
Does anyone suffer from SAD?

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Jun 17, 2005
I getthe winter blahs for sure, noticed them start when I moved from Los Angeles to the East coast. I hate when it gets dark early and while I do not mind some snow if I am inside with a fire on and hot cocoa, that isn''t the normal routine with me, so I find I dread it. Once it is 12/21, and we have passed the longest day of the year, I feel a bit better...and I know even though there is a while til spring we are on the down slope!

Exercise helps, and I find I do not mind the cold if the sky is blue and there is some sun...dreary and damp are the worst. And rest if you need it, I have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, so there are days I cannot get up and out well, like today, I just crawl back into bed after school drop off, and I still felt exhausted at 8:30 pm...though I did not do much at all today.


Oct 30, 2002
i'm kind of like diamondfan...i tend to get a little down if it's too gray and gloomy for too long...even though i am in california we sometimes can get a few straight weeks of gloom and rain and that can get to you especially when you are more used to sunny days and especially if its consistently gray. if it's crisp and cold outside, i don't care so much about it as long as we get some sun going on, i can definitely tell that i feel happier and as it starts to get warmer (aka today it was warmer on my way to work, sunny and about 60 and i was singing). i agree that exercise helps and also having a strict schedule to adhere to and having errands and stuff to run on the weekends, aks stuff that HAS to get done... though on rainy weekends sometimes we just stay in and relax.

we talk about moving out of CA and to elsewhere and i keep thinking, gosh can i deal with some potentially depressing weather and a lot of not sunny days?? eeee!!!! so i don't necessarily think i would be diagnosed with SAD or anything but i am susceptible to moods depending on the weather.


Dec 30, 2006
Date: 1/31/2007 12:43:31 AM
Author: monarch64
I''ve wondered for a few years now if I could possibly have this disorder...I live in the Midwest and have experienced many of the symptoms of SAD but have never mentioned it to a doctor or been diagnosed. What do you tell your doctor? Is there some sort of questionnaire involved, or do you just tell you doctor you think you have it?
I went to my doctor after 17 years of having the symptoms. I just thought i hated the winter, lots of people do. I didn''t even read about SAD properly until last year and it was a huge relief to find that its a real disorder. I honestly thought I had suffered from Post Natal Depression after my children but when I look back it always started in September and ended round March time.

My doctor suggested I try light box therapy but last year it was too late as I didn''t consult with her until March. I hired my light initially but decided to buy it as I will need to use it across the whole year if its a dull day. To be honest my doctor didn''t really know much about SAD, I had to tell her a lot of what I had read.

Some people need anti depressant pills to help them across the winter. I would rather not use them but if I feel the same next year as I have this time I will probably have to. I have felt very down this year, more so than any other year. It could be connected with the stress of waiting to find out if my two year old son is autistic though. I do think thats possible as sufferers of SAD don''t cope well with stressful situations.

I would recommend you see your doctor if you feel you have symptoms of SAD, its best to get treatment if you have it. It really can be a horrible illness.



Oct 18, 2005
Date: 1/30/2007 5:34:36 PM
Author: Maisiebelle
Hi Anchor

I''m sorry you have SAD too. January is my worst month - is it yours too? I feel low and gloomy and anxious all the time. I got really upset the other day and smashed a plate - all because my 16 yr old son gave me attitude. I have no ability to cope with stress at all. I heard the only cure is to move to the Caribbean. You fancy joining me? I promise no plate smashing!

Yes, January is definitely my worst month. I''ve felt like I''m in a permanent and really bad PMS week for the last month... It''s awful. I''m irritated, stressed, so sensitive that I cry (and I mean literally break down) for just about anything that goes wrong, and I am horribly and frustratingly unmotivated about my classes, which are (obviously) very important. Light boxes are just so expensive... but I''ll look into those light bulbs that were mentioned.

I would gladly join you in the Caribbean! I don''t mind plates...
Thanks for cheering me up.


Dec 30, 2006
I know they can run to a lot of money. I hired mine before I bought it. I found one on ebay which is $126 - I don''t know if you can stretch to that but its definitely worth a try if you can.

If you can''t manage to get one this winter you could maybe save up for one next year? I know that you would need to start using it at the begining of September to get the best benefits out of it.

I really feel for you, I was crying most of yesterday for no good reason other than my little boy kept slamming the doors. Its his new fun pastime but it drives me mad!


Maisie xx


Oct 18, 2005
Thank you! I''ll start saving up so I can get one next fall... As a student my budget is pretty tight, especially with that wedding coming up! It''s really starting to get to me too... The wedding turning out to be bigger and more formal than I wanted, the FILs giving us a hard time and not wanting to help cover the costs, FI being gone to Edmonton for another month... Ugh.


Jan 2, 2006
when i lived in london i experienced SAD, i didn''t know about light boxes at the time. instead i put 100 watt light bulbs into every lamp and fixture. dang near burned the old victorian wiring but it was worth it. light light everywhere!


