
Engagement Ring Shopping - Tiffany & Co?

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Apr 23, 2008
Hi all,

I found this site while searching around the internet looking for reviews of the Tiffany Novo. I have been looking around for a little while, and I have a very good idea of what my girlfriend wants, so I have gravitated toward the Novo with that in mind.

I have read quite a few strong opinions on here in favor of going with an alternate method - such as having another jeweler build something similar to the Novo, due to the cost savings.
My question is this - I have priced it and can get a Novo within a price range I am willing to spend, but at the same time, I can also get something that looks similar and has the same clarity and color (and "very good" cut on a bigger stone by almost .25) for cheaper. Is the Tiffany name worth the extra price, in terms of what it brings to the table? Is the cut and shine of the diamond going to be better, in spite of the other settings (clarity, color) being equal?

I believe that this is a very opinionated topic, with a lot of brand loyalty/anti-brand folks debating. All I am really looking to know is do people think that Tiffany diamonds stand the test of time and sparkle/shine better than what I could get elsewhere, and does the Tiffany setting bring better workmanship than something another jeweler will assemble for me?

If there are any ladies who have a Novo and are happy/unhappy with it, I would also welcome your feedback.

Your help and thoughts are appreciated.
Only you and your GF can answer if the Tiffany name is worth it to you or not...

The cut and clarity won't be nicer, you can get a very nice setting elsewhere too, but it won't be from Tiffany's. So is the blue box worth the premium? Because that is really what you are getting.
In my opinion, its a hit or miss with the Tiffany Novo, I''ve seen some really dull looking stones and some absolutely AMAZINGly beautiful Novo stones. It''s one of my favorite ring styles. I think if you want to go that route, you have to see the stones in person. I think it''s really important.

The closest stone I''ve seen to the Novo style has been the square H&A from Good Old Gold... Definitely not exact, but they look beautiful.

Good luck!

i''ve gone in once to take an initial look, but they only had very small novos there (i think it was less than .5) - so I am going back with a scheduled showing of 2-3 different sizes.

my g/f has no idea that i am even shopping - i just happened to find the novo, thought it matched generally the things she has said she likes in a ring (when commenting on the rings of others)...and the novo has been my #1 choice so far.
I agree, there are some amazing Novos---and then some that are not as amazing :) I would def. look at many before purchasing. I saw a larger one a few weeks ago (1.5 center) and LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! I personally think that if you can afford a Tiffany ring (I couldn't, but got one by luck), they do have great service and for some, the allure of the name can be important, and therefore may be a good option for you.

The Tiffany ring brings a lot to the "table" but better cut, "shine", etc. depends on the diamonds you are comparing. You can find a diamond as good or better, for less. This is 100% true. However, Tiffany does bring great, great customer service, 100% lifetime guarantee, and as I said before, to some it brings a certain feeling (good or bad, it is up to you and your girlfriend).
Date: 4/24/2008 12:38:40 AM
Author: UCLABelle
I agree, there are some amazing Novos---and then some that are not as amazing :) I would def. look at many before purchasing. I saw a larger one a few weeks ago (1.5 center) and LOVED LOVED LOVED IT! I personally think that if you can afford a Tiffany ring (I couldn''t, but got one by luck), they do have great service and for some, the allure of the name can be important, and therefore may be a good option for you.

