
Extreme Contouring

I stopped dying my hair in college. I used to color it a dark burgundy for fun, but it left my hair so damaged that my ex actually recoiled his hand in horror when he touched it. I’m in my late 30s and I don’t plan on coloring my hair as my grays come in.

My daily skincare routine since I was a child is moisturizer only. I don’t wear makeup unless I’m going to a wedding. Part of it is my lifelong ineptitude at applying makeup, and part of it is fear or aggravating my eczema.

Moisturizer is so important. So is suncreen. People are frequently surprised when they find out I am in my 50s because my skin is in good shape. So, keep moisturizing. The sun is poison to our skin too and is very aging.
True. It is personal preference. My mom has *never* colored her hair. Unbelievable but true. And you know what? It looks OK. I mean she would look younger if she colored it but now being older I realize it was a good choice. When I was younger I was more judgmental about the fact she wasn't coloring her hair but now I get it!

My mom in 2008 (my dh is next to her but cut off in the photo)


She had plenty of grey but you couldn't tell with her hair up like this back then.

And today. Much more gray.

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To my older eye it looks attractive and is a very good choice IMO. Especially now that I do not want to bother coloring and damaging my hair further. Isn't that funny how one's perception changes over time.

Your family is beautiful. And I love your mom's hair. You are so right, coloring also damages it and healthy hair is so much more attractive.
Your family is beautiful. And I love your mom's hair. You are so right, coloring also damages it and healthy hair is so much more attractive.

Thank you @asscherisme. They are truly beautiful on the inside. Appreciate your kind words.

Moisturizer is so important. So is suncreen. People are frequently surprised when they find out I am in my 50s because my skin is in good shape. So, keep moisturizing. The sun is poison to our skin too and is very aging.

Agree completely. I had to stop moisturizing my face for a few months when I got a nasty outbreak of perioral dermatitis in 2014 and OMG it really made my dry skin look so old. So relieved when I was able to go back and start moisturizing again. Makes a huge difference. And ditto re the sun. It is poison to our skin despite the Vit D benefits.