
Door Knob has something funny to is a whopper! Hope you are strapped in!

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DKS, your charm always manages to shine, even at times when most of us would be exhibiting distress and sadness. You are the most refreshing of humans. Thank you for being you. My heart is still sad for you, but I adore your ability to see past the "ick." Thanks for being so amazingly you. Now get to hunting for a new door knob. But perhaps this one shall be deemed a lightbulb, or flashlight, or some other bright,guidling light, a lighthouse perhaps? Hmmm, but you, you shall always be door knob solitaire, the one and only...

I am (obviously) late to this thread since we''ve been away all week and I''m just now catching up. but I just can''t belive this. One time I thought my husband had thrown away my engagement ring during the course of moving from one house to another but it turned up about a week later in a crazy place.

You poor thing--I can''t belive what a good sport you''re being about all this. I personally would have drunk myself under the table and stayed there once I figured out what had happened.

Big big bling hugs headed your way...
OMG how did I miss this?! Throughout the thread I kept hoping that you would please please come back and tell us you found it... I''m just floored. Your composure and humour are admirable, I don''t know if I could do this! I will be praying to St.Anthony for you, too!

I've been off PS for a week and um, I cannot BELIEVE what I'm reading in this thread § (you'll always be DKS to me)!!!

I want to give you the Biggest hug, and give your hubby a good scolding (which I suspect he's already gotten serveral times by now, and with all the hidey hole effort I'm sure he just feels awful). I cannot imagine.

I am awed by how well you are handling this. Grace under fire. I really am so sorry for the loss of your diamond, and I cannot wait to see your new diamond. ((HUGS))
Date: 11/22/2007 2:39:40 AM
Author: door knob solitaire
Now I have some business to attend to...this is addressed to HARLEIGH aka dks''s stone twinkie.

You and I have been board buddies for a long time...I don''t want it to end. I think you are adorable. And I lurve you. But this is serious busniess. This is nothing personal...But I want you to know I am having my attorney to draw up a letter and demand of receipts, dates, etc of when and where you acquired the stone that is exactly the same measurements of the hem...dearly departed.

It pains me to have to do this...but you came here after I with your 2.11 carat stone. Why? How? I demand answers! And I just may demand my stone back.

Funny how you are getting married in Hawaii. Plan on not returning do you? all adds up! Your paperwork better be in order missy...or your wedding colors won''t include fuschia...but a cheerful shade of BRIGHT ORANGE!!!

Look for the mailman. When you least expect it....He is coming. (do do do do do do...this is shark music)

Hi sweet girl...aka, my diamond twinkie. So sorry I haven''t posted lately...I have been waiting to get some of my sarcasm and snarkiness back, but it''s just gone right now, and I have nothing funny to say in response. I just wanted to say again that I feel for you (and my proof of purchase papers will be in tomorrow''s mail!) and know that you have still been in my thoughts and prayers most days. It seems we all have a lot going on right now, and it''s so difficult at this time of year, but I just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. When my sense of humor returns, I''m sure I''ll have more to say, but for now, just know I''m thinking of you, my friend.

P.S. How did you know I was afraid of the movie "Jaws?" That''s just not nice...
I am still not sure how I Possibly missed your post DKS? Perhaps I had no clue judging from the topic what it was all about? I'' am "slow and thick" these days and only getting " slower and thicker" with time...
just wanted to say I am so sorry about your little 2k safely put away..and never to be seen again...Really not much one can do what has been done is gone forever and we must move on...
Thinking about you...Thanks...
DKS, I, too, can''t believe I missed this!
I am so sorry!

I just want to say that you have a wonderful personality and sense of humour, and you deserve a very special diamond as a replacement! We''d have a ball helping you look for one!
I kept on seeing this thread and thought it was just some kind of Christmas joke. I am still in shock. I am so sorry that you were so rudely parted from a prized possession.

I have no idea how I would handle this type of thing, however, for whatever it matters, I would like to commend you on your inspirational attitude. Sometimes life has so many negative things to throw our way yet, the way that you have handled and dealt with this situation serves to remind us that things can only be as bad as we allow them to be. This type of thing might consume someone else yet you didn''t let it. Kudos to you ...

I have no doubt that you faboo DH will be outdo himself to make it up to you!
Maybe we will have to rename you ... "Lightbulb Solitaire"?
DKS-I am so sorry for your lost stone!! May I ask what storm was approaching 2 years ago--Katrina, perhaps? . It approaoched my way, too......lots of things lost, washed away, accidentally thrown away during clean-up, etc...
Ugh, I felt sick to my stomach when I read this thread! I am glad you are being your spectacular self, keeping your sense of humour and wise perspective throughout this. Sucks that it happened, but just think! Maybe one day you will stumble upon it and then you can make yourself the most gorgeous pendant or a huge blingin'' earring--you could look like a rap star! How grand would that be!
Date: 11/23/2007 11:23:50 AM
Author: fisherofmengirly
You know, I was telling my mom about how your diamond got thrown out in the trash (you think, although we all still hope by some miracle it''s found), and she told me something I''d never known: her engagement ring she wore at their wedding was not the original. She was out planting potatoes with her father (he was a farmer) and she said that she thought the ring was the right size, but she didn''t know (never had a ring before) and when she was working with her father, the ring came off her hand, but she didn''t realize it until a few hours later, and had no way of knowing where in the field it was. They looked and looked. My dad looked for weeks, she said. Anyway, eventually, my dad got her another ring.

So, then months later my grandmother calls my mom and tells her she needs to come over for some potato soup, because they grew so well. She and Dad go over, and in the middle of the dinner table is a potato my grandma cut into that had a ring grown into it. My mother''s original engagement ring.

My mom swears she told me this story before, but I don''t remember for the life of me, and I think I''d remember something like that. I called my brother to see if he knew about it, and he told me I was bleeping nuts. I guess that means he''d never heard it, either.

Maybe the diamond will reappear like my mom''s did!!


Holy cow! Seriously? I''m totally a trusting fool so if you are pulling my leg I am not currently aware of it! That is unbelievable!
Oh my god!!!!

I am so sorry, DKS! I''m very late in coming into this thread, but I''ve just spent the last 15 minutes reading it with my jaw on the ground and a very sick feeling in the pit of my stomach for your poor lost S. I am hoping and praying it has just been misplaced and will turn up again in the future.

You are handling this with so much grace - I think I would have screamed at DH for a whole day if the same had happened to my ring. Here''s hoping santa will have a sparkly doorstopper in your stocking for you this Christmas, even though I know it will never replace the sentimental value of your DKS.

I like the idea another PS-er mentioned earlier about pooling our smaller un-set diamonds into a sparkly band for you! What a fantastic group project. I wonder if the vendors would do something like this?

DKS --

I admit I had to go back in your posts to play catch up... I'm glad the whirly gig didn't get you and MrDKS, but the loss of the shiny...

Shiny things are beautiful. We admire them. We desire them. We forget that... We are the beauty that they reflect.

You're beautiful and are the mirror that your diamond would reflect.

I would glady trade Hooty for you. And the Alishan!

The universe has a way of evening things out, and I hope fortune presents something unexpected and delightful for you.

oh my word! That is all I can say
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