
DIY Felt Stick Horses - Input for a 2-Year Old

LV, glad your husband is amused by it all! I also got K this hat - The strings are a little annoying, but she has a small head and I wanted her hat to fit. Trying to think of what else you might leverage!!! These are the plates/napkins we used I also thought about hay bales - but didn't bother. I also got a cow pinata which they don't have on that site anymore, but it looks like this
Oh my gosh, those plates are super cute. I totally cheaped out and got pink plates at, can you guess where ?! -- the dollar store!! Haha. They were sold out of the pink ones at the first one I went to yesterday, but by the end of the day, I was stocked up! And, I'm glad I did. I just got the quote for the cake/cupcakes . . . birthday parties are expensive!! Oh, I ordered chocolate horseshoe molds from amazon, so will have little horseshoes on the cupcakes!
JGator - how did you get the bandanas to stay on?
LV, I just tied a hand knot. They are not super secure, and they do slip off, but most of the time, they stay on. This is around the base of the head and covers the part where I put the tape.
Thanks, JGator! I did figure out the bandanas. I had been trying to tie them really close to the bottom, so that I wouldn't compromise any of the mane that I worked so hard on, but then when I looked at your photos again, I realized that if I tied them higher, and tightly around some of the stuffing, that they wouldn't fall down.

The party was a great success, and the children LOVED the horses. I was so happy!! I only have one photo, and it's not very good, but I am posting it anyway (the little horse was for the one year old, so cute)!! Oh, and I hadn't mentioned previously, but it was a music party at the place where you mentioned K took a class. S didn't seem to enjoy the last class so much (bored?) and the schedule changed, so we stopped going, but she will still randomly sing some of those songs even though she hasn't heard them in many many months! Amazing what kids retain. So, we did a bunch of horse-themed songs, and it was really fun!

Bravo LV!! So adorable!! Sounds like they had a blast, and that's a creative idea for a party at the Music Together place. Thanks for sharing your horses. Love the baby one - K would be all over that one! We still listen to the cd in the car from K's Music Together class - she likes Jumpin' Josie and This Train is Going to the City the best on the cd we have.

ETA - yes you are right, I had to cover the bottom of the mane with the bandana which was a shame, but the only way to get them on!
Thanks, JGator!! I was so happy when I was finally done with them! Thank you for all of your help as I was working through them.
Oh, and I love the songs on those CDs, such happy music!