
Easing my sadness with a new pearl


Jul 31, 2014
Well, for those of you who were following my sea of cortez journey, you know it ended with sadness and disappointment. I have been simultaneously attempting to wait until the next harvest (June, 2022), but also trying to find alternative pearls (retail therapy, anyone??)

Enter the lovely Andrew Moline. I told him I was looking for something with weird colors, multiple colors, and/or metallic tones. He came through with this lovely pearl which I will be buying this evening. I'm thinking that I'd like to have it drilled and on a "cord" bracelet (kind of like the amazing one that @Crystal_Dreams tried on in the Paspaly eye candy thread). That way I could see all of the different sides and colors by spinning it. Here is a pic for reference. Or something like this where the general idea is the same, but on a metal bracelet vs some kind of cord (ignore the sapphires since I wouldn't have them). What do others think about these as design ideas?

Wanted to share with my PS friends!

Look at the luster! And the weird colors!

Here are pics in "bad" lighting (I asked Andrew to show me what happens when the light isn't ideal, so this is the pearl looking "bad"). Basically in poor lighting it looks metallic gold rather than the multicolor metallic. Still super nice!


Short video he sent me (uploaded to Imgur):
So pots of GSSs are what’s at the end of the rainbow, no wonder the leprechauns guard them jealously :bigsmile:

Beautiful pearl! And I love your idea of mounting on cord!
What a beautiful rainbow pearl!! I like the idea of putting it on a cord! That cord bracelet was a new design that they are still working on, for a more casual look :) my husband tried on the one that one of the family members had designed for himself. I like how that idea makes beautiful pearls more casual and every day wearable!
It’s a beauty! Can’t wait to see what you do with it!
Beautiful! :kiss2:
Thanks, all! Any thoughts on who could do a cord style mounting and/or pearl drilling? I heard pearl paradise will drill pearls, but no clue if they'd also make the cord bracelet.
I would def recommend having Moline drill the pearl. If you have another vendor do it they won't take liability for damage. Very unlikely but... No need for you to take that monetary risk!
Thanks, all! Any thoughts on who could do a cord style mounting and/or pearl drilling? I heard pearl paradise will drill pearls, but no clue if they'd also make the cord bracelet.

Anna at however, I am not sure if she would accept pearls or stones not sourced from her though.

I have met her in person in Paris at the Cartier exhibition, however, I have yet to buy anything from her or work with her on a custom piece.

DK :))
I forgot to mention, the interchangeable system that Anna uses is called Nittel System, more information can be found via this link:

DK :))
Anna at however, I am not sure if she would accept pearls or stones not sourced from her though.

I have met her in person in Paris at the Cartier exhibition, however, I have yet to buy anything from her or work with her on a custom piece.

DK :))

Omg this is perfect! Sadly it seems like they only sell the pieces ready made with their pearls as clasps. Damn.
Woooooooow!!!!!! I LOVE it! Magical! It’s the perfect color!
So shimmery! And I see it's in your signature color as well :appl:
It’s lovely. I am not partial to GSS usually but I love the funky colors on this one! I’m also in the “I love funky colors” camp generally though, right along with you @lovedogs haha!
Omg this is perfect! Sadly it seems like they only sell the pieces ready made with their pearls as clasps. Damn.

Ask her as I believe she does engage in custom work.

DK :))
I love that, the colour is amazing ❤ not a GSS girl but dang. Perhaps I need to rethink my stance..

I'm not either! But I saw his post about this lot having a lot of usual colors and was super intrigued.
ok this might be a truly insane idea, but @Crystal_Dreams , did you see any of the "lavalier" style "cage" thingys in bracelet form? Andrew pointed out that drilling this lovely pearl would be somewhat sad, and it occurred to me that the kind of "cage/holder" that Paspaley makes could be really neat on a bracelet.
Unfortunately not! They do earrings and necklaces but that’s about it!

I think it’s probably because of how the net opens on one side. Would it possibly be a way that the pearl could fall out?!

What size is the pearl? Are you set on making this a bracelet pearl?

I do think the lavalier ‘hides’ the pearl a bit. As in, you may not appreciate the beautiful lustre and variations in overtone as much in it as it is somewhat hidden if that makes any sense? It is an excellent design if you don’t want to drill a particular pearl though!
@lovedogs What about something like this? I know he sells the settings separately (or he used to), although this may be too plain-Jane for your luscious pearl? Bird Cage Locket/Pendant


ETA: There are different sizes offered. :) What size is your beauty? I think I missed that up-thread.
I do agree with @Crystal_Dreams, I think anything that covers the pearl will distract somewhat from nuances like overtone. I think the cage @SparklieBug posted will be less distracting than the Lavalier though, the net is a much busier design!
@lovedogs What about something like this? I know he sells the settings separately (or he used to), although this may be too plain-Jane for your luscious pearl? Bird Cage Locket/Pendant


ETA: There are different sizes offered. :) What size is your beauty? I think I missed that up-thread.

This Is super pretty!!!! I'll need to think about my options but this is exactly what I was imagining. The pearl is 10-11mm
This Is super pretty!!!! I'll need to think about my options but this is exactly what I was imagining. The pearl is 10-11mm

I would think that this design would also good for a bracelet, as the pearl is very securely held, and the "basket" is also very durable.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)
Lovely pearl with really pretty colors!

If you do a pearl cage, I think David Klass could custom make one in a bracelet for you. I'd pick up a sterling silver one first and see if you like it with your pearl though. If you don't, a lot smaller expense. They have a lot of sterling cages on Etsy for a really reasonable price for a try out item.
Lovely pearl with really pretty colors!

If you do a pearl cage, I think David Klass could custom make one in a bracelet for you. I'd pick up a sterling silver one first and see if you like it with your pearl though. If you don't, a lot smaller expense. They have a lot of sterling cages on Etsy for a really reasonable price for a try out item.

That's a very good point! I will likely do that just in case I end up not liking it