I wanted to see if I could start a thread with reputable Instagram sellers...if anyone is willing to share their sources!
For the new buyer it is often hard to differentiate between them all!
I did see the reputable seekers post, just not many Instagram sellers on there.
Lots more. Offhand that’s who comes to my mind initially.
US based, gets all sorts of fun stuff.
Fantastic precision gem cutter. Also can do commissions. Ahes
Another precision cutter. Less active on IG but is also super talented. https://instagram.com/shinypreciousgems?igshid=sweqijv9vr6t
Precision cutter #3! Lots of great stuff. https://instagram.com/saltgemsco?igshid=3jbkq5icfnuv
Based in Hong Kong. Has good connections with spinels, sapphires, and other stuff asia side.
This was covered very comprehensively earlier this year
eBay and IG vendors
Just in the last two days, I have seen PSers name two vendors I had never heard of — Poli and LindenHill. I know there is a list that is sometimes updated under Antique and Vintage. But I was wondering if anyone would care to add a sentence or two about any particular small vendors they like...www.pricescope.com
Im afraid you kind of need to read a lot though to get a feeling for whose who and what theyre like to deal with. So its not really enough just to have our lists of who we routinely browse.
Also the subforum that will generate the most interesting answers to this question is really jewelery pieces plus the antique and vintage subforum. Typically most of the antique jewelery vendors sell by instagram.
You might want to share a bit more what your goals and tolerances are. You can find IG sellers at every step of the sales chain, going earlier in the chain significantly reduces the price but also increases the risk. Ex:
Gem source/cutter in a low-cost region (ex: Pakistan, India, Thailand)
Gem middle-person in a low-cost region, selling both to dealers and consumers
Gem retailer selling to consumers in a low-cost region
And then a similar progression for high-cost regions like the US
I like my hobbies to be an adventure and so I am usually looking to work with people earlier in the sales chain and get as close to the source as makes sense. But others have different priorities like having the smoothest possible experience. Neither approach is wrong.
Thank you! I guess I should have been more specific. I was thinking more of ones that people have bought from/worked with and had good experiences
I’ve bought from and had good experiences with:
All beyond reproach, imo, and most have real B+M presence. None are "what can I get for $100?" places, though.
I’ve bought from and had good experiences with: