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On 2/5/2004 11:59:55 AM LawGem wrote:
My $0.02? I think that in all this endless upgrade talk, we have totally lost sight of the fact that an engagement ring is a gift. A gift! It's not an entitlement, however much it may be a tradition. And every etiquette manual out there will tell you that it is insufferably rude to return a gift to the giver with a request that s/he get something bigger/nicer/more expensive.
I'm sorry, but I don't subscribe to the school of thought that all women are entitled to precisely the engagement ring they want, whether it's at the engagement or 15 years later, especially since, in most cases, the guy is paying for the entire thing.
Is there nothing to be said for graciously accepting a gift for what it is? Valuing the thought and effort over the carat size?
I guess I'm luckier than I realized to have a wife who has told me again and again that her ring is perfect because it's something I picked out and designed. Maybe we're just weird?
And yes, the breast analogy is perfect. There will always be someone more/better endowed than you are; constantly comparing yourself to what others have is a sure-fire road to unhappiness.
It is completely uncanny to me how much we think alike, LG. I said just the same thing in another thread. It is a GIFT, and one that is given with a great deal of sentimentality. A woman can own ANY other pieces of jewelry she wants to in life, but there is just no way to compare any other object (jewelry or otherwise) to the e-ring/w-ring. It is given from someone else, and should be accepted as given.
I was fortunate in that my FI knew I was very into jewelry and asked me to pick it out. But what if he hadn't? What if he had picked out an emerald cut ring (which I would not have cared for?). That's right.....I'd have worn it, and worn it with pride.
Even though I picked this stone and setting......I STILL see it as his gift to me. I picked my tiffany 6-prong setting as a temporary setting, but he really likes it, so I'm thinking of sticking with it for a while.