The Tiffany ring brings a lot to the ''table'' but better cut, ''shine'', etc. depends on the diamonds you are comparing. You can find a diamond as good or better, for less. This is 100% true. However, Tiffany does bring great, great customer service, 100% lifetime guarantee, and as I said before, to some it brings a certain feeling (good or bad, it is up to you and your girlfriend).
thank you. from looking around, i think this topic has been beaten to death in other threads, so i may just be asking the same question that has already been covered- but i think you are right.
she owns an exhorbitant number of coach bags, so i am thinking that the tiffany name might be something which would also be important to her.
If you think it may be important to her (or, rather, be a really neat additional surprise with the actual proposal), then I would think the name may be worth it. You know her best :) Glad I could be of help!
i went this evening to tiffany's, and took a look at some novos along with some princess cuts. i was surprised at how good the princess cut looked alongside the novo- the setting on the princess shows more of the side of the stone, and the cut itself shows more surface area.
anyway, i thought the novo looked great, and is definitely in the running for my final choices.
i could get a 1.25 novo, I color, vs1, for about 5k more than i could get a 1.42 princess cut, vs2, f color from what another jeweler could build for me (that was the best deal i found so far anyway).
so ultimately i will be deciding whether i think the additional 5k is worth it. the tiffany setting was nicer than the one i mentioned though, so its more of a 4k difference if you figure in that the setting i had from jeweler B was a cheap one.
i plan to go back to each of these places at least once more each, along with checking out some other jewelers. having plenty of time on my side before i want to do this is definitely to my advantage.
If you wanted the look of a Novo, you wouldn''t get a princess. You''d get a cushion or square hearts and arrows. There are people on here who have duplicated the look of the Novo. I don''t have links handy, but if you do a search on cushion and look at threads from Show Me the Ring, you''ll probably see some. A princess would not duplicate that look at all.
sorry that was confusing the way i typed it- my princess comparison was based on the rings that i liked the most, and not based on trying to mimick the novo from another jeweler.
personally i would go with the Tiffany novo. if you were looking at a round, emerald, princess or any other "standard" fancy i would say no because there will be difference except what it costs you. and you can probably get a better stone for a better price BUT the novo is a perfectly square cushion and its is gorgeous. Dont compromise. you might spend a long time searching for a comparable cushion and it will in all likelihood not look the same because the NOVO is very distinctive. Cuhsions in general (nowadays) are all over the map visually (not to say you cant find a beauty ...).
Date: 4/23/2008 9:40:19 PM
Author: neatfreak
Only you and your GF can answer if the Tiffany name is worth it to you or not...

The cut and clarity won''t be nicer, you can get a very nice setting elsewhere too, but it won''t be from Tiffany''s. So is the blue box worth the premium? Because that is really what you are getting.

Ditto. I have a tiffany ring as the lucida was the only stone that I ever fell in love with and I don''t regret buying from Tiffanys for a second. However the novo isn''t one of their patent cuts so I''m not sure if I would buy a stone from them for a non-patent cut. It''s totally up to you and your g/f though and if you think that she would appreciate the Tiffany ring and you can afford it, then I would definitely get it for her. I tried on a 1ct novo when I was getting my ring last summer and it was beautiful! However you can get the same cut and clarity elsewhere. Best of luck with your shopping!
Oh how I wished you are my boyfriend! (is that you?) lol

Anyhow, yes get the Novo. Please for God's sake get the Novo! It will be well worth your money. Also, to answer your question, a gal who owns a Novo named sunnygirl said the following: (and I just love what she had to say about it)

"There are definitely a lot of people on here who will tell you to try and replicate the ring or buy a similar one and I read that advice and I totally thought it made sense. Why pay more for a ring than you have to? So we looked into it but i completely agree with you - I didn't think the similar rings have that same feel or beauty as the Novo. And trust me, when you see it in person and try it on, you will love it even more. After I first tried it on, I compared every other ring to it and they just didn't measure up. And every time I went back to Tiffany, I loved it more. (Thankfully, there is a Tiffany about 9 blocks from my house! Which comes in handy when I can stop by and have it steam cleaned for extra sparkle!) There is also the option of having it custom-made. But I think when you have something very specific in mind and you are trying to copy it, you run the risk of being frustrated if it is not exactly the same. In the end, I think he just wanted to go with the "real thing." I think the best thing to do is look for an H VS2. Mine is a VS1 but I would have preferred VS2 - would have been cheaper! The Tiffany rep can look up the nationwide inventory and call in any stone you are interested in. Also, just to let you know, Tiffany has a 1 year zero interest financing - you make a downpayment of like 25-40% depending on credit, then you can pay off the rest monthly.

