
dust needed

I was going to suggest the drawers as well. My father was recently in his bedroom and had a piece of paper that was important. He put it down. I guess a drawer was open a SMALL crack and amazingly, the piece of paper fell into the crack. He looked all over and thought he was going nuts. He was very surprised when he found it, as he couldn't have made that happen if he tried.

I lost a diamond stud (.33ct) on a trip once. I thought for sure it was gone for good, after looking everywhere, calling the hotel, etc. A year and a half later, my husband was packing a knapsack for a trip, and something fell. It made the tiniest sound when it hit the ground, and I happened to be sitting there watching him pack, so I looked down, and lo and behold, the diamond stud! It must have gotten caught in the netting in the outside pocket, because I'm pretty sure we had looked through that bag.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Im sooo sorry, sending you lots of dust. I hope it finds you.
Urgh....I don't what to say. I'm so sorry! :blackeye:
Crasru, I'm so sorry, especially for the stress you are feeling. Dust coming your way.....
OK weather for today: I was asking for dust, I got DUST! I accumulated heaps of new designer clothes which I hoped to wear ONCE I LOSE WEIGHT. Now I am up to my ears in these things, they are still hanging in bags, donating them or posting on ebay. There are clothes from Escada, less-known Italian designers, Chanel... From my experience, unworn clothes from good companies are always resellable. I just realized that keeping them makes no sense.

The best part is, I am selling my son's CD's and these horrible wall posters... they are so ugly I hated coming into his room... but they were his. Now he is moving to another state to work at his Ph.D. and is not going to take them with him. Hooray! This stuff is popular on ebay, as I found out.

Everything that stays in safes or lies in bags must go! My biggest problem at this point is the need to invest before I sell... weighing gold requires scales which I do not have. Me, smartie girl, tried to use postal scales in our office... you can figure out the result! Any other ideas before I buy portable scales? I wanted to buy scales that would measure carat weight too, but they are expensive... anyhow I should invest in better scales since I plan to sell some stones as well. Any recommendations? Good quality affordable scales, I mean...

Sorry for details, by now you should know me, after initial shock I am trying to make fun out of not-so-funny-situation...
Just sending you some extra dust.
Good luck crasu. It's maddening when things get lost.
Did you ever find it?
Extra dust from me too!

This is this 5+ mint merelani that I have lost. I found it, actually, where I would have predictably put it - in my stone box! Apparently, I did the most logical thing but then had this "timelapse" and did not realize what I have done.

I covered the stone with the fluffy upper part of the pad - so that it would not be scratched by the glass of the stone box (I stopped doing it because my stone boxes are actually covered by plastic). So the box looked empty! Today I was trying to find an empty stone box, took this one, opended it.. and voila!

Good that I did not do anything unreasonable with the stone. Bad that I had a "timelapse" but I flew in from Russia on the evening, 2 days before, having a 24-hour jetlag, and worked 10 hours the next day, with the jetlag... so I was horribly tired and apparently, had these brief periods of sleep the next day, for a minute or so, which one does not notice... basically, 2 days without sleep.

Anyhow, I found my garnet... I shall post pictures.

Happy Crasru
I need a "relieved" icon. I cannot express how happy I am for you!
:appl: :D :appl: :D :appl: :D :appl: :D :appl: :D :appl:

Brilliant news Crasru. So pleased you've found it.
Congrats Crasru!!!

Everyone, I hope you don't find this corny, but I misplace things ALL the time and the steps on the following website have always helped me find them. I swear by these steps, the url is in my bookmarks at all times! Do go through these 12 steps and see if you can find any lost items. 8)
So happy you found it, and we win too, because we get to see photos!!

I bet you love this stone more than ever now!!
Congratulations!! I'm sooo happy for you :)) .
:appl: Wonderful, I am so happy that you found it!
It is a relief in two ways: you didn't lose the stone; and you did a very logical thing, found it in a most logical place instead of the freezer or the bag of potatoes under the sink (like my beloved Grandma used to do)...

Puhleez post pics now!!!
Thank you, fellows. This incident decreased my interest in colored stones for quite a while but your enthusiasm about them "revived" me. I tried to take photos but the weather is so bad and the stone performs best in sunny weather because it is very clean and sparkles.

Minousbijoux - I did not look in a bag of potatoes, but I did go through three bags of kid's clothes prepared for donation. It is comforting that I did not find it in a totally weird place.
Very happy you got it back crasru!!!!
Herekittykitty - thank you! I think your story should forever stay in the annals of the PS because it is so unusual and dramatic. Sometimes I tell it to my friends. The most surprising thing is that the dog never noticed it.
Some people might find it strange that I got a big smile on my face and felt joy and relief for someone I've never met, but that's what happened when I read that you found it. Very happy for you.

(as a side note, do the glass tops scratch stones? I'm always paranoid about that kind of thing too)
NKTOB - thank you! We are such a community, aren't we? I, too, feel anxious when someone posts that he/she has not received the package, or something got lost, or someone got harassed on the ebay, or someone's stone got scratched.

Glass covers can scratch soft stones, with mohs index lower than that of glass (quartz), or so I presume... Theoretically, they should not scratch a garnet, but I am paranoid as well. The funniest part is, I have switched over to plastic long time ago and I am still paranoid!

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