
Emerald Cuts & Asschers - A Collection

@Bravissimo yes, totally get where he is coming from. I started with small round diamonds bead set . Then 1ct asscher, then added my eternities, and now 1.2ct asscher. The DSS does set in and I got the bling bug. Lol.

You could also have a smaller asscher in bead (gypsy) set so it is less obvious?? But some guys still find it hard to wear diamonds, as society has groomed that diamonds are for females. De beers say: Men have to fork out $$$ for whitest and biggest engagement ring for their fiancé.

Slowly slowly. Show him my ring. See what he says.
@Bravissimo yes, totally get where he is coming from. I started with small round diamonds bead set . Then 1ct asscher, then added my eternities, and now 1.2ct asscher. The DSS does set in and I got the bling bug. Lol.

You could also have a smaller asscher in bead (gypsy) set so it is less obvious?? But some guys still find it hard to wear diamonds, as society has groomed that diamonds are for females. De beers say: Men have to fork out $$$ for whitest and biggest engagement ring for their fiancé.

Slowly slowly. Show him my ring. See what he says.
Ok please don’t anyone get upset about what I am about to say. A lot of generalization and theorizing here by me based on my observations and I am definitely not questioning anyone’s choices or life. Let’s call this “Bravissimo’s Theory of Straight Old White Guy Ornamentation.”

I don’t think we can only blame Debeers. In many parts of the hetero male world in the US jewelry beyond a watch and a plain wedding band maybe an ID bracelet has been associated variously with flashiness, the mafia, gangsterness, artsy-ness, immigration, religion and ethnicity and non-hetero sexual orientations. None of these things are bad per se (ok organized crime and gangsterness are bad) but some are just accepted by some cultures as fine and they become so popular in that culture they then turn into stereotypes and/or signs. People not of that group avoid signaling they might be a group member by not wearing those ornaments rightly or wrongly.

As a result older strait white guys have a very limited repertoire that they can step into if the want to be fancy. Even class rings and cuff links can raise eyebrows here (I’m in DC and Northern VA. Jewelry in the district would be ok but out near WV not so much.) My BF likes my gay male friends but I get the feeling he would not want to have someone question or mistake his orientation and I think that is part of what would make him uncomfortable about it.

I think that might be changing among younger people. Like tattoos are now acceptable for anyone but people over 60 still think of them as a class thing.

At the same time Debeers gives the straight white guy the latitude to show he is capable of being a provider by spending extra income on his fiancee’s ring.

I did a bit of research and this article seems to hint that straight men (and maybe some gay, bi and trans men) don’t want to seem girly or androgynous. Steel is big. Masculine is big. Is sparkle gendered???

At the end they even say unmarried should go for “humbly stylish” as opposed to “Husband-like”. Like those are the only things that are tasteful for men. “Proudly stylish” or just Stylish is apparently too much or too ambiguous.

Maybe I could talk him into an asscher as part of his husband ring. To me your ring is a very masculine ring but the shank probably would need to be e em skinnier or flatter. But I know he would rather be more modest with plain platinum and have me buy Tesla stock with my money.
@Bravissimo i do not take offence, and totally agree with your view.

asschers are cut deeper to get that hall of mirrors look. so a smaller diamond will def allow for a flatter and skinnier band, adn therefore less obvious feel to the ring.

it is also what pp are more comfortable with. each has its own journey. fortunately, for me, i think, i love my bling and i love wearing them. I was hesitant in the beginning as it was for me a show of wealth and flaunting it. Due to a burglary some time ago, i let that thought diminish and now proudly wear my bling. Not necessarily to show it off, but more that i can wear it and enjoy it, instead of it being at home not being worn.

masc design/ designs have to fell comfortable on. if it doesnt, it doenst come into my collection. I was conscious of it when i first starting wearing diamonds, i think it took about 6mo to be comfortable and not self consciuos of it.

Not a lot of men i know, wear diamond rings.
but i wear it for me. :-)
@Neptune your EC ring is amazing. If you don't mind sharing - what are the stats?
I want gregchang35's ring, too. What an understated yet powerful vehicle for an Asscher! I would wear this every day.
Write to me in prison?
If only all of us could get together and cram our rings on someone's hand at once. We'd be blinding astronauts on the space station. That would be one serious gathering of gorgeous diamonds.

Inspired by your comment, I'm currently listening to Diamonds by Rihanna, haha.

"Shine bright like a diamond
We're like diamonds in the sky..."
Ooo, I believe I have not posted my second re-set in this thread!


The centre stone is 1.19ct E VS1 and it is now in its forever home.

DK :))
Ooo, I believe I have not posted my second re-set in this thread!


The centre stone is 1.19ct E VS1 and it is now in its forever home.

DK :))

Forever home, damn straight! That's an amazing setting for your gorgeous EC! Love it!
marcy. thank you so much! That's Patrick, 1.17 intense yellow EC. I think he barely made intense but he flashes all the time. I love all the step cuts, sounds like you do, too.

@Ibrakeforpossums it is amazing the flashes that come of a step cut. Your yellow stone is fabulous. Yes, I love step cuts too.
Ooo, I believe I have not posted my second re-set in this thread!


The centre stone is 1.19ct E VS1 and it is now in its forever home.

DK :))

@dk168 your reset is gorgeous. Enjoy!
marcy. thank you so much! That's Patrick, 1.17 intense yellow EC. I think he barely made intense but he flashes all the time. I love all the step cuts, sounds like you do, too.

Wow - gorgeous! When did you add Patrick to your collection? Does he have his own SMTB thread (and if not why not???:naughty:) I love the colour - quite unusual in an EC, I think. And looks to be a lovely cut as well. I think we need more pictures!
Here is my 7 stone asscher ring that I got a while ago. It was an ebay bargain.

1.4ctw, H VS1


That’s gorgeous! Do you know the size of the asschers?
Here is my 7 stone asscher ring that I got a while ago. It was an ebay bargain.

1.4ctw, H VS1


Wow. Gorgeous and even better it’s was a bargain.