
Engagement Ring Project: The Blurple Edition

Thank you everyone!! This really means a lot to me. One of my family members made a “joke” that they spent more on fancy meat for a party than we did on the ring which made me feel a bit down and self conscious… especially since it wasn’t “cheap” and getting to custom design my engagement ring has felt like such a privilege and luxury that I put a lot of thought and effort into! So hearing everyone’s positivity really helps reaffirm my decisions!!
Thank you everyone!! This really means a lot to me. One of my family members made a “joke” that they spent more on fancy meat for a party than we did on the ring which made me feel a bit down and self conscious… especially since it wasn’t “cheap” and getting to custom design my engagement ring has felt like such a privilege and luxury that I put a lot of thought and effort into! So hearing everyone’s positivity really helps reaffirm my decisions!!

Ewww that's just a super rude thing to say. Not to mention a huge lie bc it looks luxe as hell.
This is the loveliest engagement ring I've seen in a long time. Such a beautiful sapphire, and thoughtful design. It doesn't look cheap AT ALL. Why would your family member say such a mean thing, even if they don't have enough taste to appreciate something so beautiful? Maybe they're jealous that you have such a beautiful ring and loving fiance?
Thank you! I was really surprised that they said it but then said “I’m just joking” except no one was laughing…

This is the loveliest engagement ring I've seen in a long time. Such a beautiful sapphire, and thoughtful design. It doesn't look cheap AT ALL. Why would your family member say such a mean thing, even if they don't have enough taste to appreciate something so beautiful? Maybe they're jealous that you have such a beautiful ring and loving fiance?

I felt especially bad because my fiancé was right next to me and heard it too. He asked me if there is a negative stigma around sapphire engagement rings in the US (he’s not from the US) and I had to explain to him that maybe people think they’re a lot cheaper than diamonds and therefore might have that mindset?

But I’m not sure why she made that comment… I know it came from a place of ignorance but it was still disappointing nevertheless! And made me wonder how many more comments I’ll be getting from people for having a non diamond engagement ring.
The sapphire ring is gorgeous! :love: The blue-purple color makes my heart pitter-patter and the setting is perfect for the stone. It looks beautiful on your hand!
I‘m sorry your family member made that “joke”. It was mean spirited and it’s unfortunate, but it seems like there are always people out there that will try to rain on someone else’s happiness. I’ve even seen it happen on the forum with diamond engagement rings too, where people have had friends/relatives comment that the diamond is so small or not white enough, etc. Those comments are usually made by someone who is unhappy or is jealous. It’s hard to do, but I would try to forget about what they said and be proud of your beautiful ring!
I absolutely love it! Congratulations!
Your ring is beautiful! I love blurple or violet or whatever you call that color!!!
I'm sorry your family member feels insecure about their financial situation, or unhappy about their own romantic relationship(s) (or lack thereof), or jealous of your happiness and the attention you're getting, or whatever it is that's making them be mean to you about your gorgeous ring. But *I* keep going back again to look at your pictures of it because it's so elegant and a delight to look at. And I hope you and your partner have a long life together of contentment so perfect that you can rejoice not only in your own beautiful ring, but in every other beautiful ring you encounter, and in everybody else's happiness.
The sapphire ring is gorgeous! :love: The blue-purple color makes my heart pitter-patter and the setting is perfect for the stone. It looks beautiful on your hand!
I‘m sorry your family member made that “joke”. It was mean spirited and it’s unfortunate, but it seems like there are always people out there that will try to rain on someone else’s happiness. I’ve even seen it happen on the forum with diamond engagement rings too, where people have had friends/relatives comment that the diamond is so small or not white enough, etc. Those comments are usually made by someone who is unhappy or is jealous. It’s hard to do, but I would try to forget about what they said and be proud of your beautiful ring!
I absolutely love it! Congratulations!
This is really helpful to hear and remind myself of! Thank you. I figure that not just with this but with many other decisions like around the wedding ceremony, invitations, etc... there will always be things that people can comment on/pass judgment about. It's great to put this into perspective and practice letting it roll off my shoulders!

