
Early pregnancy loss

Thanks Noel, I am not sure I want to spend a ton of money, am looking at one for USD$60 on that is 2 Mhz. Its says it will work at 8 to 10 weeks. I might wait a bit then order it when there actually might be a heartbeat to hear!
Kit - even though it says 8 to 10 weeks, I think most can only guarantee around 12-14 weeks. so, please only order one if you aren''t going to stress out because you''re not hearing anything, otherwise you''re not doing yourself any favors.
lili, thanks!!! AF is probably getting the e-mail as I type. Woke up and got my first BFN. FINALLY! GAH!!!! Hahahahaha. Aunt Flo better start making travel arrangements soon... her vacay just got shorter by about 2-3 weeks! Still, that's a long time to be in Hawaii so I don't feel too bad about calling her back. Oh, your avatar is so beautiful. I dream for a little girl just like yours!

Bella! Thanks! AF needs to come soon. I think her boy toy may be starting to annoy her anyway, so I predict she will come back in a few weeks! Heehee.

Somethingshiny, yay for your baby! Thinking about you.
Thanks for the well wishes! I know, it was crazy how that darned clot hung around for so long. The cabana boy is totally giving Flo her groove back, I can tell! LOL

noelwr, I am thinking about you, too. It was a huge relief to get that BFN. I hope you get yours soon, too. I wouldn't worry yourself about taking any more until after things get a little more resolved. You are right. Just follow your instincts. (((HUGS)))

Kit, congrats again! Sooooooo happy for you. It gives me such hope that you are preggo! So many of you called/emailed/summoned Aunt Flo I am sure she will come back soon. Thanks so much!!!!
Date: 1/8/2010 3:59:13 PM
Author: Bliss
luvinlife, you were so right. I''m so glad I went to have the u/s because they found one small clot that had not passed. It was trying to but for some reason was stuck! My uterus must be some incredibly fun place to be because nothing ever wants to leave! So that was why my HCG hadn''t gone to zero in 5 weeks. Go figure! It was way down but there was that last bit of tissue that was causing the hormones to stick around. So they just suctioned it out quickly and I''m home now! The doctor told me that in 2 days I should get my BFN. They gave me a ton of HPTs to check in the meantime...

You know, it''s really funny how intuition works. I just knew this month I had not ovulated. I could feel it. I was waiting waiting waiting and I could just tell something was not right. Anyway, like Circe and luvinlife said, it''s a really good thing to keep getting checked and listen to your gut instincts.

Hugs to you all!
I am happy you went in for the ultrasound. I had an a feeling that was the issue. AF better start packin'', it''s time to come home!
ps: No one will have a greater vested interest in your health than you. Push, shove, scream, and yell until all health concerns are explored.

you can also rent a doppler, there are a few places online that are like $15 a month or something ( is popular). you would really only need it til you feel them moving around. i thought about buying one and/or renting one but never did. also i read that you shouldn''t do it too often and i knew that if i had it, i would want to do it all the time. but if i had a loss i think i might have wanted to have one the 2nd time around.

and ditto that it says 8-10 weeks or so but i think most of them are not quite THAT good unless it''s doctor''s office quality. i bought a cheapie one from target but it did not work til like 25 weeks and even then it was hit or miss. most of the time i''d hear my own heart beat!
I never thought I would say this but yeah for the BFN Bliss and hope AF gets back soon.

I did an HPT yesterday and unfortunately the line seemed darker than any of my earlier BFPs
. I know I am just being incredibly impatient and we are not planning to TTC for a while anyway but I just want everything back to normal.
Date: 1/10/2010 2:13:36 AM
Author: geri
I just want everything back to normal.

amen to that!
Bliss~ Yay for your BFN!! You''re one step closer to TTC again!!
Bliss, so very glad to hear that you are at negative and that things are finally moving on.

Just some thoughts from someone who had a loss at 7+ish weeks; I was lucky in that everything passed rather quickly, I didn''t go through that horror of knowing that the baby had lost its struggle and just came in a horrible few days. We tried again the next month. The RE said that the waiting was mostly for mental health purposes and to determine O date. We did however do that cycle unmedicated. When we did find out that we were pregnant, 4 months later, (with iui, and shots to ovulate, but no more clomid) I felt like some sort of sentence had been declared. The RE even told me not to think of myself as pregnant till 12weeks at the earliest. That hurt as I was torn between celebrating and wanting to be like everyone else and announce to our friends...but things were different because of the first loss. I know you know what I mean.

