
do you know the approximate age of your fellow PSers?

I'm 27, and I would venture a guess and say that the average is there or a little higher, based on the life stages that many seem to be at compared to me, photos posted (hand shots, though I know those can be deceiving), and a few other small observations including financial situations.
No, and I don't really care unless for some reason PSERS want to talk about it.

Back in my day, the internet wasn't multi-media. It was text. Just text. We were excited by this new medium and one of the things that was exciting about it is that you could get to know people by what they wrote, not how old they were, not by how they looked, not by what they did for a living, not by their social position, etc.

Besides, we're all going to be every age, if we're lucky enough, so age is kind of an illusory concept.

That's a more serious answer than you were look for, isn't it DF? :cheeky:
Dancing Fire|1310013265|2963462 said:
do you know the approximate age of your fellow PSers?

I had to think about this question for a long time, Dancing Fire; that is why I am late in responding. I hope you didn't miss me?

First, I must say that there is an inherent problem in the question because if I have learned one thing on Pricescope, I have learned this: people vary.

I hope you will remember that when you ask questions in the future.

Second, and this is not really your fault, but you really should have thought about it before you asked your question, people don't stay the same age! This is extremely important! I mean, if diamondseeker was X number of years old in 2009, she is now two years older than that! No one can tell you the age of Pricescopers if they keep going and changing them. I really wish you had thought this out better before you posted.

Your friend,
VRBeauty|1310227637|2965491 said:
Dancing Fire|1310065290|2963997 said:
VRBeauty|1310019860|2963508 said:
DF is a few years my... JUNIOR! :eek:

(oh how it pains me o admit that!) :wink2: must be nice to collect SS,ain't it??.. :lol:

Social security, hh?

Gosh, I guess you are older than me after all! Whew!
not me,you!! :tongue:
Not here much. I just know DF is my elder and was taught to respect my elders... FWIW, I think the average age around here is 30, but since I have been here for 7 years add a few to that.. So 33-35?? I am on the older side, sad to say...

Enjoy your youth you youngins!!!!! :bigsmile: