
Dreamer and Demelza GTG Part Deux: Two OECs (and an MRB)


Jan 18, 2004
Well, Dreamer and I got together again yesterday and, just like last time, we had so much fun! Dreamer's ring and diamond are out of this world beautiful -- I have no words to say how much I love her ring! I actually asked her if she wanted to trade. Seeing her setting just cemented in my mind that I absolutely need to reset my OEC. The setting is okay, but it isn't fabulous like Dreamer's and my diamond needs a fabulous setting! As for the diamonds, they really could be related -- while there are some minor differences, they are very clearly two of a kind. We figured that my stone might have been cut 10-15 years earlier than Dreamer's, but to the casual observer they would probably look like twins. Her stone has so much fire and the facets are so crisp! And have I mentioned how much I love her setting? Okay, enough with the commentary and on with the photos!




A few more with my 2.37 G, VS2 H&A....




Wow, you two's rings are out of this world! :love: They are two of the best cut OECs I have ever seen, and the MRB is stunning too!

And Dreamer, your setting refrub turned out amazing, the prongs and milgraining are perfection!
I still can't believe how huge Dreamer's stone looks in that bezel. I mean it's a huge diamond at 8mm, but it looks exactly the same as mine which is .8mm bigger. Have I mentioned that I really need a new setting?? I'd welcome any ideas or links!

Thanks Armywife! Can't wait to see your gorgeous and HUGE OEC at home on your finger!

A few more pics...




Wow, whoa and wow! Beautiful, beautiful diamonds! Is it my imagination or does Dreamer's stone somehow fit in her mounting better now that it's been reworked? Looks fabulous!

I have to agree about the bezel - it obviously adds visual size but it's even more substantial that one would have thought. Anyone considering a bezel should see this thread in terms of size difference! She does have a large stone but it looks huge in that bezel mounting.

They are all three superb - I am one of the rare ducks I suppose that still prefer the OEC stones in the whiter range. Those two are beauties for sure and of course Demelza your H&A is still gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing these. :love: :appl: :love: :appl:
Simply stunning. :love:
I'm pretty sure Dem is just buttering me up with her appreciation for my ring, maybe hoping I will offer to babysit or something :lol: But I sure appreciate it! It was a blast meeting up again. It was especially fun spending 45 minutes in a crowded thoroughfare in an outdoor mall/plaza taking photos of our bling! ::) Not sure what people thought we were up to!

And I am no setting queen, I don't know much... when I saw your mount at first I really loved it as it is! But you were not loving it. Now I see it compared to mine which I think we both agree is in better condition and of a more distinctive styling, and I agree 100% -- your amazing OEC needs a new home! Let's get searching!

Those photos look great but PS makes them so small :blackeye: I cropped some of the first batch, let's try again and see if they are bigger, I really want people to be able to see the amazing colors and faceting.

It's a match made in heaven!!! More photos please!
All 3 are simply gorgeous! Love the OEC's and their gorgeous faceting patterns and chunky flashes ... but that MRB is not too shabby ;)) All the settings are beautiful - I think we'd all be VERY happy to be the owner of any one of them. You are very lucky ladies - get out there and flash those beauties!

What a wonderful play date you both had! Love the photos - thanks for sharing!
These are such beautiful photos of some truly fabulous diamonds! Any photos of the profile of Demelza's ring compared to Dreamer's? I am surprised how much the bezel adds, too. :love:
Ahhh, I so love these! :love: :appl:

Demelza, would you please tell us how you feel about your H&A stone compared to the antique stone? If you could only keep one, would you give up the H&A stone?
All three rings are absolutely beautiful! Each has nice characteristics and light return. Thanks for sharing!
O.MY.GAWD. THUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think these are all different, but they look similar.

:love: :love: :love: Gorgeous!!!


diamondseeker2006|1344048915|3245719 said:
Ahhh, I so love these! :love: :appl:

Demelza, would you please tell us how you feel about your H&A stone compared to the antique stone? If you could only keep one, would you give up the H&A stone?