I am pleased that we did find out that that first pregnancy was a little girl, I''m also pleased that we hadn''t named her, but we have done nothing to commemorate her other than thank her for making ti possible for the docs to learn more about my body, enough to bring the next baby along. I wish that I didn''t know when her dd is next week and now we are thinking of going out to dinner and making a donation in her honor. She was 50 some days old, so $500 to Emily''s List (an organization that supports women in politics) seems appropriate to us right now. Even with another baby on the way, it is hard to think about what was lost; but I think of DrK, Tiffanytwisted, Maggie, Linds, and so many other women who experience loss after loss and how strongly they want their babies and have kept working towards that goal. It just is such a hard balance.

Someone wrote here recently about feelings of anger, and I totally understand. Life can be so totally unfair. But I guess that sometimes it is unfair in our advantage and sometimes to our disadvantage. I also realize that most people who say the most hurtful/mind crushingly painful things, just don''t mean it and have no idea that "hey, you guys aren''t getting any younger, should you think about having a baby?" while the blood clots are just isn''t great timing. I have no idea why people feel the need to comment on any aspect of having a baby...but that is a different thread. There are no words of consolation adequate to the loss of a baby. None. But you do find out who your true friends are, who loves you most, and who can be counted on...that is sort of a tremendous gift after a fashion.

I hope that you all heal quickly and yet are able to remember that first joy of your bfp. It won''t be the same next time, but there is so much joy to be experienced. I know that in the future you will be holding that baby your heart craves. It does seem like an impossible road sometimes, but medical technology is so impressive now, there are many paths to that future baby. Good luck, everyone is pulling for you and sending you love.
Hello all

Kit, sooo happy for you and your new little bean!! I''m sending all the sticky vibes I can muster your way!! This is your 1st post-miscarriage pregnancy, right?? I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your 1st trimester without too much worry about what has happened in the past. We''re all pulling for you!!!

Ugh, Noel, sorry that doppler came in the mail. What a pleasant reminder of what''s happening!! Just put it away for now, knowing that you will be able to pull it out and use it someday soon (as soon as you are ready). How are you holding up??

Bliss, so glad they got that clot out! Yaaaay for BFN''s!! LOL! It''s just too funny how excited we are about BFN''s over here on this thread. I haven''t tested in about a week, but I''m tempted to do so....I also have a blood HCG to be drawn on Tuesday, so we''ll see how that one comes out.

Geri, I totally feel ya...I just want everything back to normal too. Big hugs to you. Will you be going in to get a blood HCG drawn any time soon? My doc did one 2 weeks post-D&C and is repeating it this week at 4 weeks post (since my 2 week was still 318).

Swimmer, thanks for your thoughts and your story, and big hugs to you as you approach the EDD of your little girl. I think it''s neat that you''re thinking of ways to honor her on her due date.


Kinda feeling down good reason why. Some days it feels like these preggo and post-preggo hormones have really done a number on me.

In other news, we have officially decided to try again sooner rather than later, which makes me happy. :) We will definitely wait till after AF shows up again, and maybe one more cycle after that...but I don''t think I''ll make it the 3 full cycles that my OB recommended. Hope she doesn''t slap my hand if I show up pregnant before then.
hi HMG. this weekend was no good because I was really expecting something to happen and nothing did, so I was extremely frustrated and upset. DH asks if I want to speak to my mom or his or someone, but I really don't. I think they might think I'm grieving and want to talk about that, but I don't. I just really want the physical part to be over so I can get on with my life. so I asked DH to go with me to the gyn this Friday because I'll probably let myself be bullied into a d&c appointment later rather than sooner and I need someone else to demand it earlier if need be. I need to be available 24-7 the first week of Feb for a project at work so it really needs to be all over by then and I hope they don't ask me to travel that week or otherwise I'll have to start explaining why I can't and I'd rather no one at the office knows. I am upset that it's taking so long and I can't live a normal life because of it. sure, I go to the office, but I purposely don't plan dinners out with friends in the evenings or things to do on the weekends in case something happens. so when I go to the gyn I am just going to say it needs to happen as quickly as possible because I can't live my life and I think I'll lie and tell him that I still have symptoms and I cry every night and I can't sleep. I know it's horrible to lie, but just because I don't have symptoms and don't cry all about it all the time doesn't mean that I don't have the right to get this over with asap. tomorrow it will be 2 weeks since the u/s, but it feels like 2 months!
Noel, I am so sorry to hear you are going through this. Two weeks is an eternity. You definitely need closure on this. You are doing all the right things be being proactive and assertive. At this point if you want a D&C, which is totally valid, then you have to demand it. Make DH be the "bad cop" so you don''t have to. Any way you can move your appointment up? You can always just say you''re having a lot of cramping or something--don''t feel bad about overstating your symptoms, you are just trying to take care of yourself and do what''s right for you. On a side note, thanks for the good advice on the doppler and I apologize if I was insensitive for bringing it up if it stirred any negative emotions for you.

