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Bliss-Date: 1/8/2010 3:59:13 PM
Author: Bliss
luvinlife, you were so right. I''m so glad I went to have the u/s because they found one small clot that had not passed. It was trying to but for some reason was stuck! My uterus must be some incredibly fun place to be because nothing ever wants to leave! So that was why my HCG hadn''t gone to zero in 5 weeks. Go figure! It was way down but there was that last bit of tissue that was causing the hormones to stick around. So they just suctioned it out quickly and I''m home now! The doctor told me that in 2 days I should get my BFN. They gave me a ton of HPTs to check in the meantime...
You know, it''s really funny how intuition works. I just knew this month I had not ovulated. I could feel it. I was waiting waiting waiting and I could just tell something was not right. Anyway, like Circe and luvinlife said, it''s a really good thing to keep getting checked and listen to your gut instincts.
Hugs to you all!
Date: 1/10/2010 2:13:36 AM
Author: geri
I just want everything back to normal.
Date: 1/11/2010 1:53:14 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
Bliss, Thank you. I think I have to call them back. I want to know how they know 483 is too low. What if it still goes up? If I stop taking the progesterone and estrogen, I am basically putting a stop to any hope. Ovulation date is clear, within about a three hour range, because I had a trigger shot before the IUI. This was my little miracle - BFP on very first IUI. So, on Friday, they don't want to see the number go up at all. They just want to see it go down. She said that if it is not down, then I may need assistance. I said, 'assistance meaning . . . ?' And, she said, 'meaning a D&C', like it was a given.
Swimmer, Thank you. I am taking the prometrium orally, not as an insert, but I assume the effect is the same on my lining? That helps me understand a lot better why they would want to do the D&C. Good to hear that your RE had the same reaction. I like that my RE seems very agressive. It suits my impatient attitude.Date: 1/11/2010 3:31:57 PM
Author: swimmer
LV, I am so so sorry to hear this.
the inserts are probably what is making them think that you will need a procedure. They thicken up the lining so much that you will have more to pass than someone who wasn't taking them. DrK will have much better info here, but that might be why the nurse mentioned you coming in without waiting for nature to take its course. I also had the same reaction from the RE about getting right back into trying. Once they know you need the ovidril, there isn't much point to taking it easy. All my love to you and your DH. This is just hard.
Date: 1/11/2010 3:48:18 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
Date: 1/11/2010 3:31:57 PM
Author: swimmer
LV, I am so so sorry to hear this.
the inserts are probably what is making them think that you will need a procedure. They thicken up the lining so much that you will have more to pass than someone who wasn''t taking them. DrK will have much better info here, but that might be why the nurse mentioned you coming in without waiting for nature to take its course. I also had the same reaction from the RE about getting right back into trying. Once they know you need the ovidril, there isn''t much point to taking it easy. All my love to you and your DH. This is just hard.
Swimmer, Thank you. I am taking the prometrium orally, not as an insert, but I assume the effect is the same on my lining? That helps me understand a lot better why they would want to do the D&C. Good to hear that your RE had the same reaction. I like that my RE seems very agressive. It suits my impatient attitude.
Thank you for your kind e-mail. I am at work and have not had my meltdown yet. I think I just need some time for this to sink in.
ETA: And, can I ask what you meant about the ovidril and not taking it easy? I guess I don''t undertand what you meant. I could still take a month or two off if I wanted to, right?