
Do I really have to go to an 11mm round to see a difference???

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Solange, can I ask what size stones you looked at in making your decision and at what point your eye could tell a difference (.5 mm, more, less, ????). Since you went through Whiteflash maybe you didn't sit down and look at a bunch of stones side-by-side, but I figured I'd ask.
I went to the Diamond District and Tiffany''s and looked at many stones. One major factor is depth. One 4 carat ring may look much larger than another. Mine is probably about the shallowest acceptable depth for an Ideal cut stone 59.9. Some would consider iit too shallow but I like the extra spread.

I knew I wanted over 4 carats since my original engagement ring is about 3 carats and pear shaped so it looks bigger than it is.

Then I just left it up to Whiteflash. Lesley rejected several stones I emailed her abut on multiple listing. Then she said she thought she had located a great stone for me although it was much less than my budget. Brian said it would be hard to locate a stone that looked this good--a perfectly eye clean SI 2 with ideal proportions and nice spread unless I spent a good deal more. I went for it because i had confidence in his judgment.

I know I can''t tell the difference between a few points--probably up to 1/2 carat particularly since the size that shows depends upon the depth. I saw 4 carat stones that looked small and I saw a 4.60 with the spread of a 5.25 because it was so shallow.

Yoiu just have to please yourself and not think of how others will perceive the size. It is true that most will not notice the difference in size betweeen the stone you already have and a larger one unless you go to 5 carats or above. But if you see the difference and it matters to you, that is all that counts.
Thanks Solange!
Dee, just my thoughts here....I have been following your story and as much as I think the temp diamond is a stunner, I think maybe you should seriously consider getting that larger one...If it will make you happy then it is worth it regardless of how wonderful the temp is, maybe you would just be happier going larger still and there is nothing wrong with that! Just thinking you don''t want to regret not going larger when you had the chance.
Well, Lorelei, you raise an interesting point. This IS the time to do it if I am every gonna do it!

I''m talking to a few vendors, one in particular that I would like to work with, and I''m hopeful that I will at least have some options (which is more than I could say when I had the oval!). I would also be willing to trade up once more with the vendor that this stone came from but he only sells his own inventory and he can''t get to Israel on a buying trip right now (and believe me I don''t WANT him putting his life in danger for a few hunks of carbon!). The advantage of course is that I would get dollar-for-dollar trade in value with him. Just as an example of what that means, there is a stone that I''ve come across that costs straight out about $2K more than what I have into this one, but it would cost me about $14K to trade to it at this point. Certainly doable... but *worth it*??? Ug!!!

You''re very patient, BTW, to follow the misery of my saga!
I want to add, that if now is the time to do it, then go for the bigger size. I agree, nothing wrong with wanting it to be bigger. I struggled with that too.

My upgrade was to a 4 ct, and it just wasn''t bring my DH and I any excitement, so I didn''t want to seem greedy, but thankfully, he felt that we needed to send that one back and go bigger. We both wanted to feel some WOW.

I returned the 4 and went bigger and we are both SSOOO happy that we did. Yes we had to spend more, but the bulk was already spent so we felt to add a little more to feel better, would be worth it!

After all this diamond hunting, trips to NYC, and finding PS, I could now join a support group and say, "I am a diamond junkie, and probably a size whore, and proud of it! Would anyone here like some help finding a diamond??"

I am sure this process is keeping you up alot. Me too. I lost alot of sleep. But try not to go the safe route and if your DH feels this is the time for the upgrade too, then just do it?

Then wear it and enjoy it! These are all good problems! Right?
eva, and just where are the pictures of this 4c+ stone?
(eta nevermind i found them, der!!)

dj...i think you should just stick with this vendor you have your $$ with because screw paying $14k to someone else just to get trade in value! stick with the original guy and just be patient til he can find you what you need. paying $2-5k or whatever to get what you want makes much more sense than something like $15k just because someone else has a stone now. be patient! you have this 3.37 for a reason, it's a temp stone supposed to curb impulsive insanity right?!?!
*Patience*... Oh yes, I just looked up the word in the dictionary to see what it means, LOL!

Eva, you''re so right about this keeping me up. How crazy is that?! I swear I go to bed every night with visions of diamonds dancing in my head and the first thing I wonder when I wake up is whether any new great sones will show up on the sites today that would solve my "problem"!

