
Do you ever feel guilty for coveting so much?

guilty???...heck no :!:
I think taking a break from PS puts life in much better perspective than reading up on websites where people are barely making it. However, reading either of those CAN make life look a little too black-or-white. There are tons of areas of gray and living in the real world reminds us of that.

It's funny, since I quit spending as much time on PS that I quit wearing my diamond pendants. I realized that they're not as big of a deal to me as I thought and that I'm not actually much of a necklace girl. I have discovered that earrings are my thing! I could go for a pair of amazing 2 ctw studs but wouldn't ever think to spend that same $ on a pendants. Months back I was aching for one.

I would feel guilty though b/c my DH works long hours and I'm not working right now!
No, I do not feel guilty.

I balance my spendings: enough for a comfortable daily life, donations to causes I support, long term savings and luxuries. I worked harder than a lot of people to earn the money that supported this lifestyle. I am also more selective on what I spend than a lot of people, which allows me to afford the luxuries I treat myself to (such as a year off work).
I USED to want more and more... It was sooooo hard to not touch my fund until the ring of my dreams found me.

This being said, i think you will covet helplessly until the "right one" is on your finger. Since I found mine, I have not desired to upgrade ( i know it would be foolish! ) or even want to acquire anything else. Not even necklaces, earrings etc...
Emphatically no. My money is already being taken for charity and welfare through taxes. What is left is mine to dispose of as I see fit with no guilt. Yes there are less fortunate people out there and I help where I can by donating my time and energy, but to let it consume you with "survivor's guilt" creates another victim. I feel it is my solemn duty as an American to stimulate the economy as best I can! :Up_to_something:
Yes, I feel guilty and I'm very exitant to spend money on luxury items.I just try to get pleasure from what I already have: I love my small diamonds, they are beatiful to my eyes because I know where I'm from (low incoming family) and I know how much they did cost (money/sacrifice).
If you feel guilty, it means you're not ready to spend your money without regrets and this will not make you happy.