Jul 25, 2006
LOL from your prior reply to mine about exercise - I really did look like a funny race walker type - I swear I think people were laughing in their cars at me when I would do my fast walk thing through the neighborhoods! I had to start running to save face!!

Oh no about your little boy slamming doors for fun - I bet that does drive you crazy!!

I know it is really hard to get over the inertia to start exercising, but if you can force yourself I hope you will start to feel better! Maybe come and join the weekly workout thread on this board?


Dec 30, 2006
Date: 1/31/2007 7:27:41 PM
Author: anchor31
Thank you! I''ll start saving up so I can get one next fall... As a student my budget is pretty tight, especially with that wedding coming up! It''s really starting to get to me too... The wedding turning out to be bigger and more formal than I wanted, the FILs giving us a hard time and not wanting to help cover the costs, FI being gone to Edmonton for another month... Ugh.
Aaargh nightmare in laws! I have decided in advance that I won''t get involved unless asked to when my children get married. Its got to be the worst thing when they give you a hard time! No wonder you don''t feel well! I would just run away and get married on a beach somewhere



Dec 30, 2006
Date: 1/31/2007 7:49:13 PM
Author: ladykemma
when i lived in london i experienced SAD, i didn''t know about light boxes at the time. instead i put 100 watt light bulbs into every lamp and fixture. dang near burned the old victorian wiring but it was worth it. light light everywhere!
I just had to change all my downstairs light bulbs to 100w as I can''t afford the posh sunlight ones for now - got a diamond to save up for

It does help a bit but unlike your old house we have new wiring so hopefully there shouldn''t be a problem!!


Dec 30, 2006
Date: 1/31/2007 10:23:59 PM
Author: :)
LOL from your prior reply to mine about exercise - I really did look like a funny race walker type - I swear I think people were laughing in their cars at me when I would do my fast walk thing through the neighborhoods! I had to start running to save face!!

Oh no about your little boy slamming doors for fun - I bet that does drive you crazy!!

I know it is really hard to get over the inertia to start exercising, but if you can force yourself I hope you will start to feel better! Maybe come and join the weekly workout thread on this board?
The door slamming is driving me really mad! He is so fast now too and if he sees an open door he makes a run at it and SLAMS it as hard as he can. I have a thing that you put at the top of the door, and it stops it slamming. I need more of them - one for each door!

I will check out the workout thread - I do need to start exercising..


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 1/31/2007 5:48:03 PM
Author: Maisiebelle

I really feel for you, I was crying most of yesterday for no good reason other than my little boy kept slamming the doors. Its his new fun pastime but it drives me mad!


Maisie xx
Maise, you reminded me of something I''d forgotten about. I have 3 boys, and about 10 years ago, they all 3 at the same time went through a stage where they''d be play fighting, and one would run in their room to get away, slamming the door HARD each time. I kept warning them to stop it, explaining that eventually someone''s finger/hand was going to get smashed. (never mind the fact it would sometimes scare the youknowwhat out of me) They wouldn''t listen and kept it up, so, I had hubby take the bedroom doors off, for a month.

It worked.

Not saying that''s what you should do, just made me remember. lol


Oct 18, 2005
Date: 2/1/2007 4:43:19 AM
Author: Maisiebelle

Date: 1/31/2007 7:27:41 PM
Author: anchor31
Thank you! I''ll start saving up so I can get one next fall... As a student my budget is pretty tight, especially with that wedding coming up! It''s really starting to get to me too... The wedding turning out to be bigger and more formal than I wanted, the FILs giving us a hard time and not wanting to help cover the costs, FI being gone to Edmonton for another month... Ugh.
Aaargh nightmare in laws! I have decided in advance that I won''t get involved unless asked to when my children get married. Its got to be the worst thing when they give you a hard time! No wonder you don''t feel well! I would just run away and get married on a beach somewhere

I WISH! But FI wouldn''t be happy. He''s the one with the big wedding fantasy. So I told him that HE was going to deal with his parents.


Dec 30, 2006
Date: 2/1/2007 6:51:01 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/31/2007 5:48:03 PM
Author: Maisiebelle

I really feel for you, I was crying most of yesterday for no good reason other than my little boy kept slamming the doors. Its his new fun pastime but it drives me mad!


Maisie xx
Maise, you reminded me of something I''d forgotten about. I have 3 boys, and about 10 years ago, they all 3 at the same time went through a stage where they''d be play fighting, and one would run in their room to get away, slamming the door HARD each time. I kept warning them to stop it, explaining that eventually someone''s finger/hand was going to get smashed. (never mind the fact it would sometimes scare the youknowwhat out of me) They wouldn''t listen and kept it up, so, I had hubby take the bedroom doors off, for a month.

It worked.

Not saying that''s what you should do, just made me remember. lol

Oooh what a good idea! Never would have thought of that! Where are the screwdrivers........