Hou, thanks! I appreciate that. Yes, this is my first post-m/c pregnancy. I am definitely trying to stay relaxed and think positive so I don''t pollute my system with stress hormones. It''s natural to worry a bit, of course, but whether I worry a bunch or not either way the outcome is what it is. I am sorry you are feeling down, I can relate. Sometimes the negative emotions would just hit me like a ton of bricks. September - December were really an emotional roller coaster ride for me. Focus on getting KU again, that''s so great that you''re trying! As I recall you were a jerkstore
so hopefully you will get KU quickly. It took me 4 cycles which I feel is extremely fast. Recently I was reading up on the uterine lining and I think after a D&C it might take some time for the many various layers to rebuild themselves in there, in order for a fertilized egg to implant. Whereas if you miscarry naturally I think your body only expels what it has to, with the procedure and all the scraping there needs to be more healing time. So, try to be patient and just take care of yourself.
Noel, I totally hear ya on wanting it all over with so you can move on with your life. I was in a similar position (where I needed it to be over as quickly and smoothly as possible because of my job), plus I didn''t want to go through even MORE waiting (by the time we got to the 3rd ultrasound that confirmed it was over, it had already been two weeks of watching the heartbeat get slower and slower). You''re right, you DO have a right to have it end if you can''t stand any more waiting. You shouldn''t have to lie to the doc about your symptoms...just tell him that you really can''t handle any more waiting, you need it to be over so you can move on with your life an your job, and you''ve decided you''d like to have a D&C (if that is indeed what you''ve decided). At this point, it really has taken control of your life (i.e. not going out with friends, not making plans just in case, stress at work, etc etc etc) and that''s not cool. Ultimately, doctors recommend what they think is best (i.e. if your doc would prefer to try the pills first before the D&C) and their job is to lay everything out and explain why they recommend one thing over the other, but ultimately, the decision is yours, and if the benefits of a D&C sooner rather than later outweight the risks for you, then that''s what you should do.

For what it''s worth, mine was quick and relatively painless, and I only missed 2 days of work. I bled for a good 2 weeks (light flow), then a little more off and on after that, but almost zero cramping. And just knowing that it was truly over, and that my body was finally moving on and heading toward "normal" again did wonders for my psychogical health!
Kit - in no way did the doppler create any emotions for me! please don''t apologize. I brought it up in the first place, and if it had been emotionally too hard for me, we wouldn''t have unpacked it and played with it. my emotions just come from feeling helpless in the whole situation. it has nothing to do with anything anyone said.

HOU - yes, it will definitely be a d&c for me. I have read that the actual procedure only takes 5-10 minutes, but I guess with the whole preparation, anaesthesia (sp?) and recovery, it will take about 2 hours. I don''t mind the bleeding, and if there''s almost no cramping that''s an even bigger bonus. I am 100% sure that once it''s done I will start feeling much better. I don''t physically feel like ew, there''s something dead inside me and it needs to come out. I pretty much forget that it''s there. I just need the whole thing to be over. you know what I mean.
Ladies, thank you for sharing your stories and for the support! You are so wonderful. (((HUGS)))

noelwr, I totally understand how you feel. By the time I knew there was no heartbeat I had to wait about 2 weeks to resolve my situation. I tried misoprostol twice and it didn't work and then I was stuck during the holidays waiting for the ob's office to open again so I could discuss my next options. It felt like an eternity. Hang in there, it will all be over soon. Home stretch, noelwr!

