
Facebook weirdness - duplicate account?

Verdy|1316223652|3019245 said:
IndyLady|1316219894|3019204 said:
I think someone you know has created this profile. For attention? Why, I don't know, but I think it must be the most plausible explanation.. :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

Save screenshots, report to Facebook, and keep us updated please!

This might be very plausible, it's one thing to have it happen once, it's totally different when there's TWO accounts under your name. Especially if your name is one of those that don't get seen too often - if at all. Hopefully FB will get to the bottom of it (much dust your way)! Can you think of anyone that doesn't like you very much, has had a hostile relationship with you, a recent argument, etc.? Friends often do it out of spite to others when there's been an argument or something of the sort. Let's hope you get this resolved ASAP, it's a very creepy situation as it is!

Circe, is it possible that this could be one of your students? They're not all sweetness and light, in my experience. I know that a/some students at my institution created a fake FB profile so they could send a very vicious personal attack to a member of staff.

Any chance of this? That's where my mind went. Could even be a "practical joke" on their behalf.
Maybe it's a new form of spam? I haven't looked myself up but I wonder if they are starting to do that on FB?
Here is the scenario I'm thinking.

Step 1, Spammer goes and searches a bunch of people, and then creates new accounts with the same names and bogus info (duplicating whatever is publicly available on the real person's page).
Step 2, Spammer waits. Person B searches for person A and find the bogus account instead and friend that one.
Step 3, Spammer posts whatever junk they want to, and then person B gets junk on their news feed.

So maybe it's just some kind of industrial spam scheme rather than something directed at you?
Either way, it should be reported to FB and they should delete the account/block the users. I hope that they do that soon for you, because it sure is creepy!
vsc|1316232202|3019303 said:
So maybe it's just some kind of industrial spam scheme rather than something directed at you?
Either way, it should be reported to FB and they should delete the account/block the users. I hope that they do that soon for you, because it sure is creepy!

I've never heard of FB spam bots...never thought of it, but I did just did a search and found a few links talking of FB viruses that hack accounts and various other things.

Circe's situation seems too intense though w/her previous history. I hope FB helps out. One thing though is I would not block the accounts of the fake people b/c then you won't know what they're up to. Is there anyone in IT you can talk to who can locate if the accounts/computers are instate or somewhere else?
Ugh - I hope you get to the bottom of this. It does sound malicious - like someone might be wanting to harm your reputation - but I wouldn't rule out more damaging forms of identity theft either.
VRBeauty|1316238044|3019334 said:
Ugh - I hope you get to the bottom of this. It does sound malicious - like someone might be wanting to harm your reputation - but I wouldn't rule out more damaging forms of identity theft either.

Exactly. That's why getting copies of credit reports may be a really good idea!!! Just make sure nothing unusual is showing up. Keep checking them every three months.
Circe|1315951223|3016807 said:
Can anybody out there reassure me that this is not the beginning of some nefarious identity theft/convoluted prank?

Sorry but nobody can assure you anything. I am also bothered how these social media sites are affecting our personal lives. It's hard nowadays to point out where that poser took all your details, whether here or some directory assistance thing. I was once a victim of identity thieves, I even had an issue of having all my details online, photo of my passport and SSN. That was as crazy as shit.

i guess the best thing to do now is address your concern to Facebook, they act pretty quick when it comes to privacy issues these days. They have been stabbed with so many issues about personal info exploitation so they're gonna be proactive to assist you.