
Does Your Husband/SO Have An Expensive Hobby, Too?

thing2of2|1313157601|2989278 said:
Just wondering if most PSers have husbands/SOs with expensive habits of their own to balance out our jewelry buying. :cheeky:

My husband doesn't have any expensive habits to balance mine out, which makes my jewelry spending look worse! (Although...guess that leaves more money for me to buy jewelry with? :devil: ) He doesn't mind me buying jewelry, but he doesn't buy any big ticket things regularly. He does like cycling and has an expensive bike, but he bought it several years ago and isn't the type to own more than one bike at a time. I think I'm going to buy him an expensive watch for our 10 year anniversary to make up for my jewelry habit!

Mine had developed a passion for cycling. He bought his first bike a few months back (don't remember exactly when) and he got a great deal on it b/c he put it together himself, but since then, he is constantly adding upgrades to it such as new peddles. The idea was to buy the bike, I had NO idea that all the extra stuff would have now added up to what he paid for the thing! Plus, he's a dare devil so he has crashed and broken things, including cracking his helmet.
lyra|1313173201|2989465 said:
Yes, another cyclist husband here. He has 3 bikes right now but he keeps talking about more. Plus all the accessories are absolutely endless, and they wear out and need replacing. But it's his thing, and although I worry about him out there competing with cars, it makes him happy. He's even thought of part ownership in a bicycle shop for retirement, just for "fun".

I had NO idea things would wear out. Is this normal or is it the bike(s)? It's dh spent $100 on a TOOL for his bike this week. I am afraid to even look at our online bank this, bike that... :errrr: (and to think I feel guilty for buying lancome makeup remover! lol)
tyty333|1313175523|2989513 said:
My husband golfs but its really not that expensive. Him and his buddies like to walk so they only pay $15 a round if they go
after 2:00. He keeps his clubs for a long time and doesnt feel like he has to have the latest and greatest.

He also cycles. His bike is about 10 years old so he could really use a new one. That would probably be in the $2k range
when he decides to get one. He likes to buy just slightly used items so he doesnt have to pay full retail on something.

Has your DH looked at the new composite ones (or something like that?)? They're in that price range (starting about that) and are super light. My dh went nuts when he saw one...I had to drag him out of the bike store! lol
Hunting, fishing, trapping, guns..Amazing how fast that stuff adds up.
Sailing. Cars. Guns, in the past. Incidentally, clothes. The man has a thing for clothes. But he's not nuts with that one at least.

Did I mention sailing? Sailing gear, sailing shirts must be made for his program, sailing tools, specialized sailing clothing, sailboat repairs/upkeep. Must have proper video of all his races (for training purposes) so waterproof camera/video recorder. And sailing TRIPS, with hotels and meals and entry fees. New sails - like for when his then-green crew "flossed the keel" with one of his spinnakers. (OMG! The prices! At least he gets a good deal 'cause he used to be a sailmaker and still sells sails on commission occasionally).

And then of course there's sailing. Did I mention sailing?
Yes - photography... the upgrading that goes on with bodies and lenses would make even the worst PSer look restrained! He is semi-professional so there is an upside!

For those suffering with boats and sailing - OMG, my family are nuts about boats. Between my father and my uncles they have about 9 - from classic wooden cruisers (stand under a cold shower and tear up $100 bills or as my mother complains each trip out involves 10 trips to the 'boating sweetie shop' aka the Chandlers) to racing catamarans to Optimist dinghies and most sizes in between. My great-grandfather was a very famous yacht designer so it supposed to be in our blood... :knockout:

I LOATHE sailing with a vengeance and I wouldn't date any man who was interested in boats, golf, cycling or anything else that involved ridiculous amounts of time, energy and money. I got off very lightly with the cameras!
Laila619|1313174245|2989486 said:
Nah, not really. He spends about $200 a year to participate in his fantasy football and baseball leagues.
Im pretty sure my husband spends more than that on his fantasy leagues, but yup, that is a fun hobby for him. To be honest tho, I really don't spend money on jewelry at the moment. We are spending all extra cash on baby and new house items. Although, DH does spend quite a pretty penny on lawn and garden equipment. He always needs a new trimmer, tool, mower, fertilizer, and then needs new things to store all his tools in. But the benefit is we get a nice yard, have nice patio furniture, organized garage, and I was the nice wife who@ bought him $800 worth of grill/accessories for his birthday :)

Oh and golf, too. Greens fees ain't cheap! And every season is at least one new club costing $200+.
Geeeez...I guess im the cheap one!
Further to the cycling thing. My husband actually hides his purchases! :o Just today we got more gear in the mail. If it's not metal or rubber, it's clothing! MC glad your DH was okay after crashing, that's so scary!!
Nope- therefore he doesnt get my love for diamonds :errrr:
Mr. St. Clare is co-owner of two race horses. I have no idea what he spends on them--but I'm guessing that their upkeep {together} is more expensive than mine!
centralsquare|1313174782|2989498 said:
Dancing Fire|1313174518|2989494 said:
my wife is too cheap to have a hobby.she spends < $100 per yr.