Can you just request the D&C outright? Or if you have to wait anyway, can you ask them to phone in a misoprostol prescription for you? It can't hurt. In my case, it helped ripen the cervix so by the time I went to get my procedure... they said it made things easier. Then again, if the miso doesn't work or leaves behind tissue, some women have to get the D&C anyway. In any case, I hope they bump you up asap so you can get this resolved and move forward. I know what it's like feeling frozen in time. I am praying for you!

Argh about work! It's so tough to predict what to do about work because you can't really tell them anything until you know something. And you can't plan ahead because it's really up to your body. It is incredibly frustrating. I was weighing whether or not to tell work as well. But in the end, I decided to because by the time the misoprostol failed to work, my procedure was scheduled too close to when I'd have to return to the office. So I had to ask for time off. If you have to and if you can, take as much time as you need. I took a week and a half off. Physically, I felt much better the same day. But emotionally, I was nowhere near ready to go back to work. You can if you have to and esp. if you feel ready; but I needed to cry and to grieve on my own. I hope you spring back to normal faster than I did!

HOU and geri, so good to hear from you. (HUGS)

HOU, I had up and down days, too. It gets a lot better, I promise. YAY for deciding to TTC sooner than later. I'd imagine that waiting 1-2 cycles is OK. Even talk to your doctor about not wanting to wait the 3 cycles. They understand! The body knows when it's ready is what one of my doctors told me. I am waiting for AF now... I really hope your HCG levels plummet to 5 or below! I will tell AF if/when I see her to come see you next! If you see her before I do, please tell her to visit me!
Sadly, this little one is not going to make it. I''m at 5 weeks today, had my third Beta, and the number was low at 483. The nurse said it should be between 3,000 to 5,000. She said that I should stop taking the progesterone and estrogen. I will have more blood work on Friday. If the numbers are not going down, then I may need a D&C, per this nurse. Obviously, this will need to be discussed more.

I''m sad, kind of in shock. Even though I knew this was possible, I would not allow myself to think that it was. The nurse said there is a one in three chance of miscarriage? I thought it was much higher than that?
Loves Vintage, I am so sorry.
I could scream at the heavens today because I don''t understand why such amazing women have to go through this. Times like these my faith is tested so deeply. I''m so, so very sorry. I really was hoping and praying for you and your little one.

Still, until they are sure - there is always a sliver of hope. You never know. Every woman is different and has different levels, you may have just ovulated very late and they''re not estimating the weeks correctly.

There are varying reports of the risks of m/c but 1 in 3 sounds high. I thought it was closer to 25% but it depends on the age of the mother, too.

LV, we are praying for you and your bean. I am so sorry.
Bliss, Thank you. I think I have to call them back. I want to know how they know 483 is too low. What if it still goes up? If I stop taking the progesterone and estrogen, I am basically putting a stop to any hope. Ovulation date is clear, within about a three hour range, because I had a trigger shot before the IUI. This was my little miracle - BFP on very first IUI. So, on Friday, they don''t want to see the number go up at all. They just want to see it go down. She said that if it is not down, then I may need assistance. I said, "assistance meaning . . . ?" And, she said, "meaning a D&C", like it was a given.
Date: 1/11/2010 1:53:14 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
Bliss, Thank you. I think I have to call them back. I want to know how they know 483 is too low. What if it still goes up? If I stop taking the progesterone and estrogen, I am basically putting a stop to any hope. Ovulation date is clear, within about a three hour range, because I had a trigger shot before the IUI. This was my little miracle - BFP on very first IUI. So, on Friday, they don't want to see the number go up at all. They just want to see it go down. She said that if it is not down, then I may need assistance. I said, 'assistance meaning . . . ?' And, she said, 'meaning a D&C', like it was a given.

LV, I am so sorry. I know I can't stop saying it, but my heart is breaking for you right now. Since you seem to have more questions, I would definitely call them back. This is important. It is your body and it is a priority. So what if the doctors or nurses "rush" you or seem impatient? You have questions and you matter, too. This isn't a bruised toe. This is much more important than that so please don't feel intimidated about calling for clarification. I think they would understand, as this is your first pregnancy and you are feeling scared and unsure.

