
Doggie dust - rapid weight loss

Aljdewey, I'm sorry to hear about your pup. I do appreciate you sharing your story. I'm hopeful because Hollis has gone through bouts of refusing his food before...only he didn't lose so much weight. I'm also realistic and understand this could be something serious. I do have moments where a future without him flashes before me. :((

Queenie and Hoover, thanks for the suggestions! At the vet's suggestion he's temporarily on chicken and rice. He's in his glory! I was hesitant to offer him food he can't refuse but the vet was confident that it would not make matters worse since it's only for a few days. More on that below. Depending on what this, he may need a diet overhaul.

Missy and Mary, thanks for the continued thoughts!

Update- we've had a change of heart and decided to go straight to the diagnostic ultrasound. Because if this is something serious all this dilly dallying (as my mom says!) could make a big difference. I'll be relieved if they don't find anything but I won't regret that we took that measure. So the vet suggested chicken and rice between now and his ultrasound (Thursday). So far he's loving it. He smelled the raw chicken as soon as I brought it into the house and promptly started begging for it and drooling on my kitchen floor. I choose to take that as a good sign! :)
Puppmom, I'm glad you decided to go ahead with the ultrasound. We very recently had an issue with our kitty Bobby who is 7 years old and blood tests showed an elevated liver enzymes so we scheduled the next available ultrasound based on my sister's (who is our veterinarian) recommendation. It is a painless test and can be very helpful in finding what is going on with your sweet baby. Always a smart idea to be proactive and move ahead with tests that can be diagnostic and not invasive. Good luck and hugs to your furbaby.
Haven't seen this in a while. Up and waiting for his breakfast this morning! :love:

puppmom|1461595269|4023338 said:
Haven't seen this in a while. Up and waiting for his breakfast this morning! :love:

Love this! :love: :love: :love:
Puppmom, I haven't commented because I just didn't have anything helpful to contribute. I think the ultrasound is a good idea. I'm really happy Hollis is showing an interest in eating and seems to have an appetite. I think it's an encouraging sign too!

He's such a sweet boy :love:
puppmom|1461595269|4023338 said:
Haven't seen this in a while. Up and waiting for his breakfast this morning! :love:
That's awesome! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I hope your furbaby is enjoying his chicken and rice and puts on some weight - Hollis looks very happy :love: . Good choice going for the ultrasound - hopefully you get some answers out of it, or at the very least rule some things out.
Looking good! Thank you for the pic! :appl: :wavey:
azstonie|1461684114|4023779 said:
Looking good! Thank you for the pic! :appl: :wavey:

And good looking! :appl:
Yay! He looks so happy! :appl:
Thanks for continuing to check in and for the well wishes. Ultrasound is tomorrow and I'll post an update.

He did vomit Monday night before dinner (that yellowy bile which is what he used to do when his reflux was bad). He's still eating the chicken and rice enthusiastically. We weighed him again and he's down to 79.5lbs. I don't ever remember him weighing that little. He must have been a puppy. I'm looking forward to tomorrow but also really nervous. I'm really scared to get bad news alone. I do have one of my best friends (who loves animals more than anyone I know) on speed dial if I need her. She's worked in shelters and rescued many animals (mostly cats) so she's been around the block and will help me make sense of what I learn.
I'm sorry your pup is going thru this. I can certainly relate- I've spent so much time at the Vet School Hospital near me the last few months trying to figure out what is wrong with my maltese. She's had ultrasounds (yes, multiple), swallowing studies, X-rays, endoscopy, and I'm sure a few more tests I've forgotten. Normal blood work and normal stools. At her last visit when they did her endoscopy they took multiple biopsies which showed abnormal cells- she's just been diagnosed with eosinophilic gastritis and gastroenteritis. They feel it is probably food allergy related so we have just started on a single protein elimination diet. The hardest thing now is finding a novel protein food she will eat- I'm still working on it. So, your pup may also have some sort of allergy. I will say that the veterinarian prescribed food like Hills and Royal Canin I've found to be junk. Right now I'm feeding her home cooked bison and rice as she likes it, but I'm going to need to move to a more balanced diet soon. Also looking at adding some probiotic. Maybe that would help your pup, too.
Please let us know tomorrow what you find out!
Puppmom, sending lots of good thoughts for tomorrow - sorry you have to go through this and I'm really glad you have a friend to support you - Hugs to you and hang in there!
Pinkjewel, sorry to hear you're going through something similar. I made a comment to the vet about going for the ultrasound so we can get answers and she quickly reminded me there are no guarantees! I sure hope we find out what's going on but I realize it's possible that we won't know anymore tomorrow than we do now. Hollis was on Royal Canin very briefly as a pup after becoming so sick he was dehydrated and needed subcutaneous fluids. Even at the time of prescribing it the vet said it was not a complete diet and should not be used long term. How are you making Bison? I wouldn't even know where to begin! DH is vegetarian and totally grossed out by the 5lbs of chicken in the fridge! I rarely bring raw meat home and Hollis sniffed it out right away! He was underfoot the whole time I was unpacking groceries!