How is that possible?! Is that just $100 on non-essentials? Even then, that's not a lot! Lucky you!
i got 4 bags of old clothes together that i'm about to place on our drive way for donation,then my wife said... wait,let me go through them again :rolleyes: i might still fit in some of those clothes.
Amber St. Clare|1313188570|2989677 said:
Mr. St. Clare is co-owner of two race horses. I have no idea what he spends on them--but I'm guessing that their upkeep {together} is more expensive than mine!
don't feed em if they don't win.
MC|1313179719|2989579 said:
tyty333|1313175523|2989513 said:
My husband golfs but its really not that expensive. Him and his buddies like to walk so they only pay $15 a round if they go
after 2:00. He keeps his clubs for a long time and doesnt feel like he has to have the latest and greatest.

He also cycles. His bike is about 10 years old so he could really use a new one. That would probably be in the $2k range
when he decides to get one. He likes to buy just slightly used items so he doesnt have to pay full retail on something.

Has your DH looked at the new composite ones (or something like that?)? They're in that price range (starting about that) and are super light. My dh went nuts when he saw one...I had to drag him out of the bike store! lol

He hasnt mention it...I tried to get him to get a new bike for his 50th but I think he is going to ride his current one
into the ground! It really seems to have held up well but of course its old technology and I'm sure he could use an upgrade.
lyra|1313186408|2989657 said:
Further to the cycling thing. My husband actually hides his purchases! :o Just today we got more gear in the mail. If it's not metal or rubber, it's clothing! MC glad your DH was okay after crashing, that's so scary!!

My husband has received 2 boxes in the mail this parts and I think new bike shoes. I know the shoes can be
costly but my husband is fairly frugal. Probably bought something on sale.
tyty333|1313193084|2989718 said:
lyra|1313186408|2989657 said:
Further to the cycling thing. My husband actually hides his purchases! :o Just today we got more gear in the mail. If it's not metal or rubber, it's clothing! MC glad your DH was okay after crashing, that's so scary!!

My husband has received 2 boxes in the mail this parts and I think new bike shoes. I know the shoes can be
costly but my husband is fairly frugal. Probably bought something on sale.

Haha! That's what my husband always says, "It was on sale!". Everything he's ever bought has been on sale at "unheard of " prices. I'm totally fine with it, we all joke about it. Yes everything wears out. Shoes, bike shorts, parts, everything. Or else a new better something comes along. He's 3 bikes past his "This is my dream bike, I'll never need any other one!". :bigsmile:
My husband is also a cyclist. He owns three bikes and is talking about another one. It is a pretty expensive little hobby but he loves
it. What kills me is the cost of the jerseys! 150-200 dollars each!

We have done motorcycles, dirt bikes and snowboarding as well. I am so glad we never got the boat he wanted so badly.
He claims his most expensive hobby is me (lol!), especially considering he's buying my 3 stone anniversary ring this year!
Dancing Fire|1313189670|2989687 said:
centralsquare|1313174782|2989498 said:
Dancing Fire|1313174518|2989494 said:
my wife is too cheap to have a hobby.she spends < $100 per yr.

How is that possible?! Is that just $100 on non-essentials? Even then, that's not a lot! Lucky you!
i got 4 bags of old clothes together that i'm about to place on our drive way for donation,then my wife said... wait,let me go through them again :rolleyes: i might still fit in some of those clothes.

Don't roll your should be doing this: :appl:
Yes he does. DH loves guns, tools (expensive power tools/woodworking tools), and electronics. His stuff takes up way more space then mine, too. ::)
If I stayed up 24 hrs. a day and spent, spent, spent? I still couldn't come close to what my husband spends annually
Times 100, Gemgirl. Only with my DH it's vintage cars. 3 so far, all needing (and getting) restoration. I've never asked the cost, I don't want to know.

For years it was like this: a Maserati, a Sting Ray & a van den Plas in the garage, but no curtains in the living room. Nasty threadbare carpeting. No vacations except to car shows. Dinners out? Ha! Takeout was a fancy night. It makes him so happy, I don't complain (much).