I think they go by a range of HCG per week. The range is large, but everyone is different. You're right in that it *could* go up.

Here is one site I found that gives ranges by DPO.

ETA: Regarding your HCG: did it drop from before or is it just slow to rise?

I don't know how to advise on taking progesterone or estrogen. I would imagine that she told you that because she believes you might be m/c and didn't want to prolong it. Then again, is there any way to confirm? They are basing this on HCG alone? Can they try an ultrasound? I know it's super early, too early to be seen possibly... but can't they wait a week to make sure on ultrasound? Of course, if it is painful for you to wait...that is another issue entirely.

I am just so sorry. On another note, I was a jerkstore as well. If it's any consolation, it could be a sign that you are very fertile and it bodes well for the future. However, I am sure right now with what you are going through... you just want to save this baby. I am praying for you, LV. Call the doctor again to clarify. Also, don't be afraid to get a second opinion.

I know waiting until Friday will be the longest wait of your life, but keep the faith. Get a second opinion if you can. ((HUGS))

ETA: Here is another site with HCG ranges. It gives me more hope for you... LV, it's on the low side of 180-7400 for 5 weeks but maybe the perfect level for YOU. Everyone is different. I hope your HCG level skyrockets by Friday!!!

HCG levels by week link
Bliss, Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough post. I feel bad that you looked up all that information. I told my DH, and he started in on research about doubling times too, but sadly, there is no hope.

I did call the nurse back. She said that they are 100% certain that this will not be a viable pregnancy. She said the number could go up on Friday, but that is just because my body may continue producing HCG for a while. They just want to check my blood work on Friday to see if things are going down. The doctor will make a recommendation after he sees the results, so even if the numbers are not down, he may not recommend a D&C right away.

She said that we could start again as soon as I have AF. I thought she meant after the miscarriage, then I wait for a regular AF, but she said no, as long as my numbers are down, even if is on Monday, for example, then we could start a new cycle. I was surprised by that, but glad.

I have not cried yet. DH was taken aback by how calm I am. I think because it is so so early, and I never even had an ultrasound, that I am not feeling horrible. I feel sad and a bit numb, but calm.

ETA: Again, thank you for finding those sites for me. You are very sweet. I'm so glad you are here to talk to right now.

And, you are right, the fact that I got a BFP on the first IUI is a good sign, though I will hate it if I get a BFN the next time we try. It took me a long while to get to this point, I'd have to look it up to be sure, but at least 10 cycles by this point.

ETAA: Oh, and you asked what my prior levels were. They have not gone down. They were:

12DPO: 27
16DPO: 102
23DPO: 483

I think it is because of the slow doubling time that they are certain that this will not be a viable pregnancy.
Oh, I am so sorry LV.

Oh, LV... I'm glad you called the nurse and got to ask everything you needed to ask.

Is there any way to get a second opinion? Even just calling another ob on the phone to review? I really hope for good news on Friday, but if they are certain... I don't want to get your hopes up. It is so hard to be hopeful only to get crushed. That happened to me a lot during the first few weeks.

I am glad that you are feeling OK and that your DH is so supportive. The BFP on your first IUI is a beautiful result. And that the nurse told you that you can TTC after AF is good, too. Maybe the IUI is magic for you! If it happened once so easily, I am seeing that as a great great sign.

I hate hearing that everything happens for a reason. People told me that when I had my m/c but I have to say that looking back, it truly does. I just have faith that there was a reason. Maybe it was to help you and others irl who may go through this sad experience. I know I have a lot more compassion and perhaps God wants me to feel this. Or maybe He wanted DH and I to get so much closer and stronger for the future baby. Either way, one day if we are blessed again I will treasure every moment. I do know that I have never loved DH more than I do today and that is because of what we have experienced together. It just grows and grows.

I am praying for you, LV!
LV, I am so so sorry to hear this.

the inserts are probably what is making them think that you will need a procedure. They thicken up the lining so much that you will have more to pass than someone who wasn''t taking them. DrK will have much better info here, but that might be why the nurse mentioned you coming in without waiting for nature to take its course. I also had the same reaction from the RE about getting right back into trying. Once they know you need the ovidril, there isn''t much point to taking it easy. All my love to you and your DH. This is just hard.
Oh, Bliss, thank you again for your kind post. I''m so glad that you and your DH are stronger than ever. I know you are right. Sometimes life presents us with challenges, but it just makes our successes that much sweeter when we do have them, eventually, and we all WILL.

