I absolutely love this diamond, this setting, and the personal tweaks you've made to it. This is a one-of-a-kind art piece and it looks so elegant on her hand! Very special all around!
I saw this ring on Grace's Facebook page and thought it was absolutely stunning. I love the modifications you've made and the reasons behind them, a one of the kind ring with a one of the kind diamond, does it get any better?!
Thanks for the tip about the blog and IG postings - had no idea! It's an overcast day here but maybe I can convince her to take a couple more shots the next time the sun comes out
It was a topic that got quite a bit of attention a few weeks ago, but with deciding to have the ceremony sooner than anticipated, we're crossing some of the other details off the list at the moment. Will circle back and let you know what she comes up with in that department
That ring is INCREDIBLE; I love the symbolism of the notes and what it means to both of you. I love Erika's rings. I am so happy for both of you; many congrats and happiness
Oh, so this belongs to your lovely fiancee. Congrats to you both. I saw this ring on the other sites as well. Thank you for sharing... beautiful story and modification to the ring to personalize your love for each other.
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