I'm sorry your family member feels insecure about their financial situation, or unhappy about their own romantic relationship(s) (or lack thereof), or jealous of your happiness and the attention you're getting, or whatever it is that's making them be mean to you about your gorgeous ring. But *I* keep going back again to look at your pictures of it because it's so elegant and a delight to look at. And I hope you and your partner have a long life together of contentment so perfect that you can rejoice not only in your own beautiful ring, but in every other beautiful ring you encounter, and in everybody else's happiness.
Yeah I'm not sure, but regardless of the reason or motive I appreciate the reminder of reframing my perspective! Thank you SO much for your kind words. My fiancé and I are very happy and I love being happy for others and celebrating in their joy!

Thank you again to everyone on this forum for all your support! It's really made me feel a lot better and helped me to reframe my perspective to focus on what's important to me and the intention/thought put into this commitment and engagement ring. Haters gonna hate!
Hi all!
I thought I’d complete this thread by presenting the final product of how my fiancé and I set this lovely sapphire into our engagement ring.

Video of the ring from all angles

Video of the ring on hand

I learned so much from this forum and process! It really sparked what I know will be a lifelong love and hobby in understanding gemstones, faceting, supply chains, ethical and environmental impact, art history, etc…

so I feel incredibly blessed and grateful for not only my fiancé but also discovering gemology and the limitless avenues I can continue to explore!

Its really beautiful and im secretly glad you didn't helo
What a gorgeous colour

your very rude family member needs to go choke on a piece of that meat

i dont care if they then say they were joking but its very bad manners to rain on someone else's (especially presumably someone they love) engagement ring parade
Your ring is stunning, I far rather have your e-ring than any diamond! Your rude family member's comment was beneath contempt:-(
So gorgeous and such a perfect setting for that stone. Will your wedding ring sit flush next to it? Now for designing the wedding band!!
Wow! Your stone and ring are GORGEOUS! Anyone with taste can see that. The perfect blurple sapphire in a VERY luxe setting - just amazing!
Wow, it’s absolutely beautiful, what a fabulous colour, congratulations.
I am so touched and grateful for everyone's positivity and support! :kiss2: I sincerely am so thankful and I know that I'll keep re-reading everyone's comments when I need a pick me up because I have no doubt that I'll get more comments from ignorant people throughout this wedding/engagement process so it's great to have all your kind words and thoughts to remember. I'm truly thankful and touched.

Its really beautiful and im secretly glad you didn't helo
What a gorgeous colour

your very rude family member needs to go choke on a piece of that meat

i dont care if they then say they were joking but its very bad manners to rain on someone else's (especially presumably someone they love) engagement ring parade

"choke on a piece of meat" :lol-2: this made me laugh, thank you!!

So gorgeous and such a perfect setting for that stone. Will your wedding ring sit flush next to it? Now for designing the wedding band!!

I'm not sure! I've been debating if I want a wedding ring. I'll have to try things out with the ring to see if that's something I'd want... If I were to get a wedding band I'd be inclined to go with a somewhat thicker platinum band with a carving or some kind of inspiration of the Rainbow mountains in Peru since that's where my fiance is from!

your ring is Gorgeous!! :kiss2:
I am so touched and grateful for everyone's positivity and support! :kiss2: I sincerely am so thankful and I know that I'll keep re-reading everyone's comments when I need a pick me up because I have no doubt that I'll get more comments from ignorant people throughout this wedding/engagement process so it's great to have all your kind words and thoughts to remember. I'm truly thankful and touched.

"choke on a piece of meat" :lol-2: this made me laugh, thank you!!

I'm not sure! I've been debating if I want a wedding ring. I'll have to try things out with the ring to see if that's something I'd want... If I were to get a wedding band I'd be inclined to go with a somewhat thicker platinum band with a carving or some kind of inspiration of the Rainbow mountains in Peru since that's where my fiance is from!


Wow !
What inspiration !

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