I could call my OB/GYN office to ask them. I am actually still under the care of my RE''s office. He is very, very good. I''m sure the OB/GYN would call me back to talk about it, but I know they would reach the same conclusion as the RE. I''m sure the RE would want nothing more than another successful IUI -- if he thought there was any chance of viability, he would have suggested more blood work, tomorrrow or the next day or whatever. If an u/s would give any clarity, I know they would do one in an instant. They do diagnostics so routinely in their office (7:30 am to 11 am every morning are dedicated to monitoring.)

I will call the OB/GYN tomorrow and talk to them. I have to call them anyway as I have 2 appointments that I now have to cancel.
LV-I am so sorry for your loss. I know that this little bean has been long-awaited and much loved! I hope that you area able to take the time you need to grieve and that your next IUI cyclle is a huge BFP.

Noelwr-I can''t believe how prolonged this has been for you.
for the Dutch meduical system! I hope that you are able to aggressively push for a D&C on Friday so that your body can heal and you can move forward. In the meantime, maybe it would be good to do some of your normal activities like going out to dinner...If emotionally you don''t feel ready that''s one thing, but if you''re jsut staying close to home b/c you''re afraid of bleeding starting it might be good to get out some. Although I''ve never had a pregnancy loss, I had uncontrolable uterine bleeding in Sept 2008 and stayed home for way to long because of it. (Disclaimer--This is totally different than a miscarriage emotionally, and only somewhat similar to one physically so I hope that my posting this doesn''t offend anyone...)

I had an accident during the summer which somehow messed up my cycle and in September AF decided it was time to do her thing with a vengeance. I started bleeding like never before. Large pieces of tissue, heavy flow that would soak a pad before I could walk across a room, I can''t even begin to describe how prolific and awful it Dr''s office told me to go to the ER if I went into shock (trouble breathing blue lips, uncontroleable shaking...
) perhaps they could have been more helpful...anyway, this went on for almost 6 weeks. I spent a fortune on pads and had TONS of medical tests done. Long story short, for 6 weeks I went to work and then home, and was compulsively "checking" to see if anything was leaking. Some of the time I really needed to just be home b/c I also felt realyl ill, but especially towards the end I started to get depressed b/c they couldn''t figure out what was wrong, there was no end or solution in sight, and I didn''t want to go anywhere b/c I was afraid AF would give a shout out to everyone in the room.

I ended up going to Jean Georges Nougatine (a really fancy restaurant in NYC) for lunch with my grandmother. It was my first time doing anything in 6 weeks and she kind of guilted me into it. I walked in and the seats are all ivory leather
but me and about 10 Always pads/adult diapers:-( made it through lunch and I felt so much better getting out of the house. It really, really helped my spirits.

Sorry this was so long, I guess in a nutshell I just wanted to say that if you take some heavy duty supplies with you, and emotionally you feel ready, it might be reallly good to do some low-key activities you like (such as going out to dinner, esp. if it''s not too far from where you live).

Again, all of the women on this thread are so brave and special and I am really sorry for your losses. I can''t at all imagine the physical and emotional challenges that you are facing right now.

All my best wishes (and lots of hugs)
Oh! LV, so glad you are under the care of your RE. The RE will know exactly what is going on and what to do.


Beautiful kind Swimmer and others, esp DrK like she said will also be able to shed more light on this and maybe give more helpful advice.

Don't even worry about responding to individual posters like me... just take in the support, lean on it and ask all the questions you need. We're here for you. When I was going through my m/c, I was too exhausted and sad to answer each kind poster individually but they are all etched permanently in my heart for their kindness and generosity. Just take care of yourself right now.
Date: 1/11/2010 3:31:57 PM
Author: swimmer
LV, I am so so sorry to hear this.

the inserts are probably what is making them think that you will need a procedure. They thicken up the lining so much that you will have more to pass than someone who wasn't taking them. DrK will have much better info here, but that might be why the nurse mentioned you coming in without waiting for nature to take its course. I also had the same reaction from the RE about getting right back into trying. Once they know you need the ovidril, there isn't much point to taking it easy. All my love to you and your DH. This is just hard.
Swimmer, Thank you. I am taking the prometrium orally, not as an insert, but I assume the effect is the same on my lining? That helps me understand a lot better why they would want to do the D&C. Good to hear that your RE had the same reaction. I like that my RE seems very agressive. It suits my impatient attitude.

