedding day:)
Wow, I LOVE it!!!!! :appl:

You look absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to see it with the finished skirt!
That corset top is hot! I love the look, very unique.
Thanks Buggy and Deco for the kind words! I can't wait to see the skirt either...I pray it turns out well!
That is gorgeous.
I love it - the colour, the way it shows off your figure. Perfect for a Halloween wedding.

I'd love to wear a red wedding dress, so I can appreciate!
that is so flattering on you; i bet your fi's gonna die you look so hot :D and that color is fab!
I love, love, LOVE it :love: Lulu is right- your FI is going to die!!

Congrats on sticking with what you REALLY wanted.

You're a knock out! :love: :love: :love:
Not to be creepy but you look hot in that corset. I love the uniqueness you have going on.
Cool idea and it looks amazing on you. I've noticed that so many of those $4,000+ wedding gowns featured on dress-pickin' reality tv shows feature corset tops w/full skirts. Even lacy, super revealing type corsets!!!! Just think ... those gals could have saved enough to buy a CAR if they'd had your imagination! :bigsmile:
Echidna said:
I love, love, LOVE it :love: Lulu is right- your FI is going to die!!

Congrats on sticking with what you REALLY wanted.

Ditto! I really love that corset on you, IA!!! It's uber flattering, the colour is just perfect, and it's going to be perfect for your masquerade wedding!!!
Wowee! You are going to be one sexy bride. Love the corset! Rock it, girl!
Wow- thank you everyone! I guess I wasn't thinking of it as uber sexy...but I guess if you have a larger chest and you smoosh everything up there, it's gonna be a little racy :naughty:

I'll keep you all updated as we progress on the skirt!!
WOW! That looks amazing - just totally stunning. VaVa Voom! I can't wait to see the finished dress!
Very cool! It looks amazing on you! The great thing about a corset like that (aside from the incredibly tiny waistline they give you) is that they look great with jeans as well as formal skirts. Throw a pair of dark jeans on, your corset and a blazer and you're set for a fun night with hubby-to-be!

A well-fitting corset like this will force you to sit up straight, you won't be able to easily bend over, and you definitely can't over-eat in one. Breathing in one is no problem as they are designed to draw in the waist, not so much the back and ribcage.
A word of caution though...I don't know how long you wore your corset thus far, but you may want to wear it for a few hours around the house to get used to it. When you take it off, you may initially feel like your back is weak. I have a custom Merchantes corset that I bought a few years ago for Victorian Days, and after I've worn it all day and take it off I swear it feels like I'm suddenly spineless!
Thanks Winks_Elf for the great suggestion! I have worn it around the house (I did laundry in it one night, lol) and I find it to be super comfortable! I haven't worn it for more than an hour though, so thanks for the heads up. I got this one from Meschantes and it really is beautiful. I figure I'll probably wear it tighter for pictures and the ceremony, then have my bridesmaids help me loosen it a bit before boogying down.

The other reason for buying this rather than altering my dress, is because as theatre people, FH and I go to costume parties all the time. It will be worn for many occasions for years to come :)
Mine is 4 years old now, and it still looks brand new! :)
Magnificent! I love that wine-red hue, and the pattern! It looks wonderful on you. I cannot wait to see the skirt when it's completed ....

I've always wanted a custom corset (lots of ready-made ones live in my closet). Thinking back, *totally* wish I'd thought to do this for my wedding. :rodent:
It looks amazing and about 1000x better than the first dress you bought!