
Do you recognize posters by their avatars?

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I recognize posters by their avatars, absoutely. Often, I won''t even look at a poster''s name unless I plan on responding and need to address them. I must be an extremely visual learner, because it really throws me for a loop when people change their avatars. (I love your new picture, HH, but I do miss those beautiful colors from your old av.)

In fact, I had a holiday version of my own avatar up for a while, and I almost responded "ditto" to myself in a thread during that time. Good thing I caught it before I posted.
Date: 3/26/2009 3:30:26 PM
Author: Haven
In fact, I had a holiday version of my own avatar up for a while, and I almost responded ''ditto'' to myself in a thread during that time. Good thing I caught it before I posted.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAHHHAAA. That would have been *classic*! Oh, now I''m sorry you didn''t. Too funny!
Date: 3/26/2009 2:39:25 PM
Author: InLuv101
I def. recongnize posters by their avatars. When regular posters change their aviatars, it always thows me for a loop.

Same for me. It takes me a minute, but I do get used to it.
I recognize by name. I''ll notice if your avatar changes, but that''s not how I recognize anyone.

I am NOT a visual learner!
Date: 3/26/2009 3:30:26 PM
Author: Haven
I recognize posters by their avatars, absoutely. Often, I won''t even look at a poster''s name unless I plan on responding and need to address them. I must be an extremely visual learner, because it really throws me for a loop when people change their avatars. (I love your new picture, HH, but I do miss those beautiful colors from your old av.)

In fact, I had a holiday version of my own avatar up for a while, and I almost responded ''ditto'' to myself in a thread during that time. Good thing I caught it before I posted.
OMG Haven thanks for the afternoon laugh!
Date: 3/26/2009 3:35:46 PM
Author: decodelighted

Date: 3/26/2009 3:30:26 PM
Author: Haven
In fact, I had a holiday version of my own avatar up for a while, and I almost responded 'ditto' to myself in a thread during that time. Good thing I caught it before I posted.
AHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAHHHAAA. That would have been *classic*! Oh, now I'm sorry you didn't. Too funny!
What would have been even better is if I had responded and disagreed with myself, especially if I was in a particularly snarky mood.
On PS, I think of someones avatar as their while I may not remember a name, I always remember a face! But, change is good too!
Date: 3/26/2009 3:13:03 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier
I just thought about it, and I have had the same av since February 12th, 2006.

I''m terribly boring . . . and like Gwen, this thread is really making me want to change my av.

Lauren, didn''t you at one time have a pic up of you eating pizza??
Date: 3/26/2009 2:39:25 PM
Author: InLuv101
I def. recongnize posters by their avatars. When regular posters change their aviatars, it always thows me for a loop.

(I also love your new av HH!)
Date: 3/26/2009 3:03:11 PM
Author: Linda W
Date: 3/26/2009 2:56:57 PM

Author: Gypsy

Thank you Linda and Hudson. And ditto to you BOTH!

Ms. Linda... do I need to venture over to colored stones to see what you have planned for that freaking gorgorous pair of pads in your av?

Those pads are three years old ha. I have them set into a pair of earrings. I just got tired of my other avatar picture, so I changed it. Thank you so much for the compliment though.

When we meet, I will kindly ask you to take pad pictures for me, so I can finally post them.

100% no problem!! Oh I can''t wait! After I posted before, I stopped and thought, wait, aren''t those some Pad''s Linda got a while ago... earrings. Thanks for the confirmation that I''m not nutz!

Dee... LMAO. Yeah, maybe time for a change.

Thank you Gwen!

Thank you Deco, it''s always nice to be admired and appreciated by another devious soul. Cognitive Dissonance is working for you!

Haven, I''ve (sheepishly) almost done that too. Um... today in fact.
Totally recognize people by avatars, but I''m not sure it really makes me respond differently in general. In specific cases it can, especially if I know that someone has some kind of a history, especially if it was bad, with something specific - then I do make an extra effort to be considerate and sensitive.
I do recognize posters by their avatars, but I would not say that I respond any differently to the ones that I don''t recognize. If I see a new avatar I look to see who it is. I like to think that I treat everyone the same
Me, too - haven...visual learner for sure. Being new here, I absolutely look at avatars first - then names. I guess it is helping me to get to know who''s who. I''m always curious as to the story behind each avatar!

Haven...I love yours b/c I have a cat that looks just like your avatar, AND we had just taken her to the vet about a month ago for a cut, and she got a cone just like that one!!! She wouldn''t wear it, but I love looking at that pic!! are totally throwing me off! I feel like I had just gotten used to seeing your beautiful bouquet. But I love your new one...cute dragon, hee hee!

And, the doggie pic. I have been wondering what kind - papillon? Long hair chihuahua?

HH...I like your new one, too! But, maybe it is my computer - or my eyesight, but I can''t read all of the quote. What does it say??? all the avatars, changing or not.
Date: 3/26/2009 2:45:16 PM
Author: Gypsy
I totally do too. I''ve learned to adjust though as some regulars do change theirs with some frequency. But it always takes me a while.

I just changed mine today, and it''s nothing like my previous ones (any of them... first I alternated pics of my cats, then a couple of holiday ones, and most recently my bouquet) and I have a feeling I''m going to be throwing a couple of people for a loop.

A little change is good though. Keeps people on their toes!

Monnie, I think if you changed yours I would be at sea!
HA HA! I got all the way down page 1 of this thread and saw someone''s response to you... and I was like "wait Gypsy is on this thread?"

Yes I am a visual person, so I recognize avi''s right away, but then I usually check the name.