But when he retired I put my foot down on adding more cars, so now he writes books about them. His 5th was just published; he's working on the 6th one. Much cheaper! Now I get to buy stones instead -- if gold would just go down, I'd even get to set them!! :|
My hubby loves to collect guns and he is currently restoring a 1967 Camaro, it is getting very pricey.....he also feels the need to buy machinist tools and big machines, what he is going to do with them I have no idea, I get annoyed because he just likes to spend money and it makes me crazy.
DH is into car racing, which in itself isn't too pricey with maintenance costs, but when he blows a diff or a grearbox, then the $$$ adds up!! Plus he usually destroys a set of tyres each race, so has to keep a constant supply of them. He is also into power tools and machinery, just obsessed! He bought a milling machine a few weeks ago (huge bloody thing it is too), because it might be nice to have if he decides he needs some metal work done. Which he hasn't yet. ;))
my DH doesnt have "AN" expensive hobby, he has "multiple"

-Sailing- between maintenance, sails, the slip, etc. $$
-Fishing- gear is expensive, boat is expensive, but the biggest is the freaking gas. $300 to fill up
-Golf- not as bad, but still incurs costs, golf clubs arent cheap
-Snowboarding- lift tickets, boards, gear, travel
-Just took up surfing, not cheap

He busts my chops when I spend a few hundred on a pair of shoes, but I always have to remind him that his hobbies are way more expensive that my hobby known as "compulsive shopping" LOL

I cant complain though, I spend too. ANd he really enjoys his hobbies. My friend's husband gambles, ALOT and is constantly blowing money. So could be worse I guess! :wink2:
We share some of the most expensive hobbies, skiing (from Australia involves annual international trips, next year we are probably going heliskiing), wine, and cycling - I just got my first serious road bike today so no doubt parcels will start arriving for me!

Golf is something of his though, he belongs to one of the well-known sandbelt clubs here in Melbourne which is fairly exxy.
JewelFreak|1313231791|2989925 said:
If I stayed up 24 hrs. a day and spent, spent, spent? I still couldn't come close to what my husband spends annually
Times 100, Gemgirl. Only with my DH it's vintage cars. 3 so far, all needing (and getting) restoration. I've never asked the cost, I don't want to know.

For years it was like this: a Maserati, a Sting Ray & a van den Plas in the garage, but no curtains in the living room. Nasty threadbare carpeting. No vacations except to car shows. Dinners out? Ha! Takeout was a fancy night. It makes him so happy, I don't complain (much).

But when he retired I put my foot down on adding more cars, so now he writes books about them. His 5th was just published; he's working on the 6th one. Much cheaper! Now I get to buy stones instead -- if gold would just go down, I'd even get to set them!! :|

Oh my God! You just described my house (in such desparate need of repairs and updating) and our social life (zero vacations unless it has something to do with fishing), and eating out.... well he never believed in wasting money on nice restaurants. A neighborhood diner? Yeah, but no place nice. It's all about fishing and nothing else. Yes, it does make him happy. He's not interested in anything else!

I've been looking through the Multiple Listing Service every week for years. Moving is going to be my only chance at living someplace nice.
Yes. Expensive watches, golf and electronics.
Nope. He plays hockey, which we just figured costs him about $1000 a year (rat fees, a stick or two a year, and the occasional new piece of equipment). He's not into cars or fishing or sailing or clothes or watches or computers or anything that really costs money. Even his book addiction is free through the library!

But I don't really have an expensive hobby, either...probably the closest thing I have to an expensive hobby is eating out. I hang out on PS despite the fact it's about diamonds and jewelry!
DH is addicted to fishing and buys extremely expensive rods, reels and lures. He spends a fortune on them so he can't give out to me if I buy expensive things.
Yes! My dh has a few expensive hobbies.

He has 14 bicycles. All pretty expensive though some he built himself. And he can fix them himself too when something goes wrong so that's good. I also reap the benefits of his cycling hobby as he has gotten me into cycling since we have been together and while I am not as serious a cyclist as he is I do enjoy it. We have a tandem and we go out whenever we can and cycle b/w 50-75 miles a ride. It's very enjoyable.

On top of that his other hobbies are woodworking (the equipment and materials ain't cheap!) and watches (!). So, he doesn't have any cheap hobbies ::) but he does make beautiful stuff with his woodworking so I cannot complain. He made built in bookshelves in our library and he made both of our headboards for our beds. He has also made me beautiful jewelry boxes. :appl: He also made great (8 of them) radiator covers for our NY home and everyone who comes over wants to commission him to make more for them LOL. But it is just a hobby and he barely has enough time to breathe since we have moved so he hasn't had much time to make anything in the last 6 months.

On a big plus side my dh is very generous and he never ever would deny me any piece of jewelry I wanted (that we could afford that is LOL) and he often surprises me with great gifts though he knows better than to buy me jewelry anymore. Jewelry is something he must get my input for as he knows how picky I am. Of course I do the same for him with watches. I would never buy him anything expensive without his input unless I know for sure he really wants it!
I'm coming into this a little late but my hubby likes to spend money on lego models! Those things can get spendy! Also he and his friends just discovered a sports bar near us with golf simulators..sigh..