
Do you recognize posters by their avatars?

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I get yelled at if I change mine lol
Date: 3/26/2009 2:39:25 PM
Author: InLuv101
I def. recongnize posters by their avatars. When regular posters change their aviatars, it always thows me for a loop.

ditto. maybe that''s why i''ve kept mine pretty consistent.
Date: 3/26/2009 7:17:55 PM
Author: jcrow
Date: 3/26/2009 2:39:25 PM

Author: InLuv101

I def. recongnize posters by their avatars. When regular posters change their aviatars, it always thows me for a loop.

ditto. maybe that''s why i''ve kept mine pretty consistent.

Me too. Mine is still a holiday-themed avatar...from last year!
Date: 3/26/2009 7:05:18 PM
Author: Kaleigh
You know what would be a fun game?? Put up some avatars without the names, and see how many we can identify.

I''ll never forget Mara, belle and ( I think Alj) switching the avatars. I was like wait, I didn''t say that!!! That was hysterical.

My Avatar will remain the same, Irina made it for me. It''s sentimental to me. I am such a sap.

ooooh game of avatar memory. love it.

and the switching of avatars? priceless.

i love your avatar! i''m glad you''re keeping it
I change my avatar very infrequently, but if I do, it's always of my kitty, Cassanova. That way, I stay with a similar avatar. I stay on the down low here though, so I don't know if it really helps.

*Sigh* I could look at my kitty all day
I love the idea of an avatar-memory game! If I knew how, I''d download a bunch of avatars, arrange them like a bingo board, number them, post them, and see who could ID them all correctly first. Maybe I''ll try . . .
Now I want to make an avatar. I have been meaning to forever.

I really don''t have Photoshop skills, so this is the best I could create. Wouldn''t it be fun to have a whole board of avs, numbered, and a little competition?

Date: 3/26/2009 8:51:12 PM
Author: Haven
I really don''t have Photoshop skills, so this is the best I could create. Wouldn''t it be fun to have a whole board of avs, numbered, and a little competition?
This is a fantastic idea! Or maybe we could have everyone post in a thread to be added to a 2009 Pricescope wall of fame or something!
Date: 3/26/2009 8:30:27 PM
Author: Haven
I love the idea of an avatar-memory game! If I knew how, I''d download a bunch of avatars, arrange them like a bingo board, number them, post them, and see who could ID them all correctly first. Maybe I''ll try . . .
Yay, give it a shot Haven. I wish I knew how... But you guys know, I am lame.... How about I supply the prize for the person that comes up with the most correct answers???
Monarch, Ebree, ? Ambergretchen
Storm, Jcrow, Me and Laurenthe partier..

LOL, I was shamed into taking The Demon''s antler''s off!
Date: 3/26/2009 8:58:19 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

LOL, I was shamed into taking The Demon''s antler''s off!
Yes it''s about time DeeJay!!!!
Heck we have neighbors who just took down their christmas lights....
Not only do I use other people''s avatars to recognize them, I use my own to quickly scan down the page to see if I have responded to a thread yet. I kind of like my red heart, because I can find it quickly, but it dates from Valentine''s Day, so I probably need something more Spring-link soon.
Date: 3/26/2009 8:51:12 PM
Author: Haven
I really don't have Photoshop skills, so this is the best I could create. Wouldn't it be fun to have a whole board of avs, numbered, and a little competition?

Monarch, Ebree, Diamond Dana, Amber,
Strm, JCrow, Kaleigh, Lauren.

How did I do?

I definitly go by avatars then I look at the name so it does throw me for a loop when people change them - especially on Lozza's and Gailey's because they look so similar :D.
I scan avatars too. I wish I could find my old avatar sans christmas hat
You win, Dee!
I did pretty good on that one haven, but you missed the most recognizable of all..The blue shoe!
Ha ha, good job Haven!!! (And DeeJay, you never fail to impress me!)
Date: 3/26/2009 10:42:39 PM
Author: AprilBaby
I did pretty good on that one haven, but you missed the most recognizable of all..The blue shoe!
I know! I couldn''t use any of the avatars that saved really big to my computer because I didn''t know how to shrink them down in Photoshop. I seriously lack in those skills.
I totally recognize people by their avatars. If you look at my recent thread on InterGem you will see me talking to TL about her old avatar. Turns out it was Greta Garbo - but to me that was her "face" and that''s how I recognized her. I was stunned when it changed and highly disappointed. I would love for her to change back. I need to personalize mine, but I find it hard to get a pic to fit without looking funny.

Oh and Monkey Pie - her avatar is one that I would have a hard time with if she changed.
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