Dec 30, 2006
Date: 2/1/2007 7:22:57 AM
Author: anchor31

Date: 2/1/2007 4:43:19 AM
Author: Maisiebelle

Date: 1/31/2007 7:27:41 PM
Author: anchor31
Thank you! I''ll start saving up so I can get one next fall... As a student my budget is pretty tight, especially with that wedding coming up! It''s really starting to get to me too... The wedding turning out to be bigger and more formal than I wanted, the FILs giving us a hard time and not wanting to help cover the costs, FI being gone to Edmonton for another month... Ugh.
Aaargh nightmare in laws! I have decided in advance that I won''t get involved unless asked to when my children get married. Its got to be the worst thing when they give you a hard time! No wonder you don''t feel well! I would just run away and get married on a beach somewhere

I WISH! But FI wouldn''t be happy. He''s the one with the big wedding fantasy. So I told him that HE was going to deal with his parents.

Thats the best way - they are his family and he knows how to handle them. You chose him not them and its a shame you have to put up with them if they are being pains!!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 2/1/2007 7:24:05 AM
Author: Maisiebelle

Oooh what a good idea! Never would have thought of that! Where are the screwdrivers........


Jul 25, 2006
Date: 2/1/2007 6:51:01 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 1/31/2007 5:48:03 PM
Author: Maisiebelle

I really feel for you, I was crying most of yesterday for no good reason other than my little boy kept slamming the doors. Its his new fun pastime but it drives me mad!


Maisie xx
Maise, you reminded me of something I''d forgotten about. I have 3 boys, and about 10 years ago, they all 3 at the same time went through a stage where they''d be play fighting, and one would run in their room to get away, slamming the door HARD each time. I kept warning them to stop it, explaining that eventually someone''s finger/hand was going to get smashed. (never mind the fact it would sometimes scare the youknowwhat out of me) They wouldn''t listen and kept it up, so, I had hubby take the bedroom doors off, for a month.

It worked.

Not saying that''s what you should do, just made me remember. lol
Even better is that one day this will make a really great story - you can tell your future daughters in law stories like this!!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 2/4/2007 1:56:18 AM
Author: :)

Even better is that one day this will make a really great story - you can tell your future daughters in law stories like this!!

Frankly, I was just tickled pink for finding a way to make them stop. Kids can really bring out the creative side in you.


Dec 30, 2006
Well I managed to get outside for a couple of hours today. It was freezing but the sun was shining so we decided to go for a country walk. The kids loved it! Its amazing how you forget that just running and laughing can really make kids happy.
It was fine on the way there as it was downhill - but on the way back I couldn''t breathe! I hate hills!!

All in all I had a really good day. Roll on summer!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 2/4/2007 12:49:57 PM
Author: Maisiebelle
Well I managed to get outside for a couple of hours today. It was freezing but the sun was shining so we decided to go for a country walk. The kids loved it! Its amazing how you forget that just running and laughing can really make kids happy.
It was fine on the way there as it was downhill - but on the way back I couldn''t breathe! I hate hills!!

All in all I had a really good day. Roll on summer!

Glad you had a good day! and workout.


Oct 18, 2005
I was wondering how you were doing lately, Maisiebelle? I''ve been opening my curtains waking up in the morning, getting more sun, and cranking up the heat... And I''ve been recovering faster and better so far!
Today was a bit of a low day because of the covered skies (we''re having quite the snowstorm), and the distance from my FI (especially today on V-day!) is really starting to get to me. He''s coming back 16 days and I''m counting. Midterms are starting this Friday... Ugh.


Dec 30, 2006

I''m not doing so badly either. I can''t tell what is causing the improvement but I can pretty much assume its to do with getting rid of the blackout blind and getting outside more. I have started using my lightbox for two hours in the morning instead of three and trying to get out in the natural light more. Its easy for me to hibernate so its been a little bit difficult getting outside.

We have decided to get a puppy soon. I am really excited! Having a dog will mean next winter I have to go out. I am not the type of person to say ''I don''t care about the dog, if I''m ill she can''t go out''....

It will be great to have a more ''outdoors'' lifestyle. The kids will love it.

I''m really glad you are starting to pick up. 16 days will fly by!! I bet you can''t wait to see him!

xx Maisie xx


Oct 18, 2005
I''m glad to hear things are improving for you as well. Getting a dog in a great idea, I''d probably do it if I had a house and if I actually liked dogs... I''m a cat person.

I agree with you that it''s so easy to hibernate. I could shut myself in all winter if FI didn''t drag me out.


Dec 29, 2004
Interesting topic. I''m sorry for those of you who suffer from this.

Living in Southern California, it''s pretty nice year round. However we have two months of almost constant overcast, especially down by the beach where I live. We call it "May Gray" and "June Gloom". I''m definitely more irritable during these months. It''s annoying to me to come out of winter (OK, a california winter, but still) and come into spring/summer with colder temps than we face in the winter. Even though it can be warm in February (as it is today), there is something about spring when the trees bloom where I start itching for summer. We have to wait an extra month or two to even get decently warm here.

I know, I know...I shouldn''t complain about socal weather....
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