I'll let Demelza answer you, but since it looks like I got my kids in bed before she got her kids in bed I will give you this hint about Dem's feelings about her RB compared to our old cuts: When we were taking pics of the two oldies, she said, "Well I guess we better get this loser in there too" referring to her RB :lol: Now, she has a dry sense of humour, but I think her opinion is plain :halo:

Only on PS would the 2.35ct G VS2 be the "loser" haha! We got a good laugh out of the ridiculousness of that joke.
Oh, and these are the things we noted that differed between our diamonds:

Mine has a slightly smaller table, higher crown, longer lgf, and distinct arrows suggesting slightly more precision in the symmetry of the faceting. We also concluded that the bezel changed the optics a little, and we think it added extra depth to the contrast patterning, with "darks" being darker. The result of these things is that Dem's stone looks a little more chunky in person under the table, whereas mine has more distinct facets under the table. I thikn the subtle difference are evident in the photos if you really compare and look carefully. But as she said, for old cuts they really look alike. Certainly they are of a "type".
Dreamer_D|1344051051|3245741 said:
diamondseeker2006|1344048915|3245719 said:
Ahhh, I so love these! :love: :appl:

Demelza, would you please tell us how you feel about your H&A stone compared to the antique stone? If you could only keep one, would you give up the H&A stone?

I'll let Demelza answer you, but since it looks like I got my kids in bed before she got her kids in bed I will give you this hint about Dem's feelings about her RB compared to our old cuts: When we were taking pics of the two oldies, she said, "Well I guess we better get this loser in there too" referring to her RB :lol: Now, she has a dry sense of humour, but I think her opinion is plain :halo:

Only on PS would the 2.35ct G VS2 be the "loser" haha! We got a good laugh out of the ridiculousness of that joke.

Right on both counts -- Dreamer got her kids to sleep before I got mine down AND I do prefer my OEC. Of course I was being silly by referring to my MRB as a loser, but I have to admit that the more splintery facet pattern simply doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. I've had that diamond for 6 years and it's always been very mind clean for me. It still is -- I love the color and the clarity and the "perfection" of the cut. But that's more psychological than it is a true aesthetic preference. I've thought very seriously about selling it since diamond prices have gone up quite a lot since 2006 and it feels a bit redundant to have two such similar sized round diamonds, but I do worry I would regret it. It's a beautiful diamond and I would not be able to replace it. But to answer your question, DS -- if I could only have one, I would absolutely give up the H&A, but not without a heavy heart.
MissGotRocks|1344044212|3245677 said:
Wow, whoa and wow! Beautiful, beautiful diamonds! Is it my imagination or does Dreamer's stone somehow fit in her mounting better now that it's been reworked? Looks fabulous!

I have to agree about the bezel - it obviously adds visual size but it's even more substantial that one would have thought. Anyone considering a bezel should see this thread in terms of size difference! She does have a large stone but it looks huge in that bezel mounting.

They are all three superb - I am one of the rare ducks I suppose that still prefer the OEC stones in the whiter range. Those two are beauties for sure and of course Demelza your H&A is still gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing these. :love: :appl: :love: :appl:

I'm not sure it fits better, but maybe the milgrain makes it looks like that? It looks a million times better, though, I am really happy with how it turned out.

I would never have thought the bezel would add this much oomph but it really does. It shouldn't be so surprising, since with the bezel the face of the ring is indeed 8.7mm, so basically the same size as Dem's stones. But we were both surprised at how successful the optical illusion is.

Bezeling old cuts is not something I think should be done to every stone -- some old cuts really need an open pavilion in my experience. If they have leakage under the table in particular it is not helped by a bezel.