I know what you''re saying Mara, and that $2K vs. $14K was just an example, but I''m more hopeful of the potential outcome with one of the other vendors that I''ve contacted. My biggest gripe with the B&M guy I''ve been working with is *inventory*. I had EXACTLY TWO stones to choose from in the H/I SI1/SI2 3-4 ct range from him. Fortunately the one I got is a great one, but even if he does manage another trip in my lifetime, LOL, there''s no guarantee he will bring back anything I want. Of course I would like to *hope* that he would, but what if he doesn''t? Over 4 cts right now he''s got a 4.10 I SI1 for $16K more and the size is virtually the same at the one just under 4 that I''ve stumbed across. If I was dealing with Whiteflash or antoher vendor that had pretty regular additions to their inventory it would be easier to wait it out.
I waited quite a while for my 4.10 I SI 2 from Whiteflash. It isn''t easy to find an eye clean, well cut SI stone in that size. Diamond prices have gone up since we bought my ring a little over two years ago and I would now have to pay several thousand dollars more for a similar stone. I got a fabulous buy from Whiteflash but if I ever decided to upgrade I would have to add a lot more money even with the full price trade-in if I wanted to go up a bit in size or color.

You might want to look at similar stones on the multiple listings and see how much you would have to pay for that 4.10 if you bought it on line. You say it is $16,000 in addition to your present ring but it may be worth it if it totals out at a competitive price to those on line. How long ago did you buy your present ring? As to depending upon his buying in Israel, in addition to all the problems there you have no guarantee that he will come back with something you like or how long it will take and how their prices will hold up.
I was curious to know the specs on that 4.10 from your original jeweler and whether it is a possibility for you.
I hope you find something you love but it has to be the right stone--not just the right time. Best of luck. In the meanwhile you have a gorgeous rock to wear.
Solange, I decided not to "visit" the 4.10. It''s an I, which I love by itself but that is the grade at which I can always see a difference between that and the diamonds in my eternity band (Fs and Gs), so I could never wear them together. Plus, the 4.10 is a VS2 and I just have such a hard time paying for a clarity that I can''t see.

I did happen across a 5.14 yesterday but I think it''s (gasp!) too big. (Can you imagine *I* would say something is too big??).

I''m considering flanking my current stone with 1-1.5 ct rounds or just going with bigger fat pears on the sides.

Decisions decisions decisions!
My eternity band has .28 f and g stones and I wear it with my I color stone. I can't tell the difference. I wish I knew how to transfer pictures because you can see the combination together on Show Me the Ring. I don't think anyone would ever notice the difference in color since a large stone shows up very differently than the smaller ones. Separately you may see a diference but when you wear them together they sort of blend.

I don't blame you for not wanting to pay for higher clarity, however and if you just want a change, I think your idea of sidestones is very exciting. However, depending upon the cost, what you have in mind may cost you more than an upgrade in size.

As to the 5+ carats, it depends upon whether you will feel comfortable wearing it or if it will just be in a drawer or vault most of the time. It really depends upon your life style and how often you will wear it.

I tried on rings from 4 carats up to 7 1/2. The 7 1/2 looked good to me at the time because I knew nothing (pre-Pricescope) and it was an H color. Judging by the price, there must have been some problems because it was within my budget and much too inexpensive for a quality stone of that size. But I found that although I did not think some of the stones in 5 carats and up looked to big for my finger, I knew I would rarely wear a stone of that size because it was too much flash. My size preference was 4.5 but the stone from Whiteflash had everything I wanted at a great price. And since it is not too deep, it has a spread comparable to some 4.25's.
wow. Lorelei- thanks for the tips. I will have to try that with the DH with circles in the coffee sometime, you made me snarf my soda all over the computer screen!!!!!!!!!
Pink, oh yes, do play the "circle game"! You''ll have a ball and drive your DH crazy at the same time!

Solange, the 5.14 ct looked a little, shall we say, "fake" on my hand. Maybe if I wasn''t so casual all the time I could pull it off... Even today when I''m at my office and have meetings I''m not even wearing hose with my skirt (but I do have pearls on, LOL!) so I think I just need to keep considering my options. If I did flank my 3.37 with 1 cters at I would be over 5 total, so that''s not exactly shabby either! But I do love the look of the pears....
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