
Do you measure opportunity cost in terms of jewellery?

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Yup, I think about opportunity cost often, but it''s more like, "ok, this jewelry costs 10K, so at 6% a year that I can earn w/o any effort, it is costing me the 10K plus $600 each and every year forever" (ignoring compounding, which is huge).

I do have a bunch of stuff that I never wear and I am going to sell it. Now maybe in the end I''ll buy yet another different jewelry thing with the proceeds, but we''ll have to see. I don''t need anything else - that much I have already determined!

It''s much easier to get annoyed with a crappy bill (property taxes, accountant''s fee, crown for your tooth) and think, hey I could have put that towards X item I have been wanting.
No, I really like jewelry (and I LOVE my engagement ring) but I love experiencing new places (or ones I''ve been to and have loved) more. There are only so many fingers one can wear rings on and only so many holes in our ears to put earrings in.
Date: 6/21/2007 9:20:24 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
I''m about to confess an act of sacrilege here, but sometimes I do the ''opportunity cost'' thing in the other direction. For instance, when I was recently considering a yellow diamond ring I thought to myself, yanno, I could just use that $ to remodel the third bathroom instead…
Me too... but I''m shopping on a smaller scale! I also think of the opportunity cost in terms of financial investments... "if I put this money into our retirement fund..." for instance...

I realize that I have a really hard time spending on myself, even when I can afford it and have no reason not to. It''s weird - eight $100 shopping trips over a few months would not faze me, but dropping $800 at once on a piece of jewelry (or whatever else) seems extravagant. This year I finally got a few nice pieces and I''ve really kept my other shopping to a minimum. I realize I will keep the jewelry forever and enjoy it every single day while clothes wear out and go out of style!
Date: 6/21/2007 10:14:44 AM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 6/21/2007 10:11:06 AM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 6/21/2007 9:20:24 AM

Author: Dee*Jay

I'm about to confess an act of sacrilege here, but sometimes I do the 'opportunity cost' thing in the other direction. For instance, when I was recently considering a yellow diamond ring I thought to myself, yanno, I could just use that $ to remodel the third bathroom instead…
Does this mean the yellow stone is off the table..... for now?

Yes... replaced by a new onxy vessel sink, super flushing Toto toilet, European walk in shower with body jets *everywhere*...

(I just lost my momentum on this one. Who knows, maybe it will come back... )
Sorry for the threadjack but Totos are the BEST. We used them when we remodeled our bathrooms in our previous house and all I can say is MONEY WELL SPENT. Your bathroom redo sounds awesome, especially those body jets!
Date: 6/21/2007 11:22:18 AM
Author: MC

Date: 6/21/2007 9:20:24 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
I''m about to confess an act of sacrilege here, but sometimes I do the ''opportunity cost'' thing in the other direction. For instance, when I was recently considering a yellow diamond ring I thought to myself, yanno, I could just use that $ to remodel the third bathroom instead…
This is my thinking too. DH and I are rebuilding our 1,200 sq. foot deck and installing a $11K hot tub, and I can only imagine what HUGE 1.5+ ct diamond I could have boughten with that money. But, then again, what would my family do all evening while I sat in a daze staring at my ring?!? lol I''ve gotta keep them busy or they''ll drive me insane!

I am a firm believer in balance. I LOVE cosmetics and clothes and I wouldn''t sacrifice one love just to over indulge in another. I like the idea of buying just one great piece every year or two and getting full enjoyment out of the item and having a great new outfit to coordinate with it!

MC, I hear you about the huge diamond you could buy instead of the remodeling!

we were looking at some boats with the in laws the other day, just for fun (DH LOVES boats and loves dreaming about having one someday). We saw one that was $64K and I couldn''t help saying, "Can you imagine what kind of diamond you could buy for that money?" FIL said something hilarious, but I won''t get it right - something like "You could get the biggest diamond in the world but it wouldn''t be very much fun riding around on it in the ocean and it wouldn''t even float!" I held my tongue but I''d rather have the diamond any day. Not like we''ll be doing either anytime soon!
Date: 6/21/2007 7:36:22 AM
Author: Madam Bijoux
I sometimes get annoyed with myself for buying non-essentials when I could have used the money to get jewelry (always an essential). I''ve just decided to get a Royal Asscher, so the handbag obsession will be taking a back seat for a while.

I''ve deferred handbags and shoes too. Clothes as well.
Date: 6/21/2007 9:20:24 AM
Author: Dee*Jay
I''m about to confess an act of sacrilege here, but sometimes I do the ''opportunity cost'' thing in the other direction. For instance, when I was recently considering a yellow diamond ring I thought to myself, yanno, I could just use that $ to remodel the third bathroom instead…
No bathroom to remodel here, remember?
Date: 6/21/2007 1:16:50 PM
Author: Skippy123

I can''t believe you passed up buying an airline ticket. I thought over in your travel/jewlery poll you chose travel? No? hehehe
No honestly, if jewlery makes you happy, then buy jewlery.
I''m not that inconsistent.
It wasn''t a particularly exciting trip. So the jewellery factor was the tie-breaker.
Date: 6/21/2007 5:04:54 PM
Author: Maisie

Aaah don't call it an affliction darling! Call it planning ahead for lovely things and weighing up how much you want the bauble as opposed to how much you want the air ticket
I wouldn't give up M&S for jewellery. Btw, I might be in London briefly.
Date: 6/22/2007 11:31:04 AM
Author: Harriet

Date: 6/21/2007 1:16:50 PM
Author: Skippy123

I can''t believe you passed up buying an airline ticket. I thought over in your travel/jewlery poll you chose travel? No? hehehe
No honestly, if jewlery makes you happy, then buy jewlery.
I''m not that inconsistent.
It wasn''t a particularly exciting trip. So the jewellery factor was the tie-breaker.
Oh good, you scared me there for a second.
I was thinking we were soul sisters when it came to travel, but that just infor just broke the deal (not)! hehehe
We''re still soul sisters.
Date: 6/23/2007 12:19:07 AM
Author: Harriet
We''re still soul sisters.
Yip, I decided that when I posted pics and you decided to go on your lovely upcoming trip. I love that you are doing that
when is your trip so I can be looking out for pics??? You know you can''t let us down without posting fab pics of your trip
Which trip?
I really need some R&R. I had to go to the ER again last night.
Date: 6/23/2007 12:32:15 AM
Author: Harriet
Which trip?
I really need some R&R. I had to go to the ER again last night.
That is awful. I will pray you get better.
Thank you, Skippypie.
What is wrong? I understand if you don''t want to say. I am so sorry. Are you going to get better? Lots of HUGS AND PRAYERS.
I''ll tell you when I see you.
Don''t worry, it isn''t life-threatening. The ER was awful though. I got home at 4.45am.
ER's are awful. Last birthday I had a bladder infection and I sat in the ER for 3 hours (which is good) but some lady was sicker then a dog and I was sad because it was a Sunday and I couldn't see my regular doc. I feel bad for people in the ER. My family doc gave me an extra prescription so I don't have to go through that again! It really makes you feel for the people stuck there and really super sick.
So sorry Harriet.
Oh Harriet, I hope you''re ok. Pls get better, ok?
Thanks, Lien.
Maybe bak kwa will make me better!
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