Our stones are on the less tinted end of the spectrum as far as old cuts go. Dem's was graded I (EGL), J (Dave Atlas) and K (sellers appraiser), and mine was called J-K by my appraiser. They face up very white, mine faces like an I color and only when you unset it can you see the body tint. In some lighting you can see the tint of course. We both are very happy with the color of our stones. But neither of us would pair them with a diamond band of modern RBs though. The contrast is not pleasing. French cuts, now... that would be ideal :love:
Dreamer_D|1344045090|3245684 said:
I'm pretty sure Dem is just buttering me up with her appreciation for my ring, maybe hoping I will offer to babysit or something :lol: But I sure appreciate it! It was a blast meeting up again. It was especially fun spending 45 minutes in a crowded thoroughfare in an outdoor mall/plaza taking photos of our bling! ::) Not sure what people thought we were up to!

And I am no setting queen, I don't know much... when I saw your mount at first I really loved it as it is! But you were not loving it. Now I see it compared to mine which I think we both agree is in better condition and of a more distinctive styling, and I agree 100% -- your amazing OEC needs a new home! Let's get searching!

Those photos look great but PS makes them so small :blackeye: I cropped some of the first batch, let's try again and see if they are bigger, I really want people to be able to see the amazing colors and faceting.

Thanks for posting the bigger photos. That's how big they were originally and then they got much smaller on PS. Weird.

Anyway, I am not just buttering you up with my appreciation for your ring. The diamond is gorgeous, of course. No doubt about that. Put it together with that incredible setting and it's a masterpiece. I really do believe that having a beautiful setting is as important as having a beautiful diamond. A finely made antique mounting like yours is rare and spectacular and I am determined to find something similarly amazing for my stone because I want the whole package! So, yes, let's get searching!!
Dreamer_D|1344051051|3245741 said:
diamondseeker2006|1344048915|3245719 said:
Ahhh, I so love these! :love: :appl:

Demelza, would you please tell us how you feel about your H&A stone compared to the antique stone? If you could only keep one, would you give up the H&A stone?

I'll let Demelza answer you, but since it looks like I got my kids in bed before she got her kids in bed I will give you this hint about Dem's feelings about her RB compared to our old cuts: When we were taking pics of the two oldies, she said, "Well I guess we better get this loser in there too" referring to her RB :lol: Now, she has a dry sense of humour, but I think her opinion is plain :halo:

Only on PS would the 2.35ct G VS2 be the "loser" haha! We got a good laugh out of the ridiculousness of that joke.

Thanks, Dreamer! That is sort of what I was afraid of. The smart thing you did was never to buy and expensive setting, and since I have, it makes it a little more painful to think of making another change (although I am still thinking about a three stone RHR, too)! I think I am going to order an AVR just to see the two styles for myself. I'll never really know unless I do!
I'm very impressed with how much size the bezel adds! It's almost like a mini halo. Demelza, I think a bezel would look great on yours!
Demelza|1344051801|3245745 said:
Dreamer_D|1344051051|3245741 said:
diamondseeker2006|1344048915|3245719 said:
Ahhh, I so love these! :love: :appl:

Demelza, would you please tell us how you feel about your H&A stone compared to the antique stone? If you could only keep one, would you give up the H&A stone?

I'll let Demelza answer you, but since it looks like I got my kids in bed before she got her kids in bed I will give you this hint about Dem's feelings about her RB compared to our old cuts: When we were taking pics of the two oldies, she said, "Well I guess we better get this loser in there too" referring to her RB :lol: Now, she has a dry sense of humour, but I think her opinion is plain :halo:

Only on PS would the 2.35ct G VS2 be the "loser" haha! We got a good laugh out of the ridiculousness of that joke.

Right on both counts -- Dreamer got her kids to sleep before I got mine down AND I do prefer my OEC. Of course I was being silly by referring to my MRB as a loser, but I have to admit that the more splintery facet pattern simply doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. I've had that diamond for 6 years and it's always been very mind clean for me. It still is -- I love the color and the clarity and the "perfection" of the cut. But that's more psychological than it is a true aesthetic preference. I've thought very seriously about selling it since diamond prices have gone up quite a lot since 2006 and it feels a bit redundant to have two such similar sized round diamonds, but I do worry I would regret it. It's a beautiful diamond and I would not be able to replace it. But to answer your question, DS -- if I could only have one, I would absolutely give up the H&A, but not without a heavy heart.