I do think it''s human nature to react differently to what someone says if you think you don''t know them. It changes your response when you don''t already have a concept built in your head as to what kind of person they are. For instance, a rant may come across very negative until you realize the writer is usually a very happy and upbeat person. Then you think "Oh wow poor so-and-so is having a bad day," when initially your reaction would be more "ugh, what a complainer
It says "Worship me like the goddess I am"
Date: 3/26/2009 4:55:11 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
It says ''Worship me like the goddess I am''
Aaaaah! Perfect! I love it!!!
Hudson - I noticed earlier today that you changed your avatar and do feel that I recongize you by your screen name.

Some people I recognize by their avatar and others by their screen names. It depends upon the person, how often they post, and also how often I read and or respond to their posts. It's so individual. Also, some members, like Haven, have had the same avatar for a very long time and I simply recognize her by that. She may have had a different one around the holidays? If so, it was a bit confusing to me. ETA - I just noticed she posted she had a different one.

I'm not sure about changing mine. Seems like so many of us have cat avatars that everyone would be getting all of us mixed up!
Couldn''t resist any longer--changed mine. Sorry!
Date: 3/26/2009 4:03:43 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk

Date: 3/26/2009 3:13:03 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier
I just thought about it, and I have had the same av since February 12th, 2006.

I''m terribly boring . . . and like Gwen, this thread is really making me want to change my av.

Lauren, didn''t you at one time have a pic up of you eating pizza??
Nope, I''ve never had a pic of myself as my av. I may have had a VW symbol up, or the blue AV with the personalized plate I had . . . but those are the only 2 I''ve ever used aside from my e-ring.
Date: 3/26/2009 5:28:22 PM
Author: gwendolyn
Couldn''t resist any longer--changed mine. Sorry!
Yes, but your avs are always pics of your smiling face, and I''d recognize you anywhere!
Date: 3/26/2009 5:29:46 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier
Date: 3/26/2009 5:28:22 PM

Author: gwendolyn

Couldn''t resist any longer--changed mine. Sorry!

Yes, but your avs are always pics of your smiling face, and I''d recognize you anywhere!
Oh, that''s good. That means I don''t have to feel guilty when I change mine a few times in a row, like, er, now.
Date: 3/26/2009 5:28:22 PM
Author: gwendolyn
Couldn''t resist any longer--changed mine. Sorry!

love your new av. You look so happy!!
Date: 3/26/2009 5:57:10 PM
Author: bee*
Date: 3/26/2009 5:28:22 PM

Author: gwendolyn

Couldn't resist any longer--changed mine. Sorry!

love your new av. You look so happy!!
Thank you, bee-star! That picture was taken (by me) in mid-maniacal laugh. You see, we're standing in front of the world's largest functional trebuchet, and plotting to (slowly: it wouldn't roll well on grass) take over the world with it. The more we planned, the more I laughed.
Date: 3/26/2009 2:45:16 PM
Author: Gypsy
I totally do too. I''ve learned to adjust though as some regulars do change theirs with some frequency. But it always takes me a while.

I just changed mine today, and it''s nothing like my previous ones (any of them... first I alternated pics of my cats, then a couple of holiday ones, and most recently my bouquet) and I have a feeling I''m going to be throwing a couple of people for a loop.

A little change is good though. Keeps people on their toes!

Monnie, I think if you changed yours I would be at sea!
Don''t worry, Layla, I actually don''t really like my avatar (so generic) but I''m far too lazy to change it. If I ever do, though, I will write "Gypsy, it''s me--Monnie" across it so you won''t be lost.
I am an extremely visual person. I definitely recognize posters by their avatar and throws me for a few when they change unless it's a similar type pic (dog, child, etc). I have been so not creative with mine. I have a zillion pics of my crazy boy and ought to rotate them a bit. If you can't tell, my dog is my child.

I'd post pics of my ring or other sparklies, but my camera SUCKS and refused to take a clear shot up close. We need a new one- maybe i'll do pics of my sparklies once I get a new camera.
I usually remember the name, because these don''t change. If they did I would get too confuzzled!!! I do remember the unique one-of-a kind avatars and I try to match the name to the avatar, but then I get too confuzzled.

Sorry, it''s been a very long day and I need my rest now.

(BTW... I changed mine too!)
By their avatar. When people who have the same avatar (generic avatars) post in the same thread, I tend to think they are the same person.

And because my shoe is so recognizable, I don''t change it. Occasionally I''ll change the color of the shoe. Other than change for me.
Date: 3/26/2009 6:52:03 PM
Author: FrekeChild
By their avatar. When people who have the same avatar (generic avatars) post in the same thread, I tend to think they are the same person.

And because my shoe is so recognizable, I don''t change it. Occasionally I''ll change the color of the shoe. Other than change for me.
Do the cat ones seems confusing to you? Seems like there are a few others with b/w cats. I decided to keep my avatar the same and not change it again, but wonder if all the cats blend into one fur ball.
You know what would be a fun game?? Put up some avatars without the names, and see how many we can identify.

I''ll never forget Mara, belle and ( I think Alj) switching the avatars. I was like wait, I didn''t say that!!! That was hysterical.

My Avatar will remain the same, Irina made it for me. It''s sentimental to me. I am such a sap.
I remember the avators of the people. I tend to scroll down when I am in a hurry and find the pictures and read the ones I recognize. It definitely throws me off for a bit when it is changed. I don''t think I change my perception of them though when their pictures change. However each person has their own ''voice'' to me, so I guess if you didn''t recognize the picture you could create a new ''voice'' for that person and read things differently? Who knows...
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