Thank you for your kind e-mail. I am at work and have not had my meltdown yet. I think I just need some time for this to sink in.

ETA: And, can I ask what you meant about the ovidril and not taking it easy? I guess I don't undertand what you meant. I could still take a month or two off if I wanted to, right?
Oh, LV. I''m so sorry. It just seems so unfair that great women have to suffer through this. Take care of yourself.
Oh no, LV I am so, so sorry to hear of your sad news. My heart just breaks for you and your DH. Life is so unfair and it''s hard sometimes to find meaning in the bad things that happen. Try to take care of yourself and make sure you are 100% comfortable with everythiing that happens to you medically. Ask your DH to help make sure of that, you are probably in a bit of shock right now and not totally thinking clearly as you normally would.

Please feel free to vent or take some time away from this thread, do what you need to do for yourself. I am thinking of you!! ((((HUGS))))
Date: 1/11/2010 3:48:18 PM
Author: Loves Vintage
Date: 1/11/2010 3:31:57 PM

Author: swimmer

LV, I am so so sorry to hear this.

the inserts are probably what is making them think that you will need a procedure. They thicken up the lining so much that you will have more to pass than someone who wasn''t taking them. DrK will have much better info here, but that might be why the nurse mentioned you coming in without waiting for nature to take its course. I also had the same reaction from the RE about getting right back into trying. Once they know you need the ovidril, there isn''t much point to taking it easy. All my love to you and your DH. This is just hard.

Swimmer, Thank you. I am taking the prometrium orally, not as an insert, but I assume the effect is the same on my lining? That helps me understand a lot better why they would want to do the D&C. Good to hear that your RE had the same reaction. I like that my RE seems very agressive. It suits my impatient attitude.

Thank you for your kind e-mail. I am at work and have not had my meltdown yet. I think I just need some time for this to sink in.

ETA: And, can I ask what you meant about the ovidril and not taking it easy? I guess I don''t undertand what you meant. I could still take a month or two off if I wanted to, right?

Again LV, I am so sorry. And not meaning to be confusing, of course you can take time off, as much as feels right by all means. Its just that it isn''t like lots of ladies here who can "sort of try" because for those of us who don''t ovulate on our own, (forgive me if I''m wrong here, but I thought from the ttc thread that you were annovulatory) In that case, it is either get the shot or there isn''t much chance of anything happening. I''m also a fan of aggressive treatment so after AF, we went for a different drug protocol the following cycle. The medicated cycle after that, when we added iui, was our bfp. The RE indicated that the m/c had very possibly helped to jump-start my system and I hope that you have the same experience.
Bella and Puppmom - Thank you for your kind words.

Kit - Thank you. I will take the time to understand what my options are medically. I do feel a bit in shock, probably as much as I did when I got the BFP. When I think about, what could have been, I just start to cry, so I try not to think about it. I don't know which is the better way to deal with this, but in mourning any loss, I typically do try to avoid thinking it, so as to avoid feeling pain. Probably not the healthiest way to deal with loss. I was already having a hard time dealing with the disappointment of each cycle that did not result in pregnancy and would have gone to talk to a therapist, to help me deal with things, if I did not get the BFP. I will go now because I'm afraid of what will happen to me emotionally. I need someone to help me relax about the whole process. Before the BFP, I was increasingly on edge, which is not the best place to be.

Swimmer - Thank you so much for clarifying. I misunderstood. I thought you were saying that since I am at the point that I need a trigger shot, that means I only have so many cycles. I had to ask what you meant because I was fairly certain that's not what you were saying. I understand what you mean now. I do ovulate, but the doctor said it is a weak ovulation, and I also have low progesterone and estrogen after ovulation, so I need to supplement. I do not think I could have had a viable pregnancy without supplementation. Also, I think they do the trigger so that the IUIs can be optimally timed. I have a lot of confidence in my RE, and I am hopeful that everything will work out in the end. It always does.