
Does this cushion have a bowtie? Or just bad lighting?

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LOL, taking great pics doesn''t seem to be a huge thing for Mark/ERD. Fortunately I believe him to be a very honorable person and would trust him completely. He can afford to send some pretty unflattering pics!

For is the cushion I ended up buying for my mom. The pic freaked me out, especially after the WF one I got of my own stone. But it ended up being a beautiful, ex/ex cushion!

Ten bucks says Mark didn't take that first shot...You out there MT? LOL....

Definitely give this stone a shot really need to see them in person...His photo skills look like mine hahaha...I can NEVER capture the beauty of my stone.....

I can actually see a lot of fire in your pic i only gets one slap for that pic :)

Best of luck to all!
Date: 3/5/2007 6:11:06 PM
Author: moremoremore
Ten bucks says Mark didn''t take that first shot...You out there MT? LOL....

Definitely give this stone a shot really need to see them in person...His photo skills look like mine hahaha...I can NEVER capture the beauty of my stone.....

I can actually see a lot of fire in your pic i only gets one slap for that pic :)

Best of luck to all!
I gave it more than a shot...I bought it! I asked Mark to be my eyes and he must have better than 20/20 ''cause we love it!
Wow! Compared to some of those pics mine practically belongs in a gallery. I guess we can''t expect Mark to be BOTH a fantastic diamond expert and an expert photographer huh?

But I have seen OTHER pics of your stones and they certainly are I feel better about this one! Thanks everyone! Hopefully I''ll get it (cross your fingers wants to buy the stone on his own, a.k.a. without me knowing) and then we can compare. =)
Date: 3/5/2007 6:08:40 PM
Author: TravelingGal
LOL, taking great pics doesn''t seem to be a huge thing for Mark/ERD. Fortunately I believe him to be a very honorable person and would trust him completely. He can afford to send some pretty unflattering pics!

For is the cushion I ended up buying for my mom. The pic freaked me out, especially after the WF one I got of my own stone. But it ended up being a beautiful, ex/ex cushion!
Hi TravelingGal--I remember reading your post regarding the comparison between Whiteflash and ERD. I had pulled everything I could find to read about the experience of other PSers with Mark. I agree, the pics between Whiteflash and ERD...well, even I let out a low whistle when I saw the difference and I couldn''t read fast enough to see what you decided to do. Both your and your mom''s rings are gorgeous, amazing beauties. Good for you to have such a wonderful engagement ring and what an incredible act of a daughter''s love to buy one for your mom. Thanks for sharing your was a great reference for me!
Date: 3/5/2007 8:19:58 PM
Author: neatfreak
Wow! Compared to some of those pics mine practically belongs in a gallery. I guess we can''t expect Mark to be BOTH a fantastic diamond expert and an expert photographer huh?

But I have seen OTHER pics of your stones and they certainly are I feel better about this one! Thanks everyone! Hopefully I''ll get it (cross your fingers wants to buy the stone on his own, a.k.a. without me knowing) and then we can compare. =)
So glad you feel better....I knew you would! Yours is the best pic I have seen from ERD so far. I wish, your boyfriend, the best of luck finding the perfect diamond. If you choose Mark I don''t think you will be sorry. Please keep us informed.
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