
EGADS!! -- TIFFANY thread resurrected

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Your ring really is beautiful! Definitely enjoy it!!
Lisa, believe me, lots of us had diamonds from other places before we came to PS. Now that we know more, we can evaluate diamonds so much better. But you got a great stone from Tiffany! And truthfully, you really don''t see much in the way of inclusions on a VS1 stone plot! If your stone is clean from the top view, they would not plot anything! Mine has one tiny dot the size of a pinpoint in my entire diamond. So don''t feel like you''re missing something from having a tiffany cert. I would certainly be very proud to own a Tiffany solitaire. Since I found PS before I got my new diamond ring for an anniversary, I did choose to go for a larger stone from a PS vendor. But I did go to TIffany to try on their rings because I do love the look, just not the price. I did buy a less expensive piece there recently that I''ll eventually post and I LOVE it! However, something else I love there was their sapphire bezel earrings, but at $1800, I think I can probably have some custom made for around half the price. So for earrings, I am not willing to pay the mark-up.
Lisa, I think the ring and set are beautiful and yes on here it is very easy to get caught up in getting that ever elusive ring with the perfect stats.
If you ring is beautiful to you and makes you smile, who cares what that piece of paper says! (Easier said than done I know!)

Regardless, I hope you enjoy the ring!
As others have said don''t get caught up in all the number hoopla. It is easy to second guess yourself on pricescope. I know because my husband bought me a Hearts on Fire ring and even though the diamond was AGS certified ideal I was freaked out at first that it somehow wasn''t as good as the stones from some of the online vendors. Now I just appreciate it for the beauty that it is. To me a Tiffany ring is something special and they certainly don''t sell ugly diamonds. I have a gorgeous right hand ring and bracelet from them and the diamonds are incredible. Enjoy what you have because you are a lucky woman.

And Diamondseeker you are holding out on us, let''s see your new pretty woman!
Date: 2/1/2008 11:13:40 AM
Author: Sundial
As others have said don''t get caught up in all the number hoopla. It is easy to second guess yourself on pricescope. I know because my husband bought me a Hearts on Fire ring and even though the diamond was AGS certified ideal I was freaked out at first that it somehow wasn''t as good as the stones from some of the online vendors. Now I just appreciate it for the beauty that it is. To me a Tiffany ring is something special and they certainly don''t sell ugly diamonds. I have a gorgeous right hand ring and bracelet from them and the diamonds are incredible. Enjoy what you have because you are a lucky woman.

And Diamondseeker you are holding out on us, let''s see your new pretty woman!
It''s really a small item, but I am waiting to show it because it goes with something I don''t yet have. But hopefully soon!

I think I understand a little of what you''re going through. I thought the ''end all, be all'' for me was a Tacori setting. I got one. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. Does it bug me? On good days, no. Bad days, a little. Let me be clear: it''s a beautiful ring for which I''ve received gazillions of compliments. But I''m a PSer now . . . I know too much! I''ve now seen pictures of perfection and know I don''t have ''perfection''. But, what I do have is MY ring. No one else''s ring is MY ring. It is unique in its small imperfections . . . so unique I could pick mine out of a group of the same settings. (Does that tell you how much I''ve studied it?) In a very odd way, that makes it special to me.

We did know enough about diamonds to know what to look for; and although mine is quite good . . . it also is not perfect. And, it is a princess. When a princess is not perfect, it can be noticable to its owner. Would I love to own an eye popping gorgeous RB like Ellen''s? You betcha. But . . . my current ring has so much meaning to the two of us, I would never really want to replace it. You cannot replace sentiment and symbolism with an upgrade.
Lisa, what you are feeling is 100% normal. Anytime people buy a huge thing, a very expensive thing, it is typical to feel uncomfortable and to wonder if you could have done better and so on. You are so not alone.

Your stone is a beautiful one by any measure. Yes, I understand that it is tedious that Tiffany did not give you the plot map of the inclusions. I agree. However the good news is that on a VS1 there is darn little to see on a plot map!

I particularly like the use of a channel set band with that solitaire - very nice!

I would say go ahead and soak up all the diamond knowledge and then if you are one day shopping for a fabulous RHR or pendant or studs you can put it all to work.
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