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Jaylex - in red, that's EXACTLY what you're doing, and everyone will know it.Date: 5/12/2010 2:53:08 PM
Author: jaylex
Hi Everyone.. thanks for your responses.
I just wanted to clarify a few things..
I am 19, Fiance is 21. I live with my parents, he lives with his.
I have been attending this church since I was 3. Fiance has been attending since we started dating almost 5 years ago.
We aren't employed by the church... but we are in roles of 'leadership' because I sing and he plays guitar in the bands during the worship services.
Apparently, some of the 'younger' members (haha.. so I guess 15-17) look up to us as 'role models' and our relationship as an 'example'.
Personally, I never asked to be a role model. I just wanted to sing! But the youth pastor uses this as his bases for why he can't 'allow us to live in sin'.
Besides that, I guess the church consistory has a rule that if members in leadership roles decide to live a life that is outside the churches values, they need to step down from their roles until the behavior is corrected. For instance, someone having an affair, someone with a severe gambling problem, addition to underage pornography (all examples I've heard of) and people living together before marriage.
Personally, if we were 34 and had lived on our own previous to dating and decided to move in, no one would bat an eye.
I really do think it is just because we are so close to the 'youth group' age, they are trying to make an 'example' out of us.
And I hate that. Like I said, I never asked to be a role model. But I understand that by putting myself in the churches 'public eye' I really don't have a choice.
Not everyone in our church is intolerant to it though.
We did tell some of our closer friends who are in the band with us that we were thinking about moving out and that it would probably mean having to get 'kicked out' of the band and four of the members were so upset by it that they offered to leave with us. Only one of those members was under the age of 36 lol. We also talked to some of our parents friends when we were still trying to make a decision on whether or not we were going to move out and they were really upset by the idea of us getting kicked out as well.
Unfortunately, the youth pastor is the leader of one band we are in, and one of my moms kinda/friends is the leader of the other.
But honestly, we drive to and from church together every saturday and sunday, we attend all of the functions together, we go to and from band practice together. The only way anyone would have suspected us of moving out was if they happened to live in the same apartment building as us and saw our cars parked out front.
I don't really care as much what people think about us moving out.. I'm beyond upset with my mother who lived with my dad before they were married, with her boyfriends after they got divorced, and with my stepdad before they were married. And I feel like she was able to make her choice. She tried to take away my right to choose and that ticks me off the most I think. Besides that, I really hate that men that are already married are trying to meddle in my personal life.
I think it's really easy for everyone to say 'don't live together if you're not married' when they themselves are married. But if they get a divorce, I hardly doubt they'll abstain from sex until they re-marry.
Speaking of sex, that is another frustrating part of this. my mom, as a last-ditch effort to get us to not move out together, offered fiance to move in to our guest bedroom. They (mom and pastor) also brought up the idea that Fiance could move out while I stay at home (which is not a good place to be, believe you me) until the wedding. I could be over his apartment all the time as long as I came home to sleep. What the heck do they think we'd be doing over there?! Is there some sort of a rule that you can only have sex after the sun sets? Nooo...
it's clearly not about whether or not we have sex... they just don't want themselves to 'look bad' because they raised/allowed teenagers (that are in a healthy, committed relationship) to 'sleep together'.
I can't even begin to say ticked off that makes me. I feel like it's none of their business what we do/don't do behind closed doors.
It's not our church beliefs that are important to us... My personal faith is important to me. I feel like we can have faith in God and still move in together. I don't see how those two things are in conflict. But i can go to a church that has some beliefs I won't always agree with.
But whatever. I know this means a lot to my fiance and even though part of me wants to say 'eff you! we made our decision' to everyone. I just want the two of us to be happy and safe. And I think this would be good for us.
Plus the extra tax refund, break on our car/medical/renters insurance, and shutting the inlaws mouths are perks! lol. just kidding.
We are going to look at this as the 'legal' part of our wedding and the next may date as a renewal of that but also the emotional/spiritual part of our wedding.
As far as the legal part of the ceremony goes, I am expecting to walk in, sign the paper and walk out. The pastors, our close family members and the people in our party will know.. besides that I'm not sure who we will tell about it. We don't have all of the kinks worked out yet. This is all really sudden for me.
I don't know why I have mixed emotions about it. I'm still marrying my best friend. We talked about getting engaged a year before it actually happened and we are obviously ready to marry each other, otherwise there wouldn't have been an engagement. I believe that marriage is more than just a piece of paper and a party and that we have been working on our 'marriage' for 4 years.. I guess it's just trying to wrap my head around the sudden date change. Two days ago my biggest source of stress was trying to get everything ready for our move. Yesterday it was totally shifted to 'wow. I'm getting 'married' in 9 days'.
But I guess part of me doesn't want the stigma that comes with being married at 19, or the 'shot gun' wedding. And the really stubborn part of me doesn't want people to think i'm getting married just because the church told me I 'have to'.
I'll post more later. Thanks again everyone.
I know a bit about how you feel because my family is much the same way, very religious and culturually conservative - the difference is that I have no objections to picking and choosing the bits and pieces of culture and religion that I agree with, ignoring the rest, and firmly saying "NO" when someone tries to convince me otherwise.
Your church has certain opinions - like that living together before marriage is wrong - it's their choice. It's not for you to try and skirt that by doing things in secret: that just makes you both look childish, and will cement others' beliefs that you are too young to get married and that it's a good thing you have them to guide you properly - against your will, if necessary. Besides, why would you want to hold a place of authority if it means teaching those who see you as a role model things you don't truly believe yourself?
Live YOUR life on your own terms