I have always loved old cuts, but I unfortunately have seen few in person. I have to have a well cut stone with good light return, and as you know, you and Dreamer kind of lucked out on that since they aren't common! As I just told Dreamer, I probably will just order an AVR to really be able to compare an ideal cut mrb with a new ideal cut OEC. It's driving me kind of nuts and I need to get it figured out! I intend to have two rings, but not two solitaires. I'll probably do a three stone and a solitaire, but I have to figure out which diamond I want MOST in the e-ring (even though I am totally happy with the ring I have now).
Demelza You convinced me! I totally agree about settings now. I would never have ponied up the $2500 to $3000 this setting would have cost if I had bought my stone loose. I just know myself and could not have done it -- I am just one who cannot take a leap of faith like that on a custom setting, and my history clearly shows I get setting paralysis. So it was lucky that this diamond came with such a nice setting that happens to have so many elements I really like, and it was also fortunate that I had a local jeweler who could rehab it!

Anyways, I agree about settings now. Totally.

Can you post that side shot of your setting, someone was asking to see it. I actually like your setting a lot, as we discussed, but it needs some rehab. But you can likely find something more special if you look. Like a hexagonal bezel :Up_to_something:

Laila I have always liked the extra oomph that diamond halos add but never got one for myself because the style is not practical for me, and since my stone is tinted I didn't want the contrast. This style of setting really accomplishes a similar look though. In person the metal is so delicate -- think about it, the metal "halo" is only 0.35mm! A small fraction of the width of a diamond halo. And the milgrain makes the metal edge softer too. I also adore the prongs. I highly recommend this style. The downside is you cannot see the side of your diamond :blackeye:

Diamondseeker Well if you traded you RB for an AVR you just need one the same size for your setting ;)) I think an EVR is a really good choice for you. I was thinking about it myself but could not get the spread I wanted for my budget. Honestly, the odds of finding a true chunky old cut that is mind clean for someone who likes precision cut and the type of "workhorse" optics that RBs have -- well it can be done. No doubt. But it would be a hunt! I had almost given up on old cuts thinking that for *me* and how I scrutinize my diamonds that I might not find an old cut that had what I wanted. It was luck to find this one.
diamondseeker2006|1344053181|3245756 said:
I have always loved old cuts, but I unfortunately have seen few in person. I have to have a well cut stone with good light return, and as you know, you and Dreamer kind of lucked out on that since they aren't common! As I just told Dreamer, I probably will just order an AVR to really be able to compare an ideal cut mrb with a new ideal cut OEC. It's driving me kind of nuts and I need to get it figured out! I intend to have two rings, but not two solitaires. I'll probably do a three stone and a solitaire, but I have to figure out which diamond I want MOST in the e-ring (even though I am totally happy with the ring I have now).

There are a lot of cut nuts who have old cuts they are very happy with. Charmy has a classic OEC, about 7.4mm I think, that she adores. Mara has her new big one, Alj has a few, and all of those stones are more classic OECs than I think either min or Dem's are -- if you can really categorize old cuts, I mean. Each one really is unique. But *I* know what you mean when you say you want great optics -- you want no leakage evident to the eye, you want nice edge to edge action and scintillation, crisp faceting with optical symmetry of the cut, but bold and chunky. I understand your concern about not having seen many in person, too. I was in that position. See an AVR and you will likely know how you feel!

FWIW: I think RBs in a three stone and an AVR for the solitaire, because the bigger size for the chunky cut is just SO worth it!! RBs look grewat in any size. But if you want a larger stone and CAN have a larger one, then go for the chunk. It is mezmerizing.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Thank you for sharing! And your ring looks fantastic, Dreamer - great rehab! :)
As requested, here's a side view of my ring. It's a pretty setting, but doesn't wow me. And it's more than a bit rough around the edges.