So basically, I love my Novo. It is gorgeous and I get compliments on it all the time. I have a size 4.5 finger and it looks great - definitely not too busy! For us, it was worth it in the end. :)

One more thing - I know a lot of people say to pick a square h & A and set it in the ritani setting. There are a few reasons why this didn't work for me personally. First, square H&As which are the closest to the Novo cut are not cheap either. Second, I discovered that they face up smaller than the Novo cut. The same carat size as my ring in a square H&A faced up several mm smaller - i can't remember how much but I remember being suprised. Also, the ritani endless love setting is beautiful but it is a very different setting in terms of the prongs and baskets. I tried it on and I thought it was pretty but I wasn't as into the basket-type setting as opposed to the Novo prongs which left the sides of the stone open. Does that make sense?"

Update us with what you choose! Good luck
dreamgirl- thank you very much for finding that post from sunnygirl! That was EXACTLY the information i wanted. I am also running into the same thing - I went to Tiffany several times now, and have had them ship in Novos of varying size, color, and clarity.
I saw sunnygirl''s other post where she modeled the ring, and that also was a great thread for me to see - as the ring looks great on her.
I''ve also gone elsewhere, and had them "build" me some rings - I didn''t tell them that I like the Novo, rather just told them what I am looking for (princess or cushion center, some but not excessive pave set side stones). At any rate, I have found that to replicate the Novo elsewhere it is cheaper - but not THAT much cheaper. The other difficult part is that when I go elsewhere and find cheaper prices, the stones aren''t set, so it''s much harder to determine what the ring will look like as a finished product.
I like doing my due diligence and at least want to feel as though I have shopped around enough before I make this decision, so I have spent quite a bit of time in many different stores lately. I am hooked on the Novo as of now though.
I looked at an H/VVS2 yesterday - I want to go with VS1 or VS2, and am also contemplating going down to an I color, but am somewhat hesistant on that. I saw an I last week there, and I really couldn''t tell the difference between that and an H... but I want to see the I again and have it side-by-side with the H just so that my mind can be at ease. Does anyone have an opinion on I vs H, or is it another one of those situations where I just need to look at it and decide for myself?
I will let you know what happens.
HA! It's funny you ask because I just came across the same type of question in this thread:

Sounds like you may possibly tell a difference, but an I color will still look amazing. (Hello? Tiffany.)
lol If you looked at both colors already and can't tell a difference, chances are nobody else will either.

(BTW, the Novo is my dream ring. I have tried it on and it is simply stunning, your girlfriend will not be disappointed either way. If going down in color saves you quite a bit of money and is not that noticeable, I would go down a color. It will still be gorgeous!)
I can''t find the post, but there was a discussion recently about not all novo''s being equal.Apparently some are better cut than others within Tiffany standards. If you decide to go that way it''s probably worth having your local Tiff''s call in a few with the specs you want to you can pick a real sparkler.

Happy hunting!
Date: 4/30/2008 2:56:51 PM
Author: mercoledi
it''s probably worth having your local Tiff''s call in a few with the specs you want to you can pick a real sparkler.
I have been working with a salesman at the Tiffany''s near my work, and so far I have had him bring in a few. Based on the preliminary showings, I was able to decide on a size - right now though he claims that the size I am looking at (1.25) is rare and harder for him to come across. I guess there are only 2 in the system at the moment, and the one I would be most interested in already is in someone else''s queue. I have plenty of time though, so I have told him to keep an eye out for them and to let me know when he comes across any.
Sounds like you have it under control!

I''m not surprised there aren''t many 1.25''s; it''s an unusual size. Most people will be trying to hit a magic number (1.0, 1.5), so cutters try to hit that too to maximize sales. Most people walk into T&Co and say "I''d like a 1.5ct" not " I''d like a 2.3 VS2 I with medium blue fluoro".