Junebug, thank you!!
puppmom|1461805578|4024394 said:
Pinkjewel, sorry to hear you're going through something similar. I made a comment to the vet about going for the ultrasound so we can get answers and she quickly reminded me there are no guarantees! I sure hope we find out what's going on but I realize it's possible that we won't know anymore tomorrow than we do now. Hollis was on Royal Canin very briefly as a pup after becoming so sick he was dehydrated and needed subcutaneous fluids. Even at the time of prescribing it the vet said it was not a complete diet and should not be used long term. How are you making Bison? I wouldn't even know where to begin! DH is vegetarian and totally grossed out by the 5lbs of chicken in the fridge! I rarely bring raw meat home and Hollis sniffed it out right away! He was underfoot the whole time I was unpacking groceries!

Junebug, thank you!!

Unfortunately, our little furballs can't tell us what hurts and it can take a good while to find out what's wrong. The tests for my maltese started in late January and every thing kept coming back normal. which is good... but when you know something is very wrong it's frustrating since you don't know what to do to help. :wall:

As far as the bison goes- I bought ground bison and just cook a little bit on the stove for each of her meals. I don't think it's working for her and my vet said it might be too close to beef so it's not a "novel" protein for her. The trouble is I've tried kangaroo and venison and neither would she eat. She doesn't generally like canned dog food, but I've bought some different canned rabbit foods to see if I can tempt her with any of them. I hate the idea of feeding my dog rabbit, though, as I've always been a bunny lover. :( But, I'm running out of novel protein options. Lamb has always been a go to for sensitive stomachs, but that's what she was eating when she got sick! So, for the short term I may have to try rabbit- then once her belly calms down I can move her to something else.
How did the ultrasound go today?
I'll keep this brief because I'm posting from my phone. Hollis was very cooperative with his ultrasound and they found nothing abnormal. However the vet who did the ultrasound noticed something in his bloodwork that the other vet did not. Well, not that she didn't notice, she just didn't see it as anything noteworthy. His creatinine levels are high. That coupled with his symptoms led this vet to think he could have Addison's disease. It's basically low cortisol production and causes decreased appetite and other symptoms. There is a definitive test for this so we're considering that. They also got clean urine during the ultrasound and will take a look at that to rule out infection. So, not much news.

I'm going to talk to them tomorrow about the test for Addison's disease and it could be done as soon as Monday. If that's what it is, it's manageable with meds.