The right ring will come along!
In terms of the I and the H-I was debating between them also when I was picking my lucida last summer. I decided to go with the I in the end as I couldn''t see a different even under natural light and it looks so white. Here''s a pic of my I

Date: 5/2/2008 5:53:47 AM
Author: bee*
In terms of the I and the H-I was debating between them also when I was picking my lucida last summer. I decided to go with the I in the end as I couldn''t see a different even under natural light and it looks so white. Here''s a pic of my I
thanks! yours looks great, and if you asked me to guess whether it was an H or I, I''d have no idea.
Same here. I love your Lucida bee! (I''ve seen your other photos you have posted as well and never got to comment!) Was it a huge price difference between the I and H?
Date: 5/2/2008 12:14:01 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Same here. I love your Lucida bee! (I''ve seen your other photos you have posted as well and never got to comment!) Was it a huge price difference between the I and H?
i know this question wasn''t directed at me, but roughly the difference in the rings i looked at (H vs I) was approximately 4k, but there was also a jump in clarity with those rings (the H ring was of higher clarity as well).

the salesman i talked to told me that the clarity would cause fluctuations in the hundreds, while color would cause fluctuations in the thousands.
Date: 4/30/2008 3:40:16 PM
Author: mercoledi
Sounds like you have it under control!

I''m not surprised there aren''t many 1.25''s; it''s an unusual size. Most people will be trying to hit a magic number (1.0, 1.5), so cutters try to hit that too to maximize sales. Most people walk into T&Co and say ''I''d like a 1.5ct'' not '' I''d like a 2.3 VS2 I with medium blue fluoro''.

The right ring will come along!
the salesman let me know today that the 1.25 in I has been sold. said he will reach out to me when something similar comes along.
Date: 5/2/2008 12:14:01 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Same here. I love your Lucida bee! (I''ve seen your other photos you have posted as well and never got to comment!) Was it a huge price difference between the I and H?

Thank you! The H was a 1.16ct so a tiny bit smaller than mine and they had the same clarity and there was about $1500 difference from what I can remember.
Date: 5/2/2008 6:13:16 AM
Author: ringshopper2008
Date: 5/2/2008 5:53:47 AM

Author: bee*

In terms of the I and the H-I was debating between them also when I was picking my lucida last summer. I decided to go with the I in the end as I couldn''t see a different even under natural light and it looks so white. Here''s a pic of my I
thanks! yours looks great, and if you asked me to guess whether it was an H or I, I''d have no idea.

Thanks. I was the same in the store-I couldn''t see any difference. I haven''t had any regrets with it though and would get an I again anytime.
I thought the novo was patented or pending patent as the diamond is a cushion-round?

Also I think the ring loooks better proportioned with a diamond closer to 1 ct.

My .02
Someone was talking about that before and as far as I know, they emailed and the Legacy and the Lucida are still the only patent cuts.

I agree with you on the 1ct point-I was looking at a couple and the bigger diamonds suited the novo band.
Date: 5/2/2008 12:23:42 PM
Author: ringshopper2008

Date: 5/2/2008 12:14:01 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Same here. I love your Lucida bee! (I''ve seen your other photos you have posted as well and never got to comment!) Was it a huge price difference between the I and H?
i know this question wasn''t directed at me, but roughly the difference in the rings i looked at (H vs I) was approximately 4k, but there was also a jump in clarity with those rings (the H ring was of higher clarity as well).

the salesman i talked to told me that the clarity would cause fluctuations in the hundreds, while color would cause fluctuations in the thousands.
Wow, that is a HUGE price difference for something that might not even be noticable. I''d want the I for sure then! lol
Date: 5/2/2008 6:50:46 PM
Author: bee*

Date: 5/2/2008 12:14:01 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
Same here. I love your Lucida bee! (I''ve seen your other photos you have posted as well and never got to comment!) Was it a huge price difference between the I and H?

Thank you! The H was a 1.16ct so a tiny bit smaller than mine and they had the same clarity and there was about $1500 difference from what I can remember.
That is still a HUGE difference in price.

As far as the Novo goes, I think anything over the .50 range looks good in the band because it is so narrow. Have you seen cosmogrrl''s .61ct Novo? It looks HUGE to me.
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