I'll keep you all updated. Here he is on the ride.

that's great that the ultrasound was normal! And although Addison's is not great news- it is manageable and you'd have a diagnosis and plan for his improvement. Let us know how the test goes
Glad the ultrasound is normal and sending more doggie dust to Hollis! Hoping whatever this is it is indeed manageable with meds so if it is Addison's that is actually not bad news. But whatever it turns out to be just let it be treatable and manageable. (((HUGS))).
Very glad the ultrasound was normal puppmom! I'm continuing to send good thoughts that you get an answer soon so you can get Hollis on the road to recovery. Big hugs to you, I know this is all so stressful.
Big relief that the ultrasound was normal. Hopefully the Addison's test will lead to definitive diagnosis so you can move on with treatment for manageable condition. Sending more doggie dust to Hollis.
puppmom|1461894863|4024907 said:
I'll keep this brief because I'm posting from my phone. Hollis was very cooperative with his ultrasound and they found nothing abnormal. However the vet who did the ultrasound noticed something in his bloodwork that the other vet did not. Well, not that she didn't notice, she just didn't see it as anything noteworthy. His creatinine levels are high. That coupled with his symptoms led this vet to think he could have Addison's disease. It's basically low cortisol production and causes decreased appetite and other symptoms. There is a definitive test for this so we're considering that. They also got clean urine during the ultrasound and will take a look at that to rule out infection. So, not much news.

I'm going to talk to them tomorrow about the test for Addison's disease and it could be done as soon as Monday. If that's what it is, it's manageable with meds.

I'll keep you all updated. Here he is on the ride.

I feel for you puppmom! We spent a year trying to diagnose our maltese girl (many ultrasounds, X-rays, finally a biopsy, etc). They thought she might have addison's for a while, but eventually diagnosed her with irritable bowel syndrome (didn't know dogs could even get that!) My experience sounds very similar to PinkJewel's journey as well, it's SO stressful when our fur baby can't tell us what's wrong with them :( I hope that your pup has something that can be diagnosed/managed with meds--and as far as these things go Addison's is one of the "better" diagnoses. BTW our girl is doing much better after 6 months of steroids/tons of other meds + a very strict Rx diet of hydrolyzed protein. I'm sending you DUST and HUGS, and hope all turns out well!
((((hugs))) - many ((HHugs)))
:wavey: I'm sitting at work not so patiently waiting for a call from the vet. Long story short - Hollis improved rapidly after last vet check and was eating and gaining weight. His low was 79lbs and he's back to 83.5lbs. I took him on Friday for his annual and the vet noticed a lump while checking him with the stethoscope. She asked if that was always there - it's along his rib line so she thought maybe that rib always jutted out funny. Nope - this is new. She asked to do an X-ray and found some suspicious things. But, she's not a radiologist and Hollis' full belly was obstructing her view from the most important angle. So this morning I dropped him off for a fasting X-ray that our vet is going to discuss with the radiologist. I'm sick to my stomach and can't stop thinking about him. He was so scared! ;(

On the bright side, he's acting totally normal. Eating, running, playing etc. He does not seem sick so I'm trying to keep that in mind while I wait. I hope we know something today.
Hi Pupmom - sending good thoughts your way. I'm praying that your Hollis will be ok. :wavey:
Hoping it is nothing serious. He looks so sweet and ready to go play. Hard to believe he is "sick". I hope he continues to gain
weight. Maybe it was just a little bug that was keeping him from wanting to eat and he's over it now. Lots of dust for
figuring it out soon or,for whatever it was goes away and doesn't come back.
Just wanted to send you dust and good thought for Hollis. My heart goes out to you and I hope you get good news. I know it can be nerve wracking to leave them since you can't explain what's going on to them. Hugs! :wavey:
Pupmom - any news? Hope he's okay.
Still now news. I even called to check. They sent the films to a specialist to look at. The wait is killing me! :(sad

Thanks for keeping him in your thoughts! He still seems to be good so I'm remaining hopeful. He's not a stoic dog so I *think* we can usually tell when something's bothering him and that doesn't seem to be the case.
Keeping positive thoughts for Hollis.
The x-rays were misplaced at the specialist - I'm told my vet verbally confirmed receipt (they send over some secure file transfer). So they sent again yesterday and I wait. I was hoping they would hop to it after misplacing them but that doesn't seem to be the case. I understand mistakes happen. I just wish it resulted in a quick resolution.